Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 833 - 833 Forty Seven

The alarmed spectators of the city could only notice a gigantic burning wings that illuminated the night back to daytime.

I broke the horizon and traveled to millions of miles as the sights sped before me in a blink of an eye.

"Welcome, Senior!" an aged woman greeted after I landed on an area filled with green, the color of life and vigor.

I was now inside a lush forest and in my front was the humble wooden home of this ancient crone.

"You appear like a completely different person, Iris. Far from what I'm used to. Hmmmm." I replied to her words. Her physique was very disparate from her youthful persona earlier.

The bowed back and the sunken flesh marred everything into an ugly husk of a beauty long forgotten.

"Please forgive this lowly one for any offences I did earlier, Senior. I failed to see your divine self in the city of Silentcrest and therefore intruded in your affairs.

Please punish this junior for her brazen disregard, Senior." A cunning bitch indeed. HAHAHA! 

* * *

"Very well then. Slap yourself a million times within a minute. If you can do that, I will spare your life. If not, then I'm sure you shall like the new home I have reserved especially for you."

Within my own.


The thought of eating something this awful was indeed nauseous but the greed I felt inside was so insatiable that there was always a present need to take everything in me.

And with each passing second I grew ravenous even more. Even the very air I breathed tasted extremely good to my senses.

If I had wanted to, I could suck it all out from this world together with the world heart at its center. But I kept these dire urgings down.

Who knew how much life I would reap if let my inner demons ran freely in this earth. HAHAHA!

"As you wish, Senior!"

"PA! PA! PA!" and then the rapid resounding began its hymn as it disturbed the silent night with sharp streaming slaps. This continued on for a minute exact.

"Did you complete the task?" I asked with my hands behind my back. A true picture of an esteemed expert especially with how my outspread wings still brightened the entire evening.

They were large and long, more than a thousand meters each as I wanted to show off the advent of my profound power.

"Yes! I did them all, Senior!" Iris answered. Her face was now a mess.

It brought a bloody picture that would have disgusted me usually but this time, I even desired to lick the droplets of blood the fell down along her swollen cheeks.

I could sense immense power which originated from those beads of liquid.

"Good. Take this and use it on yourself." I instructed after hearing her words. A palm sized object drifted slowly towards Iris.

"Senior?" the bitch asked when she got hold of the syringe.

"You are sick, are you not? Empty that vial into your veins and the curse you have on you will be healed."

"Thank you, Senior!" the cunt couldn't wait to do my exactly what I told her. She was likely amazed at my piercing eyes to be able to tell what was wrong with her with a mere glance.

Or at least that was what I wanted her to believe. HAHAHA!

And what followed flouted my imagination. The city lord's body became dark with the incessant flow of murky stinky sludge from every pore on her body.

I beckoned a hand and the dirty excesses obediently came into my palms to reveal the youthful delicious wet body of Iris.

Her sparse robes hid none from my hot eyes as it ravished the entirety of her beautiful curves within seconds.

I was beginning to get hard but something distracted me from my wish to fuck my latest acquisition.

"What a broken talent." I smiled because aside from my expertise of fire manipulation, a new one was added into my brain. The knowledge about curses and its applications.

"Thank you for the gift of healing, Senior!" Iris recovered from her state of astonishment and offered several loud obeisance in my presence.

Her forehead knocked the ground ten times and the tears kept coming off her eyes in flood. I shook my head at this scene because who knew how long this curse had plagued her every waking moment.

"A minor matter. Come. Let us rest for tonight." I smiled and received my flamboyant wings in.

"Senior? What do you mean?" Iris stepped back as she rejected her initial thoughts about my implied words. HAHAHA! Don't be too dull for me now, bitch.

"I have expended a favor in your way, Iris. I am now collecting the price you have to pay for my valued services."


"Not like you haven't done this before."

"I… I haven't… not yet…" I heard a mosquito voice came out from my soon to be bed warmer. Her cheeks were rosy and I immediately thought of an impossible probability.

"What?!" I asked in shock. How could this woman who had ripened and was spoiled for more than a million years remain untouched in this day and age? HAHAHA! A shameless lie most definitely!

"I was cursed on the eve before my wedding day. I was still 18 at that time." Iris' head was stooped low but from her downcast figure, I felt the hate that was oozing out of her in droves.

She manifested it all too clearly with the continual rise of temperature in this cold lonely night.

"I see. Then are you going to deny me my wish?" I asked with a stern expression of my face.

"Please ask for anything else, Senior! I will be most indebted to your kindness and carry your goodwill until the last breath of my life."

"BANG!" the ground cracked again with how hard she had pounded it with her forehead.



"BANG!" this time she hasn't stopped until she completed 20 hammering strikes below.. The earth shook with ferocity of her desire and indeed, I also felt the sincerity of her sentiments.


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