Born in Blood

Chapter 335 Harmony

Chapter 335 Harmony

Ever since Liam's body had become a Triumvirate, the color of his eyes were no longer fixed.

He could make them white, black, green and even rainbow.

It was for this reason that his eyes were no longer bloodshot and dead tired when he inscribed or forged.

Even if Liam's head rumbled like a thunderstorm, and his vision swam, his eyes looked normal. Which it currently was.

Every day, ever since becoming a Rank 3 Magus, Liam had trained with the fourth Psionic Rune.

Then, at times where he didn't have much to do, he'd bolster its progress by adding powerful Beast Wills to store and cook.

All of this made his reflexes and mental fortitude incredibly potent and precise.

Truthfully speaking, the fourth Rank of the sea of consciousness was actually close.

Liam was in the third Rank of the sea of consciousness for some time now.

But at the same time, it was far. Such was the case with all of Liam's mental advancements, and he stopped trying to predict them.

Liam began inscribing.

His blood-tipped fingers traced the lines of the canvas, ranging from wide gestures to small, minute details.

Now and again, Liam would take a wide step back and assess the entire canvas before moving on.

It was like an artist drawing their masterpiece.

Liam tuned out all sounds from his mind.

There was no sound to begin with, but besides the task at hand, any thought that didn't belong to making the Black Hole spell just died away.

The previous Trials helped Liam retain focus.

All of his thoughts were refined like blades.

'The key to solving their balance issues is creating a harmony between Absorption and Repulsion.'

'I've already studied both of them and their differences.'

That's how Liam made the Black Hole spell in the first place.

'But now I have to apply harmony and make sure the forces are balanced with one another.'

For this, Liam had to repeat the Black Hole and chaos 'mixing test' over and over.

Basically, the chaos had to be a small amount.

It couldn't go above the size of a finger tip.

Any further, and any strengthened version of Liam's Black Hole will get ruined by its repulsion.

But that wouldn't take away from the mixing as a whole.

Liam's chaos was a densely packed energy.

It was pure potential energy that, once made kinetic, literally imploded under the weight of its power.

This was also why Liam's chaos was so damn unstable. It wanted to explode, but wasn't allowed to.

So, even a small amount of chaos equaled a large amount of darkness.

However, finding the perfect size for both forces was incredibly difficult.

For example, a kilogram of feathers is the same mass as a kilogram of steel.

However, to classify as a kilogram, they required varying amounts.

A tiny piece of steel equaled a giant bag of feathers.

This was essentially what Liam was doing.

Essentially, both had to be equal, but also had to differ in size, which was hard to do without a scale to measure them.

To compensate, Liam basically did a 'warmer-colder' strategy.

If a change in size was wrong, he'd revert and pick a different direction to go to, and so on.

And damn if it didn't make his brain hurt.


2 and a half months passed.

Liam heaved a very long, tired exhale.

His multi-colored eyes drooped from exhaustion.

He was laying on the grass with his arms spread to his sides.

Finally, the Black Hole spell was done.

A Rank 4 spell.

Liam made a Zenith spell with just a Rank 3 sea of consciousness.

It was an amazing feat.

However, one might think differently once they realize what the spell did.

It didn't increase offensive ability, nor did it provide defense, nor did it increase his prowess in any way, shape or form.

It was built to suck.

Liam sat upwards and raised his right hand.

Like usual, a small vortex appeared.

But unlike normal, the gravitational force of the Black Hole was already pulling Liam's hair!

Liam forced away a smile.

He couldn't help feeling a bit prideful since he actually succeeded in making a Zenith technique.

Slowly, the vortex grew…

…and grew.

Until finally becoming the size of a human head.


The gravitational pull was now immense, and the hum produced by the Black Hole was incredibly loud.

Air was being sucked into it rapidly, but it made no churning noise.

The air swirled around it to form a horizontal ring around it, sort of like an accretion disk a real Black Hole came with.

Liam felt like his body was being pulled towards the Black Hole, but a technique could not hurt its caster.

Theoretically, Liam could kill with this technique, even if it wasn't built for murder.

If even a normal human slapped it, the gravitational pull would disappear, and the Black Hole would stop working.

But left undisturbed, the Black Hole could basically make a mess of a person's insides, pulling away their organs and flesh.

Nevertheless, Liam stored those thoughts for another time.

Liam raised his left hand.

'Please work, please work, please work,' Liam thought with furrowed brows. 'I'm done with this damn place.'

Chaos churned on his left hand.


Beginning as a dot, it grew to the size of a human eyeball.

This was the ratio Liam used.

The Black Hole was the head, and the chaos was an eyeball!

It was fitting, all things considered.

But now, the pieces had to fit together.

Slowly, with hope-filled eyes, Liam brought the two pieces together.

The Black Hole's gravitational pull seemed to affect the chaos's repulsion effect.

Slowly, the loud shrieking noise the chaos produced was no longer as loud and obnoxious.

It was like the sound of pouring rain.

Yes, it was still chaotic, but the Black Hole had given it a gentle quality.

The same could be said for the Black Hole.

Its gentle humming noise went from loud to slightly quiet, but without losing its distinctive property.

Their qualities were rubbing off on one another.

This was a good sign!

Then, Liam clasped his hands together.


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