Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 854 - 854 68

We were one with space and looked towards the gigantic blue spherical world directly before us.

"Did you say your goodbyes?"

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, young master." two women with different point of views. Classic! But i did not correct their words. There was great beauty in divergence after all.

"Then let us tarry no more." i stated and chanted a familiar tone.

"Soul Capture." and a breath later, the three forms who once stood upon the precipice of nihility was gone together with the breath of chaos around the countless heavenly bodies of creation.


"Surprise. Surprise. It's nice to see you again, Mr. Hannes!"

* * *

"Metal balls on fire! Who are you?!" Mr. Hannes was surprised by my entrance. We were on a huge arena like those in the medieval times with a large crowd gathered around us.

And in the center of it all was my good old friend Hannes the Controller, who was pumping a lovely woman down to her place.

"I did not realize that you preferred synthetic artificial skins than natural flesh, Hannes." i replied unto the fool's question.

The naked man disengaged from his partner and i saw him muttered something and even his hands ran upon the air with fast flicks of his fingers.

I waited him out and smiled at the futility of his actions.

"What are you?" Hannes the metal fucker queried in panic. Thirty minutes had already passed and he got nothing out of his repeated attempts.

"Oh? Am i that easy to forget? Hmmm. Let me remind you then." i responded and imparted a thought or two unto man who wished to enslave me in the past.

"This can't be! You died!" the fool's reaction was epic.

I would have wanted to chat with him more but since this was a man, not a woman, then there was really nothing much that would interest me in such a conversation.

"I did die, or did i?" i smiled again one last time before i threw my parting words.

"Enjoy your stay here, Mr. Hannes. Trust me, it's going to be a while."

"What?! WAIT!"

"BOOM!" the scene changed to welcome a collection of gargantuan sizes of upgraded mortals. The ogres in my past.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" i heard the unwilling cry of the fallen. Too bad I don't feel pity to the objects of my vengeance.

Even Aiden was still currently getting boiled alive at this very moment. A consequence that would continue for all of eternity. I shook my head and cast away these insignificant side characters of my life.

"Where is this place, young master? Is this man your friend?" my luscious bitch still seemed so innocent with her words.

This was indeed acceptable because she has only ever lived 18 short years on these earths.

Quite different with my other pretty escort who stayed calm and composed with no questions asked amidst her own curiosity.

These pair of conquest were a good starting cards on my side as their distinct personalities added a hot spice to this mundane reality.

"This is the world where I come from, Noemi. Silara Z5Q2. Yes, you can call him that. A good friend of mine indeed." i replied and gazed at the frozen man which was the focus of cheers in his ocean of fans.

"Tell me your name, tin can." i addressed the perfect guise of a woman who has yet to dress beside my dear friend, Mr. Hannes.

"Voice not recognized... I'm sorry honorable Sir. My master doesn't want me talking to other men and women. Please direct your words to my owner." the delicious woman responded.

Her speech was accompanied by the slight movements of her excellent body parts and even my eyes strayed a moment or two on those prodigious spurious treasures.

"Very well. What's her name, dog?" i said to the static standing figure of my new toy.

"I call her Daniela, Master. A complete imitation of my longtime obsession in this world." Hannes replied in a dispassionate voice.

"Really? Is the real Daniela all natural then?" i wasted a couple of my breaths.

"Yes she is, Master! A hundred and one percent authentic woman."

"I see. I'd be visiting her soon once i finished my business here. But first, i want you to contact that boss of yours. Tell him a friend wishes to see him.

A friend that has dearly missed his company for almost ten thousand years."

* * *

"Boss, someone wants to see you."

"Who is it, Hannes?"

"She doesn't want herself known yet, boss. My contact wants to see you face to face. This is going to be big business."

"Okay, Hannes. Take her here. I'll be waiting at dinner tomorrow."

"She wants to make the deal today, boss."

"What do you mean today?"

"Right now, boss. This client wants the goods fast."

"Then tell her to fuck herself in both holes if she can't wait for the time of my choosing, Hannes!"

"But boss..."

"Did you hear what i just said, Hannes?"

"I get you, boss."

While the conversation was short but it had indeed entertained me for the time that it took to listen to such dialogues between two monkeys.

We were now in the living room of my puppet and had already left behind the confines of his sick fantasy using the latest technology on holography.

I gathered that the fuck brain was a closet exhibitionist.

"I'm sorry, master." Hannes knelt on one knee before my seated form. Behind me stood the two lovely dolls in my possession.

Though i offered them a place beside me but Tamara, always the hard headed with her values and misconceptions, gracefully declined my generosity.

Noemi who had seen the act could only follow as she wanted to be the best woman around me. As i concluded before, it was a healthy competition at its finest.

I knew that my women could only grow exponentially with time.. And Daniela would be the first on my extensive list of lusty bitches.


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