Born in Blood

Chapter 154 Both Worlds

Chapter 154 Both Worlds


Rishe snorted derisively as soon as he heard the challenge.

The so-called 'Golden-Eyed Vagrant' had been giving him a massive headache for the past month or two.

Many students of the academy began to compare the two's achievements, and after considering Lawrence's age, they concluded that what the peasant did was much more impressive.

Rishe didn't deny it. Lawrence was indeed an amazing student that excelled in the cultivation journey.

But so what?

Despite coming from one of the richest and famous noble families in Echoria, Rishe still focused all his time on growing his strength… with the occasional indulgence in pleasure.

Which meant he had the best of both worlds.

Wealth and power.

Backing and influence.

As a profound parable, he even had two elements.

"They will know the difference between us," he muttered coldly under his breath.

Glancing at the token, he spoke two words.

"I accept... on public conditions."

The token flickered off on his words.

At that moment, Rishe took out a circular pill from his ring, golden in color with inscribed lines on its surface.

Smiling, he threw it in his mouth and ingested it slowly.

His core churned violently, but contrary to the pain Rishe was going through, the gaseous contents within forcibly changed state into liquid.

Rishe was instantly entering a new sub-stage!

The Voist family specialized in alchemy. Especially expediting the core advancements of the Mortal Ranks.

The pill Rishe had just consumed had been made by the family patriarch himself, a Zenith ranked celebrity!

An hour passed and his core finally stabilized, making the noble smile.


Over the next few days, the academy was in an uproar.

Three of the strongest students had made an abrupt return, and the most infamous of them instantly challenged the House of Honor owner, a third year student with a Rank 2 sea of consciousness.

That was absolutely crazy, especially since Lawrence was a first year, and by extension, a Rank 1 Magus. Yet somehow, the students didn't think it was so simple.

Despite the classes being on break, most of the professors had an interest in coming to the event.

Especially Janice, who had been relentlessly knocking on Liam's door for an "inspection".

Obviously, Liam pretended he wasn't home, but on more than one occasion, the battle prowess professor attempted to break in and find out herself.

Thankfully, the Headmaster intervened before his house was turned to rubble.

The wager would take place in a week, and Liam had wholeheartedly put that time into practicing with his martial arts and new spells.

The Phantom's Edge martial art was amazingly fast with its movements.

Despite speed depending on the physical prowess of a cultivator, martial arts had the ability to strengthen and bring out certain aspects of their strength.

Zenith Ranked techniques took that to the next level.

Each stroke made the blades look near invisible, turning into faint black lines that lingered mid-air. There was still a long way before Liam could master it.

He learned the basics of the art, before pairing them with his new spells to get a good feel for his new fighting style.

Though, he hadn't taken out the third Psionic Rune from the Armory just yet.

'I'll buy it right after the wager, along with magical beast parts and other items. I don't trust my restraint to stop me expanding my mind right before the fight.'

A week passed quickly.

After a well rested night, Liam showered and ate his fill, then donned his usual clothes and left the house.

Instantly, his eye met with at least fifty students shooting him a variety of gazes.

Some looked at him with contempt, others blushed as their eyes met his, and a few looked awed.

Liam frowned.

'These people…'

Heaving a sigh, Liam began heading towards the Battle Halls.

To his dismay, the crowds of students only grew bigger and rowdier over time.

They followed a good distance behind Liam like stray cats and dogs, excitedly murmuring between themselves about the wager.

Despite resting and taking off the stress on his mental sphere, Liam still felt a headache.

Although he didn't think he would need all the spells in his arsenal, Liam couldn't go all out knowing there were so many eyes watching.

He would hold off on using Shadow Clone or Surge Burst unless he was absolutely forced.

The Binding Oath could only do so much, after all. Liam didn't put any trust into that mechanism.

His own Binding Oath was wiped away due to the Kitsune's influence.

What was to stop a Zenith from doing the same?

Abruptly, the sounds of cheers and laughter brought Liam out of his musings.

He had arrived at the Battle Halls, which was brimming with first year, second year and third year students.

"You really got yourself a following, don't you?"

Nord and Rin appeared beside him, broad smiles on their faces.

Liam gave them an annoyed side glance.

"They're not my followers. Don't you two have anything better to do?"

Nord chuckled briefly in response, and Rin shook her head.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world. Even if you didn't challenge him, I would. Then again, that guy is already a Rank 2 Magus, so my chances of winning are slim."

A path opened between the students as they noticed Liam approaching, like a parted sea.

Further up and opposite to them was Rishe himself, wearing his signature silver, oceanic blue and azure robe, representing his wind, water and ice.

He was surrounded by a group of popular nobles just as rich as him, including a familiar face that Liam had spotted – the same girl that slapped him once.

She looked at Liam with venom in her ruby eyes, but her existence was ignored.

'Maybe one slap wasn't enough.'

On the sidelines, nearly all the known professors had gathered around to watch the event.

Even the Headmaster was there, holding Janice by the arm like a leashed pet in case she wanted to join the fray.

Nessa was hidden among the crowd as well, unable to help herself from coming to the event.

Inwardly, Liam spewed countless curses, a dark expression on his face.

The entire bloody academy was there!

Despite the Battle Hall's giant size, it was jam-packed with nobles and peasants alike.

All that was missing were the Royals, and the circumstances would qualify for a corny bar joke.

Rishe's azure irises locked onto Liam's, and the former grinned.


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