Born in Blood

Chapter 387 Sandworm

Chapter 387 Sandworm

Liam's eyes narrowed as he perched atop of the control building. It was slightly on the bigger side. Eight stories tall.

The only entrance to such a building was at its foot. But no civilians of any kind were entering it.

'All three Zeniths are inside.'

'If the toxic barrier is anything like a Formation, all I have to do is fiddle with the controls for a bit until I've figured out how it works.'

Liam could sense where the three Zeniths were.

But in reality, he couldn't help but be a little worried.

After all, there were three Zeniths inside this building!

Three Zeniths!

Fighting them at the same time was incredibly dangerous.

Very, very dangerous.

…But doable.

Granted, he'd have to resolve himself to lose some liters of his blood.

And maybe a few kilos of his flesh.

Liam just had to be smart with what he could sacrifice.

After a few minutes of overthinking, Liam merged together with the tower and swam downwards.

He had become a shadow, slipping down each little crack and orifice to arrive at different rooms.

Liam had to be slow.

His shadow abilities were not invincible.

They had limits.

Mainly, wherever he passed by, it wouldn't go by unnoticed.

Someone watching could see the shadows in that particular area ripple like water.

Mental energy didn't pass through the shadows, but that didn't hinder vision in the least.

Although there were just three Zeniths in the building, the number of normal Imperialists amounted to dozens.

Liam avoided the rooms near the Zeniths.

Avoiding a fight until he locked the place down was for the best, but there was a high chance the Zeniths were in control of the Formation room.

'Wouldn't hurt to check,' Liam thought.

He emerged within an empty room, assessing it with scrutinizing eyes.

It was well decorated, but that was it.

A living room of some kind.


Liam repeated the process and ventured to all the other spaces, which were either toilets, living rooms or bars, of all things.

There was even a room dedicated for the Abominations to live in!

As though it was some sort of pet daycare!

'No Formation room.'

Liam moved onto the rooms monitored by the low ranking 'Fearists'.

Killing them required little to no effort.

Liam's Shadow Clones spread beneath the Sea of Darkness.

When a total of four Liams came together, it made killing easier than taking candy from a baby.

At least, the weaker ones.

Pretty soon, more than ? of the building were killed.

…Still no Formation room.

It was pretty clear that one of the rooms the Zeniths were guarding was the room Liam was looking for.

Most likely, Merisa herself.

But Liam didn't know which one was Merisa!

'Judging by size, it could be the one in the middle.'

But there was a ? chance that wasn't the chase.

In the first place, there was a ? chance that the Formation Liam wanted to enable wasn't there.

Unfortunately, all three rooms looked the exact same to Liam's eye.

They all had some sort of container in the center of the room.

And an Imperialist was covering the door that led to it.

One of them was reading a book.

The other was cultivating.

The third was training with an ethereal Abomination. Some sort of mental training.

Other than that, there wasn't anything out of place.

Liam remained motionless for several seconds.

This was not a small decision.

Though… it was a bit dramatic.

There was nothing special about someone picking out which room to attack.

At the end of it, Liam picked the middle room to attack.

With the Fearist reading a book.

'She's the laxest of them all. Probably since she's stronger than the other two.'

Liam gripped the Black Blade tightly and steadied his feet right above the Zenith's room.

The shadows within the room subtly rippled.

Liam saw the woman's face.

Fair skin. A sharp scar running across from her chin to left eye. Hardened blind eyes and a firm aura.

When the shadows rippled, she furrowed her brows and looked up.


As her sharp gaze went towards the shadows, Liam's eyes connected with the container in the center of the room.

It was a glass tube filled with… slime?

Toxic slime.

The same slime as the barrier!

'Alrighty then,' Liam thought.


Liam left the shadows with a massive kick to the ceiling.

He burst into Merisa's room, ramming into the giant tube of slime with his shoulder.



Slime sprayed everywhere.

Merisa's eyes widened with incredulousness, her jaw swung open in shock.

Through the window on the other side of the room, Liam could see the toxic slime barrier crystalize.

The Imperialists within the colony looked utterly casual, and went on with their day.

Liam looked towards Merisa, who had a severe grimace on her face.

"You have one second to explain who you are."



Merisa gestured upwards.

The ground shook violently.

Something was coming fast!


Liam used all four of his swords to block the giant maw of what looked like a vicious sandworm.


With the momentum and force that it emerged out of the ground with, it sent Liam flying through the tower's roof.


Suddenly, he was twirling in the air.

Liam's shoulder and elbow cracked a bit, making him grimace.

A massive freaking sandworm!

When it sent Liam shooting upwards, it made a U-shaped curve and vanished into the ground, leaving no visible mark on the earth.

Liam steadied his body and managed to land on a fang-building before he fell flat on his face.

Then, he fixed his footing.

Merisa and her two comrades emerged from the ground and flew in the air above him.

The other two were quite similar to her, only different in skin color and scar shape.

"Little squirt," Merisa said, her voice surprisingly deep for a woman.

"What do you think you just did? Suicide is much easier alone. Painless, too. Throwing yourself into a lion's den is too much, no?"

Liam smiled coldly.

"I'm not stuck in here with you."

Liam's grip tightened around his blades.

"You're stuck in here with me!"


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