Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 858 - 858 72

"Soul Excision." I murmured the words and the revelry i was in crumbled into pieces.

Each picture of beauty and allure returned to the illusory worlds of fancy and within ten breaths, i was back once more on the icy snow white.

"You have lived a mirage of a happy life, Teresa. That is enough i guess." i parted with these words even as her smoldering carcass returned to whence it came.

* * *

"Why do you wish to live that much?" my voice resounded in the ears of the lone traveler amongst the clouds.

"FUCK!" the man cursed out loud and stopped his futile escape. My body barred his path in the sky and we hovered on the air like kings above a dominion of snow.

"So Teresa..." the man stated instead but did not complete his words.

"She's gone." i finished his thought for him.

"I see." the man uttered and laughed so much that i could see tears coming out his eyes in just mere minutes of supposed mirth. I let him continue and enjoyed the scenery around us.

The wind felt cold as it gales touched my skin but it was refreshing at the same time. A quick reminder that i was not alone in this world.

And there were forces that continued moving even without the influence of my will upon their own. It was a humbling thought and i relished on that fact.

After all, where was the fun in having it all in one serving? I smiled with this thought in mind and looked forward to enjoying the process of my conquest.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to this world now?" asked i unto the man before me after he laughed no more.

"Why?" it was his turn to throw his question and i knew exactly what he meant.

"Because you had wished for me to kneel down before you." i said to clear his muddled mind.

"That simple, huh? I don't even know you."

"I assume that would be the case. Just think of me as Teresa's older brother. Or perhaps one of those husbands whom their wives were toyed with by you.

Maybe even a relative of one of the families you've murdered in the past. Think how you like. Doesn't change the outcome." i said in length and as expected the man just took in it calmly.

But the same could not be said inside though. For it seemed like his heart was going to jump out of his chest with how much activity he got in there.

"Okay then. Before you do anything. I have just one word for you! FUCK YOU VERY MUCH YOU FUCKING CULTIVATOR!" the man said his last and i honored his wish.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" he howled like a madman before he plummeted to his death.

But that was not really the case because i had his soul in me, paving its way to suffer for an eternity of torment within a place especially prepared for someone of his kind.

"Farewell, boss. And FUCK YOU indeed!" i muttered and left the place undisturbed. This cold boring place was really not suited for my noble self.



"BANG!" the music of destruction raged upon my ears the moment i surfaced from the void. There were gigantic toys the size of skyscrapers flashing around in iridescent shades.

At times, only the afterimages of the oversized container can be seen because of how quick each of these tin can's movements were.

And in the middle of it all was a lone static tiny transport, the sole unaffected crown amidst this ghastly scene of devastation.

I would have entertained more guests but dealing with these many cretins in one day was becoming dull.

"Death shall not be alone tonight." i whispered and waved a hand out towards where the humanoid metals engaged my lovely bitches' refuge.

"Please halt, Fellow Daoist." a voice out of nowhere. I looked for the source of the sound and it was after another two breaths that it appeared. It was a she to be specific.

Her figure was small and petite and i doubted she even reached my calf in height. But her seemingly lacking in stature was balanced out by her garments. Her full regalia took the hues of scarlet.

The familiar shade of blood runs not only on her exterior but i could determine with just a glance that the sticky crimson life essences within that tiny body was extremely thick and strong. 

Her pulse vibrated with vitality and i could even hear it even as i stood there 20 feet opposite her form. Deafening and Exuberant. What a lovely surprise she was.

"So you finally show yourself. Got tired of peeping from afar?" said i with a smile.

"It is my duty to safeguard the citizens of this world, Fellow Daoist. Please don't take it to heart." replied the little girl with a smile of her own.

"It would appear that you have a very loose definition on the term citizen."

"Donovan and his crew are but parasites. A few of them gone would be a great service to all of humanity. And i have yet to thank you for that, Fellow Daoist.

Please accept my sincerest thanks in behalf of Cerberus." the little girl bowed slightly and i was pleased at her wise antics.

"You could have eliminated such ants with a lift of one finger. I don't deserve your phony gratitude at all." we continued talking while everywhere around us was the not so subtle barrage of explosions.

It was noisy to say the least and i was not truly fond of something that existed to ruin my aesthetic pleasure. So i added before the little girl could respond,

"Do you want to remedy that yourself or do you need my unwanted help again?"

i uttered and a telling smile was seen upon my face, completely conveying my barely held contempt on the maggots that tried to force their way open into my properties.


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