Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 215 A Big Celebration Feast



Rita was insane for some alcohol, and quite honestly, me too. The wine of the fairies was made out of delicious, sweet fruits and sap, so it was very sweet to the point it got your mouth numb for a bit, drinking a cup or two quickly get you drunk.

It has really been a while since I got drunk myself, I dislike the feeling and I honestly had tried once to use it as an escapism, so I haven't drank alcohol in years because I didn't wanted to repeat that in my life. But the game was different, this world… it was a brand-new life after all, so I could cut myself some slack and leave aside any responsibilities.

We moved inside the castle and we were greeted with a lot of servant fairies and guards celebrating. The queen asked for their help at setting up the banquet and everything else but then let them leisurely join us. Nieve had finally come back as well, with Florie who was still slightly tired.

"We are back! Florie's feeling a bit tired but she insisted on coming anyways…" Sighed Nieve. She had gone to look for her but probably tried to leave her at home after finding out she was still sick, probably. But Florie is Florie, so she tried to come with her big sister.

"I-I am not missing such a big event!" Florie said. "Also you came looking for me, big sis!" Florie adorably pouted.

"R-Right… But I wanted to leave you there if you still felt bad…" Nieve sighed.

"I am okay, don't worry! Hehehe." Florie giggled as she looked at the pastries served over the table, there was a mighty big quantity of them.

I had never seen this type of food in this game, as I mostly cooked and made what I had at hand. I've made some very simple cakes but nothing as beautifully elaborate as this! They definitely had cow milk to make this cream, and probably chicken eggs as well! Maybe if I level up my farm summon I could get those cattle animals as well… I'll definitely do that after evolving.

"Wooooow! This is so sweet and fluffy!" Florie immediately regained all her energy as she began devouring the cakes with happiness clear in her eyes.

"I am glad you're enjoying them, I helped at making them myself. I have quite the high leveled Cooking Skill, and recently I unlocked the Pastry Chef Title." Said Titania with a prideful smile while puffing her chest.

"Eh? You cook!?" Rita asked.

"Yeah, I learned how to cook to feed my children back then when everything just began. After many years they learned how to cook themselves and later formed pairs, adopting newly born fairies, so my role as their mother slowly reseeded and I had more time for myself, but even then I am still cooking. This last year I have begun making cakes…" Titania said while feeling slightly embarrassed of talking about her hobbies.

"Wow, that's so cool! I also love cooking, but I often don't have time nor ingredients to make pastries like you do…" I sighed.

"W-We could join from time to time if you want!" Titania felt slightly excited. "I've also eaten your delicious food, so I am sure I can learn a lot from you."

"Sure thing! Can I come to your kitchen from time to time then?" I wondered.

"Yeah, for sure Planta! In fact I wanted to tell you that you should feel like home here. All of you guys as well, you're free to come and go any time you want without needing any formalities." Titania said with a smile while blushing a bit.

"W-Woah, really?" Titan asked while drinking some wine. "Are you sure?"

"Damn, that's great!" Achlys celebrated. "Does that means I can come sneak out some booze for myself?"

"Not all the time…" Titania quickly glared at Achlys slightly annoyed she was talking so much about alcohol. "But you can come and we can enjoy a cup or two sometime too, Achlys.

"Yaaay! We are going to become drunk buddies." Achlys celebrate by drinking another cup.

"Just how many have you drunk already?!" I complained.

"Hehehehh… Hic…" Rita was laughing like a little girl doing mischievous things.

The party continued, as we went to sit down around a big table, and some people quickly came with a large service of grilled meat and other preparations, delicious broth made out of the meat they raised here, which the queen named "Forest Cow", which were several times bigger than normal cows and they even had some goats and sheep.

"So you got so many cattle animals! I wonder if I could get a few myself? You see I have the Farmer Class so maybe I could get bonuses or something if I begin raising cattle myself."

"I suppose we can sell you some." Said Titania. "Of course with discounts. But our economy is rather frail, I don't think I can gift you many things…"

"Ah, it's fine! I got a bunch of money actually!" I said happily.

I had indeed gathered over a million gold by now- no, I think it's already two million? I don't know how much that in terms of players is but it is probably little compared to what people can grind.

"I guess we could sell you a few for ten thousand each." Said Titania.

"You've got a deal!" I said.

Cattle was surprisingly cheap! I guess they're not really on demand in the player base so they don't even ask for them anywhere. Although maybe 10k Gold per animal would be pretty big for the me in the past. But as of now, I am filthy rich to the point money keeps falling from my pockets.

"Very well then, we'll set things up for tomorrow, or whenever you got time." Titania said with a smile.

"Nice, thanks a lot Titania!" I said with a smile.

"It is nothing Planta, you're a sweetheart. It is the least I could do." Titania said gently.



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