Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 838 - 838 Fifty Two

"I'm sorry, Margareth. I seems like I can't have you after all." I lamented because I saw only darkness and despair in the life she would led from now on. Besides, I also don't want to be second to anybody.

I threw a last look on the leader of this bunch and sighed. The lucky fucker. This isn't over, I promise you. I closed my eyes and muttered.

"Soul Shatter." And within three breaths, I felt unimaginable pain as I experienced how my soul crumbled into pieces. This was a necessary part of the technique.

One needed to break in order to form anew and be reborn into something more. Since I could not take total dominion over this alien body, then I needed to find one that could shelter my soul again.

"BANG!" I collapsed on the floor and the vision that graced me was that of a bright azure sky. A lovely view. Quite an apt salute to my advent in this new world.

"What happened?!" Mr. Hannes panicked. This was the first time I saw him lost his composure since I met him today.

"We still haven't touched him, Mr. Hannes. Maybe he got frightened to death? Or perhaps he's homophobic?" one of the big men offered.

"Rise. Get up." Mr. Hannes mumbled and when my physical body still hasn't adhered to his words, he then motioned his fingers on the air before him.

A device similar to a keyboard appeared and his fast fingers roamed over the transparent keys in rapid succession. But then, Mr. Hannes abruptly paused after a few breaths.


"Yes, Mr. Hannes!"

"Is there a problem, Hannes?"

"Boss…" and that's where I finished my practice at voyeurism. From the beads of sweat that fell off this dumb tool's face, I reckoned that this day would also be a memorable one for him.

"Where to go from here?" I murmured and quickly vanished from the huge ship.

It was a disappointment that the 9 gods and goddesses who'd come with me from the cell hasn't mastered a contingency plan in case the so called system turned to bite them in the ass.

In the end, I was right all along in my belief. The only real person I could trust was myself and no other. To leave your fate to someone else's hands was a sad betrayal waiting to happen.

This was my last thoughts before I began my search for a new body.





"CALL THE PATRIARCH! QUICK!" loud noises shattered my dreamless sleep. I reopened my eyes and observed the place I was in.

A large room with all the luxurious extravagance that a cultivation world could offer.

"What year is it?" I started to say. My voice was raspy with its facilities untried for much too long.

"It is the 987th year of the Trickster, young master." Someone answered. Her voice was timid and young.

Just like I prefer. If her beauty would follow the sweet tone of her sound, then I wouldn't mind making this my first bed warmer.

"So I've been asleep for almost a thousand years. Help me up." I commanded.

"Yes, young master." The girl stuttered but she did not disobey my wish. I felt soft hands embraced me from the front but more than that, I noticed immediately the twin melons that landed fully in my face.

I licked and put a scorching kiss mark on her neck as she did her duties. Yet even with these advances, she neither made a single sound of protest nor pushed me back.

Well, well, well. Seemed like my family really knew how to train their servants.

I smiled when I smelled the freshness of her skin.

"What's your name?" I asked after she fulfilled her duties and sat me up on the bed.

"I am called Noemi, young master." The girl answered and bowed her head in subservience. Her eyes looked south and she did not dare looked up to meet my searching gaze.

This was indeed a beautiful maiden. Although she wore a slave's uniform that covered her entire body but that could not hide the womanly figure that had already began to sprang along with time.

18 or younger was my guess. Very much suitable for plucking.

"BANG!" the doors disintegrated and a delicious looking woman drowned me in her breasts. I have no choice but to hang on to life and reciprocate the hug.

"NEON, MY SON! I KNEW THAT YOU'D FIGHT AND COME BACK TO US!" the woman cried as she shook with each heartbreaking sob she took.

This was the longing of a mother to her child and I was not one to break the play for her. Time to apply my acting skills once more.

"Don't cry, mom. I'm home now." I joined her sobs with a string of my own. I embraced her even more tightly and my face got squashed up really good on my mother's bouncy boobs.

She did not care for the advantage I seized and so I freely continued to shed tears that made the thin garments on her chest, wet from all my ministrations.

If not for my intense self-control, I would have sported a hard on right then and there. That would be rather embarrassing and so I negated these reactions down.

"Welcome back, my son." A man's voice greeted me on the side.

"I'm happy to be here, father. Sorry for all the troubles I brought you." I looked up from the embrace and saw a tall man.

His frame was big and he appeared rooted to the earth, unbent by time nor its tribulations. A warrior and a strong fellow. This was my first impression of my new father.

"What troubles?" he smiled at me.

"You only need to regain your strength and be healthy from now on, Neon. Leave the rest to me and your mother.." My adopted father continued.


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