Chapter 123: Forming a Contract

Chapter 123: Forming a Contract

"Qing Lin, later, I will release a magical beast. Don't be afraid; I'm here with you," Gu He said in a gentle tone as he rubbed Qing Lin's little head in their room.

Thinking about the unattractive appearance of the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, Gu He wanted to mentally prepare Qing Lin before releasing it so that she wouldn't be startled.

"A magical beast? Teacher, are you giving me a magical beast?" Qing Lin asked with a hint of confusion in her emerald eyes, then nodded, saying, "Yes, Teacher, don't worry. I won't be scared."

During this time, following Gu He, she had learned that her teacher was not an ordinary person. After witnessing many secrets on Gu He's part, her mental strength had also grown.

Gu He smiled and, with a thought, directly released the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake from the system space.

In the next moment, a massive creature appeared in the room, and the grotesque form of the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake was revealed to both of them.

With the appearance of the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, the room, which had been spacious moments ago, suddenly felt cramped.


The dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake's body pressed onto a table, immediately crushing it into pieces.

"Idiot, don't you know how to make yourself smaller?" Gu He scolded the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake angrily, looking irritated as he watched the room become congested.

Hearing this, the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, who had just been released and was still confused, felt a bit annoyed. But considering the purple flames inside its body, it reluctantly shrunk its body.

As the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake's body became smaller, Qing Lin could finally see the appearance of the magical beast in front of her.

Seeing the two monstrous serpent heads of the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, even though Qing Lin had prepared herself, she couldn't help but be startled and hid behind Gu He in fear.

"Qing Lin, don't be afraid. With your teacher here, it won't dare to act recklessly," Gu He consoled her in a soft voice, watching the frightened expression on her face.

With Gu He's soothing words and her trust in him, Qing Lin gradually relaxed and finally dared to look at the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake.

"Qing Lin, don't be afraid. Open your eyes and focus your attention. Look into its eyes," Gu He held Qing Lin's small hand and gently approached the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake.

As Qing Lin got closer to the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, she couldn't help but feel a surge of fear when she looked at its monstrous serpent heads. Feeling her body tremble, Gu He continued to reassure her. "Don't be scared. If it dares to harm you, I'll skin it alive."

"Come on, listen to your teacher. Open your eyes wide, focus, and look at it."

Encouraged by Gu He's gentle encouragement, the little girl finally raised her head and met the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake's gaze.

Looking at the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake with its huge and fearsome heads, its chilling double pupils, Qing Lin's pupils involuntarily contracted.

In the next moment, three small green dots suddenly emerged beside Qing Lin's emerald pupils, as if out of nowhere.

This time, the three small green dots that appeared were clearer than on any previous occasion.

Furthermore, upon closer inspection, these three green dots seemed to resemble three tiny flower buds.

The three green dots in Qing Lin's pupils suddenly shone brightly. In an instant, the three small dots turned into three extremely tiny green flowers.

With the emergence of these mysterious green flowers, a strong gleam of light suddenly shot out from them, illuminating the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake in front of them.

As this peculiar radiance shone on the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, its massive body suddenly stiffened. Its two huge eyes stared at the young girl with a hint of fear.

The peculiar radiance began to move slowly across the body of the dual-headed Fire Spirit Snake, finally stopping in the center of both serpent heads' foreheads.

Once the radiance ceased its movement, it slowly began to shrink. As the area of the radiance grew smaller and more concentrated, it started to shine brighter. The radiance's range became smaller and smaller until it was the size of a palm, at which point it stopped shrinking.

With a burst of faint light, two small green flowers were imprinted on the two heads of the Fire Spirit Snake.

As the flowers appeared, the faint light gradually dissipated. After a moment, the tiny flowers in Qing Lin's eyes quickly dispersed, returning to their previous emerald color.

After her eyes returned to normal, Qing Lin's body swayed, her eyelids gradually drooping, and she finally fell down.

Seeing this, Gu He's face changed, and he immediately realized what had happened. He swiftly picked up the young girl.

However, after Qing Lin fell down, the massive Fire Spirit Snake remained dumbfounded, but whenever its gaze fell upon Qing Lin on the ground, its ferocity and fierceness would involuntarily disappear, replaced by a docile demeanor.

"Ding! Detected that the host has given the third disciple Qing Lin a Level Four magical beast, the Two-Headed Fire Spirit Snake. Congratulations to the host for triggering a tenfold return and receiving a Level Seven magical beast, the Scarlet Flame Magic Jiao. The Scarlet Flame Magic Jiao has been placed in the system space for the host to collect. Please be aware."

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Gu He's mind.

Hearing the system notification in his mind, Gu He didn't pay it much attention at this moment.

He watched as Qing Lin regained consciousness, and quickly took out a pill from his spatial ring, placing it in her mouth.


As the effects of the medicine took hold, Qing Lin in Gu He's arms gradually woke up. She shook her drowsy head, raised her head, and looked at Gu He who was holding her. Her cheeks turned slightly red, and her slender fingers rubbed her temples. She then softly asked, "Teacher, what happened to me?"

"It's okay. How do you feel now?"

Seeing Qing Lin wake up, Gu He breathed a sigh of relief. He spoke with concern.

"I'm not sure," Qing Lin replied, with a hint of confusion in her emerald eyes. "I don't really know... but I seem to have established a strange connection with it. I can sense its thoughts."

Hearing this, a smile crept onto Gu He's lips. Since the young girl had such feelings, it meant she had succeeded.

"Qing Lin, try giving it a command," Gu He suggested.

"A command..." Qing Lin tilted her head, then looked at the massive Fire Spirit Snake before her and said softly, "Return!"

In the next moment, the green light on the Fire Spirit Snake's foreheads surged. After a brief moment, its gigantic body rapidly shrank, turning into a streak of green light that shot into Qing Lin's sleeve.

Her small hand curiously patted her sleeve, and a hint of amusement appeared on Qing Lin's face as she said softly, "How miraculous!"

(End of this chapter)


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