Born in Blood

Chapter 360 Proof

Chapter 360 Proof

Hearing the word 'alliance', Alucard's face reverted to a neutral, pensive expression.

There was silence, but the sounds of a calming orchestra began playing in the background.

A gentle melody.

Usan didn't say why they needed an alliance.

But that was for a very simple reason.

They couldn't flat out say their intentions from the get-go.

Why wouldn't Alucard simply notify the Dual Empire of the Temple's goal?

They could request something in return, while simultaneously pitting one country against another.

On Earth, alliances were marked by betrayal.

Even if two countries were at their friendliest relations, a simple disagreement over food could result in an all-out war!

But obviously, things were different here.

Wars were incredibly risky to initiate.

Especially when dealing with powerhouses and the sort.

Most of the time, the casualties suffered were above and beyond the realm of understanding.

However, just as wars were risky, they were rewarding.

No matter what casualties were suffered, so long as another powerhouse's resources were reaped, it didn't matter.

Rank 6's had vast reserves of accumulated wealth and rare resources, materials and techniques.

Their stash alone could fuel a country.

Luckily, Usan was not one of these people, so the bounty on his head was not as heavy.

And yet, despite this massive prize to top it all off, a war still had repercussions.

The aftermath of a war weakened even the victor's forces.

What stopped another ruler from sweeping in and killing two birds with one stone?

Nothing, really.

Unless there were alliances.

Even if it was an idle alliance in name, one couldn't take it lightly.

Alucard leaned back and clicked his nails on the mahogany desk in a rhythmic fashion.

To Liam's knowledge, Alucard did not have any public alliances.

Sure, there was the flesh supplier he traded with.

Maybe the Imperial Legion or the Dual Empire, or someone else entirely.

But trading was not the same as allying.

Even enemies traded sometimes.

"What sort of alliance?" Alucard asked with a hard gaze.

"We won't bite off more than we can chew," Usan replied seriously. "A supportive alliance is in our interest."

A supportive alliance was self explanatory.

If either of the countries were to fight, they would support each other.

So long as it benefited both parties.

"We're roughly eighteen thousand in number, with a few hundred Zeniths," Usan explained.

"We're also allied with more than two dozen Rank 5 clans, and their numbers are similar to our own."

"In total, we should have about seventy thousand total combatants."

"A similar number of support would suffice," Usan concluded.

Alucard hummed noncommittally.

One had to remember the size of Korsa.

It was a continent.

Alucard's forces were in the millions!

Obviously, Korsa wasn't owned entirely by Alucard.

But the majority was.

And here Usan was, asking for an alliance from a person who was clearly in no need of it.

"And I'm guessing you'll tell me why I'll take this deal?" Alucard questioned curiously.

"I don't mean to be rude… but you're crumbling apart, aren't you?"


News really traveled faster than sound.

Usan's disease was already public.

Like the Pashah said, there was really no need to ally with the Temple.

Especially when considering that, in a few years, Usan would not be alive.

"I know," Usan said casually. "But you would have kicked us out already if you didn't want to hear the rest."

Alucard remained silent.

Usan continued with an unfazed expression.

"The uncalled for invasion of your country years prior. Have you found your culprits?"

Lightly, Alucard's brows furrowed.

But the atmosphere of the space changed.

The gentle orchestra in the background gained an eerie, sinister tune.

For a moment, the revolting feeling in Liam's stomach appeared… but vanished just as fast.

"We have," Alucard replied seriously. His crimson pupils grew a shade darker.

"A small country by the name of Paragi towards the south."

"They've already been dealt with. The escapees were also identified among them."

'Dealt with' was a nice way of saying eradicated off the maps.

It was Liam's first time hearing the word 'Paragi', meaning the Royals kept parts of their invasion plan quiet.

But Liam realized something much more important.

Liam was mistaken about his earlier deduction.

'He doesn't know I was among the invaders.'

Liam hid a smirk.

The majority of vampires lived in Korsa. There was no doubt in that.

However, that didn't mean 100% of the population chose to say.

Some defected and created groups themselves.

They just needed outside help to get transported from Korsa.

That was how Liam kidnapped Niveh, after all.

Perhaps that was what Alucard imagined Liam had done. Killed off a rogue vampire and devoured its Nexus.

"My Minister of Security has long been executed," Alucard continued as though he spoke of the weather.

"One thing I hate more than deceit is laziness."

Liam could agree with that.

A tense pause followed.

"It wasn't Paragi," Usan cut in. Alucard's eyes constricted vertically at him.

"It was Echoria."

The orchestra in the background suffered an abrupt stop, making way for an uncomfortable silence.

"A bold claim," Alucard said blankly. "Where's your proof?"


Usan gestured to Liam.

"He was there."


Alucard's gaze was aloof, but menacing and deathly.

"And you're offering me his head, yes?" Alucard asked with a cold smile.

Usan chuckled briefly. Liam suppressed the urge to glare at him.

"No," Usan said firmly. "Who do you think ordered him to do what he did?"

"Plus, there's living proof," Liam added calmly. "A border vampire by the name of Niveh is possibly still alive and working with the Echorians."


Tap tap, tap. Tap tap, tap. Tap tap, tap.

Alucard continued drumming his nails rhythmically, staring blankly at Liam.

Unflinchingly, Liam held his gaze.

After five seconds of stillness, Alucard spoke.

"This is beyond words. Bring me solid proof of their involvement," Alucard said, rising to his feet and adjusting his tie.

Usan and Liam stood up with him.

The Pashah flicked his fingers and a crude, stone-made token formed in his hands. "A method of communication."

"Bring me proof, and you can consider me an ally," Alucard said, turning around and heading up the stairs. "Until then, gentlemen, please take your leave."


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