Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 971 971 Abuse

Chapter 971 Chapter 971 Abuse

"It's no use, girl. Although you are strong but that evil man is even more powerful than we can imagine." Rosemary said.

She and the rest of the party were sitting in a huge table that could accommodate hundreds of people all at once. They grouped up here of all places since this was their only source of food and sustenance.

It did not need telling that delicacies of all forms and taste were freely displayed upon it for anyone to pick.

Some ate while some others wanted to rebel and die because of hunger than take any food from their abductor.

"Maybe so but I believe that there's a solution to every problem. We just haven't found it yet." Mari responded. She looked around and inspected every inch of her immediate vicinity.

It showed her positive attitude in life. A lot like her son in the future.

"You should eat, Lady Rosemary." Bethany offered amidst the deafening silence that followed. It was obvious that she had long been awake from her sleeping feast.

"I won't starve to death, Bethany. You need to eat. Please don't follow in my ways." Rosemary replied and gave the good mortal a kind smile.

She was almost 3,000 years old and would survive long without the need of eating any sustenance whatsoever. The same could not be said unto Bethany and the others.

"I shall heed your words, Lady Rosemary." Bethany nodded and proceeded to pick one fruit on the table. She ate silently thereafter. The gloomy atmosphere persisted.

Rosemaru sat beside Furinji Mia who froze there mourning about the ones she had lost. Kōsaka Shigure slumped on the floor several meters away from a discarded sharp sword.

It appeared that she had lost her faith on her most beloved weapon of choice. It has not saved the masters of Ryozanpaku and it won't definitely save her as well.

It was now a useless piece of metal and nothing more.

This depressing image continued until someone arrived to make them move in place.

"Oh? Why does everyone have a long face? Let me take you out then so we can all get some fresh air." Our evil mc said to liven things up a bit.

A moment later, everyone found themselves standing in the broken village of fire.

"What?!" Everyone that has eyes was stunned in place. The women almost exploded in come right then and there while the men looked with great envy.

They could not believe at all that such a perfect man existed on this world. This was their initial reaction before their stupefied mind could function clearly once again.

They did not even notice how this group of 6 arrived almost instantaneously before them.

"Mari!" And it was the strongest man on the scene who shouted his response above the rest.

"Flying Thunder God Technique!" Kumatsu Toyokumi activated his jutsu and within moments, he was already transported beside his wife.

He would have no doubt escape with Mari but alas, our evil mc was faster than him.

"BANG!" A terrible shockwave rocked the place and it scattered all throughout the village.

If anybody was not informed about Sean's appearance then they would have definitely known about it because of this great disturbance.

"WHOOOSH!" Kumatsu Toyokumi returned to his original spot but he was not so perfect than before. There was a shallow gash of wound on his neck.

If he had been a little bit later to react then his head would have surely been chopped off in the aftermath of that exchange.

"Lord-sama!" The ninjas shouted in alarm as the crowded to rescue their village head. They then looked at our evil mc with both fear and hate in their eyes.

A minor character could certainly not be able to hurt their Lord. Thus, there was apprehension in their eyes as they tried to measure the handsome foe before them.

"Stay back! You are not his match!" Kumatsu Toyokumi instructed. Truth be told, he was also dazed for a couple of breaths the first time he met our evil mc.

This had told him more than enough that this was absolutely a difficult enemy to deal with. One should know that even 1 second of pause was most fatal to any ninja on this world.

It was more than enough to kill him 3 times over in that duration.



"DING!" Hundreds of kunai knives fell on the ground. No one witnessed how they came to be or when. It could be seen that Kumatsu Toyokumi was indeed doing his best to get his wife Mari back.

"WHOOOSH!" Kumatsu Toyokumi appeared and disappeared in a flash. His figure could be seen attacking Sean but it was deftly parried by the latter.

This went on for a dozen breaths before it became clear to the audience that Kumatsu Toyokumi was slowly edging towards the motionless form of Mari with every blink and flicker.

"I grow tired of your monkey dance, Kumatsu Toyokumi." Sean finally had to stop this circus.

"BANG!" A heavy irresistible pressure descended on the scene and this was more than enough to stop everyone and everything on the village.

All people was forced to kneel and those that went against it had broken legs to show for it.



"CRACK!" This ugly sound roamed freely until the last man, woman, and child was at the feet and mercy of our evil mc.

"What kind of technique is this?!" The previous Lord, Ebiruno Tadizo uttered in distress. Just like the rest, he was also helpless to resist against this op power.

He was not as careless as his student Kumatsu Toyokumi and so he tried to spy about this unknown man 20 kilometers away from his spot.

This old man could not believe that he was still affected with him hiding on this substantial distance. Ebiruno Tadizo has not seen anything like this in his long life at all.

He could even hear clearly what Sean said in the next breath.

"This is how everyone should appear every time they see me." Our evil mc said in a voice that invited no defiance.


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