Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 827 - 827 Forty One

While in my mind, I was beginning to count the seconds.




"You mean that you're going to stain my dignity as a woman?! Is that it?!"

The city lord roared and I felt myself flying amidst the empty embrace of the blistering winds before fully planting myself on one corner of the room.

"HAK! HAK! HAK!" I coughed blood out and saw the extent of the damage to my flesh and bones upon impact.

I tried to speak but knew instantly of my inability to even move my limbs, much less form words without using my mouth.

If I had wanted to, I could have already returned to the past to escape from the torture I was experiencing at this moment.

But since I was too lazy to restart things up and waste my labors until now, I decided to wade through the pain and hope that the nanobots would numb it a bit with each tick of the clock.

Sometimes I wish this technology could mount some morphine in my veins but sadly, the scientists had yet to make some breakthroughs and grant my wish to reality.

"206 bones shattered or dislocated… beginning repairs…"

"Collapsed lung… temporary breathing system initiated…."

"Total hair annihilation… proceeding to the process of regrowth for the 3rd time…" the AI in my battle suit listed its specific activities in both texts and voices.

The screen flashed red before my eyes while my ears tingled with its incessant warnings.

"Where is it? Where did you hide your tool, Shaman?" I heard a new voice reached for my attention after I felt hands searched around my fingers.

"What tool?" I asked in my thoughts as the crazy woman undressed me, then explored every inch of my body and left no part untouched. Is she going to return the favor this time? I wondered. HAHAHA!

* * *

The city lord rummaged around my body for a full minute before she realized that there was nothing to be seen on my person.

She then straightened up and held my cheeks to face her. It hurt a lot as she was not the least bit concerned about my wellbeing.

Even if she knew that I would eventually heal but that did not remove the fact that I was getting besieged and injured against my will.

In the first place, this bitch was the one who wanted help and now I suffered. And for what? Her sense of pride?

What the fuck!

Although I may have taken advantage of her situation but that didn't diminish my wish to get rid of the curse she was suffering. What did she think? A free meal? HAHAHA!

That was not available anymore in this day and age.

Hate surged through my heart and if ever I had the chance someday, I would certainly make her pay for what she did to me tonight.

Even if I was over the top on my requests but was there a need for such acts of barbarity? Definitely not! This cunt has to recompense for the price of my pain.

For the first time in my young life, I learned how it was to dream at revenge because of my inability to defend myself. I was weak! Pure and simple.

"Where is it?!" I heard the bitch asked me again and shortly right after, the remaining flesh on my body slowly melted on my frame.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and cried tears of blood but those too, evaporated before they can even run down on my hollowed cheeks.

I didn't believe that she would kill me yet because I represented a way out of her dire straits.

But still, I cussed at myself for becoming a masochistic bastard than rehashing everything anew to feed the laziness in me.

Five minutes of this torture and I endured and held on until my consciousness left me fully.

"Thank the unseen listeners above for these little mercies." Was my last thoughts before I blacked out from this abyss of misery.

1 hour…




"Wake up, my dear Shaman." Oh not this malevolent devil again, I lamented when I heard the familiar voice.

"Computer, what time is it?" I first consulted my silent ally in the sky since there was really no way to know whether it was day or night in this cage. We were still in the same dark humid place as the last.

"It is 11 o'clock in the morning, Clone No. 9,364,711,813,098." The bodiless voice answered.

"What do you want?" i replied to the cunt after I heard my computer's answer. And I missed dinner because of this wicked woman's severity. Tsk tsk.

Although the battle suit provided for automatic nutrients in my body but I still fear of the negative effects of missing a meal.

I was most aware of the fact that I was just a mere clone and may perhaps be more susceptible to unknown diseases that even my able nanotechnology couldn't afford to treat.

The applied science was great but it was far from perfect. A good example for this was the lack of pain medication within its many services offered.

How would it feel to be in a constant state of euphoria? HAHAHA!

"Where did you hide the thing that you used to cure those sick people, Shaman?" the city lord clarified her question.

"Oh? You mean this?" I said and produced a syringe from the secret pockets of my battle suit.

Of course she could not anymore see this armor on me because the gloves it originated from had fully melted on my DNA.

Confiscating that from me would definitely mean my certain death but I doubted that they have the knowledge to separate essences on a molecular level.

I could be wrong but was confident that the people on this world was way behind in terms of understanding the human genome.

"Yes. You are very helpful, Shaman. Please let me help you with the first taste of your own medicine."

The suspicious bitch made the syringed float towards her hands before giving me one shot of the needle in my left arm.


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