Born in Blood

Chapter 429 Friend

Chapter 429 Friend

Kerian had a confused look on her hardened face.

"Then… why need her body?"

Liam contemplated whether or not he should answer.

Judging from Kerian's mental waves — at least, what Liam could understand from them — she wasn't intending betrayal or deception.

In fact, she was suppressing her aura in order not to intimidate Liam.

"I eat people to grow stronger," Liam answered.

"I see," Kerian said with a serious face. "I am almost jealous. And kind of scared."

A pause.

"What Abomination can you control?" Liam asked her as they continued walking, changing the topic. "I wasn't able to see you fight properly."

"Two types, Sire," she answered. "A Physique Enhancer, and a Flame Shooter."

Instead of explaining further, she outstretched a hand, causing it to transform into a vicious, oversized claw, swirling with crimson flames.

"This is just one hand. I can do the same with the rest of my figure. Makes me stronger and tougher to kill."

The Elders watching from afar were alarmed, trailing over Liam and Kerian in fear of an assassination attempt.

"I can see that they're worried about you," Kerian said seriously. "I don't mind being disliked, but do I have permission to defend myself?"

"Without inflicting serious injury or murder," Liam answered, "yes."

"I like this place already," Kerian smiled with fangy teeth.

Her claw reverted back to normal, but immediately after, fire swirled around her right shoulder, spreading to her arm and hands.

A fire-type Abomination had formed. It was one with Kerian's arm like a parasite.

Like tentacles of fire, it twisted from her shoulder all the way to her hand, converging onto her palm and forming a circular mouth.

It had no eyes of any kind, but it kept breathing in fire, judging by the intermittent dimming and brightening glow it released.


Fire shrieked around her hand, condensing.

Then, Kerian aimed it towards the sky.


An insanely fast streak of fire shot towards the night sky like a sniper bullet, producing a deafening shockwave.

Then, it exploded in an upward cone, causing sparks and embers of fire to spread outward right after.

Out in the distance where Ilali was, an audible cheer rang out.

"Not bad," Liam said, nodding to himself.

"Thank you."

Finally, Liam arrived at his front door.

Kerian was about to enter alongside him, but he quickly denied her from doing so.

"You're new around here, so I'll give you a few tips. Rumors spread faster than sound. The acolytes are gambling addicts, so don't get roped into their shenanigans. Elder Jax is a sadistic torturer, Aki is bipolar, Jane is relatively normal, minus the potions she concots from dead things. And the rest, you'll slowly find out. Ask Jargon for more details, if you're ever confused."

"Welcome to the Temple of Shadow."

Kerian blinked wordlessly.

And Liam closed the door.

'She looks like the hardened, grim-faced, cynical type,' Liam thought. 'She'll fit right in.'

A moment later, Liam secluded himself in the basement of his home.

There wasn't much to do, really, other than cultivate and wait until the ceremony was over with.

Sentimentality was still a waste of time in his opinion. Dwelling on the past changed nothing.

Neither did worrying about the future, but at least one could still affect what was coming.

The past was the past. You couldn't get it back, no matter how hard you tried.

All you could do was lift your chin and move forward.

This was one of the reasons why Usan put Liam in charge.

Perhaps he needed someone who wouldn't falter or give into emotion, no matter how affecting it was.

Liam caressed his trembling space ring.

'After this…'

Lips curled to a smile.

'I'll become a Zenith. My mental sphere's already close to advancing, but there's no way I'll still be stuck in the Mortal Ranks after eating her entire corpse.'

'The Self Tribulation will be the hardest to undertake. As long as my core and Chaos Pearl don't advance at the same time, I'll be fine.'

'I can't even imagine the Tribulation that could come with a Rank 4 Chaos Pearl.'

'Perhaps it's even harder than the Self.'

'There's also my blood!'

Liam was getting giddy just thinking about it.

Rank 4 Blood.

Rank 4 Chaos Pearl.

Rank 4 core.

Rank 4 mental sphere.

…Rank 5 body?

Maybe, maybe not.

A few hours passed, and an Elder came to inform Liam of the ceremony.

He left the quarters and made his way to a specific patch of the island.

When Liam arrived there, he had to admit the scenery was quite beautiful.

Glowing pink sakura trees were visible as far as the eye could see. The only source of light in the dimly lit area.

Here and there, crystalline rivers and bodies of water harmonized with the docile fauna and lush plants, producing a calming ambience and pleasing aroma.

Tranquility was everywhere.

And in the center of it all, an obsidian headstone, below which was Usan's broken mask.

Thousands of Elders and acolytes were huddled around it.

Liam watched from afar, crossing his hands over his chest as he leaned his foot against a tree.

"Not gonna say anything, my liege?" Jargon appeared at Liam's side.

Liam pursed his lips.

"Nah. This isn't about me."

Jargon nodded with a slight smile.

Hours passed as elders and acolytes said a few words of prayer before leaving towards their duties.

Their moods looked uplifted compared to before. No longer as glum and dark.

One after the other, they began scattering in different directions, having said their final goodbyes.

Eventually, all the figureheads and Elders had departed.

Except Liam.

He approached the obsidian headstone. Little engravings were on its surface, made by other acolytes and Elders.





'Drinking buddies.'

'Gambling partner.'

Liam looked at the headstone pensively, then crouched below.

Using his sharp finger, he etched something on its surface, chuckled to himself, then headed straight back to his quarters in case anyone saw him.


The etching read:



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