Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 869 - 869 83

Yet i also detested it at the same time because i would have to lie, cheat, and play fake again in front of my loved ones.

A thing that i blamed myself for my innate fear that they might see me differently the instant i let my inner demons surface from beneath the deepest abys of my soul.

But alas, I guess my current abhorrent appearance was also an act of rebellion in and of itself so as to let them see the ugly truth behind the mask that I'd worn before them.

A slight solace in feeling and knowing that they loved me still even i, at this very moment, was not that pleasing in comparison to the sculpted mirages that they took.

The second ticked ever so slowly and in its loitered wake, i determined to finally let it be. A few moments still and four pair of eyes opened one after another.

I wanted to rush towards them then embrace everyone but after being away from them for so long and when i remembered my dark evil past, i stilled the impulses down. I was not worthy to be with them.

"FUCK THIS SHIT!" I roared in my mind and wanted to defy the very essences that held me up. But try as i might, i found myself standing there like a bygone statue.

Forgotten by time and evoked by not a single soul anymore.

"Damon?" my dear mother was the first one to get reacquainted with reality.

"I'm here, mom." i smiled at my lovely mother. She was beautiful and perfect. And in my eyes, there can never be another woman that could replace her glory. Not even my queen, Alwyn.

My family was truly the only weakness that i have left.

"Where are we, son?" father asked while he checked the condition of my sisters who had yet to get over with nauseating feel of their rebirth. He was joined by my mother in a second.

And all i did was stand there like a static parking space. I would have not noticed if someone peed at my feet at this moment.

My complete attention was towards my family and how i wanted to go to them and hug them once again. The eras came and went. The epoch appeared and vanished.

And as even the eons entombed the cold heart inside me but sadly, there was always a thought that plagued me throughout the heartless passage of time.

"Why can't i be with my family?" I was the most powerful existence in my previous reality yet i couldn't even save them all. I bit my lips and i tasted my blood that flowed warmly in my mouth.

The memories returned as if it had just happened yesterday. And when i recalled them i full, i couldn't help but cursed the wretched system once more. FUCK YOU, Nomad!

"We are in a world called Silara Z5Q2, father." i answered after my silent musings.

"You must have paid a great deal of m..."


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" dad continued to say but he was not successful in completing his words. Twin pitiful cries echoed in the confines of the room and i appeared as dispassionately as an aged cunt.

Though deep inside i felt like there was a big hand that was gripping tightly on my heart. And i hated every second of this feeling. This flaw.

"What about my friends, mom?"

"Are they all going to be okay?"

"Destiny, Tracy, Christian, and Dan."

"When can i see them again?" My sisters took turns in asking questions only i knew the answer of. Mother looked at me for help and i has not the heart to tell them the truth.

"Kiera. Stephany. Don't worry about them. I'm sure their parents had taken them all away also just like what we did.

Somewhere out there, they're all worried and crying while thinking the same thing you do about them. They're all safe. I promise."

i played the part well and even smiled purely that softened up the disgusting guise on my face.

"Are they really living some place out there in the stars, brother?" Stephany, the softer one asked.

"Yes." I lied once more and I knew that this was only the beginning of my deceit.

* * *

"BOINK!" the reunion with my family was cut short with the entrance of a beautiful goddess. Right on cue, i mused within.

"It seems like there's new faces in your circle of friends, Damon." Father commented with a smile while mom only frowned a little.

"Her name is Lucia, father. This one's Lorelei and Alwyn." I introduced the newly arrived first.

They did not wonder how a woman could magically appear from out of nowhere and just assumed it was because of the teleportation technology that was widely used in my past world.

Even the beauties that separated my group from the rest of the camels on the field was deemed ordinary with how physique changing was readily available to the masses.

The heavens were not the limit to where the rich can spring their slimy paws. I would assume that the same boon of a thriving scientific domain would serve true even to this place and time.

"Is it done?" i asked to the purple haired lady.

My parents all thought that I was bribing these cunts to be with me so i let that unspoken assumption fester in their minds until they accepted it as truth already.

Everybody knew that money can buy everything. Well, at least many things.

"Yes. Our home is ready, Damon." Lucia answered plainly.

"Very good. Take us there."

"What about the family of these women, Damon? Have they also safely arrived in this world?" mom, the ever caring woman queried. Of course i had to implant some fabricated memories into their minds.

Or else this whole ruse would have been as real as the smile i was currently wearing. Aliens. Invasion. Our Escape. And here we were. A classic fear of humanity.

"Don't worry about them, mom. They're all fine." I lied.. Or maybe not.


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