Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 799 - 799 Thirteen

"Is it really okay to let them study in that school, Damon? I heard that all students there are either rich or gifted evolvers.

Won't your sisters have a hard time adjusting in that environment?" mom asked again. Her face was filled with worry.

A definite sign of a good mother. We're such lucky siblings. HAHAHA!

"I'll be keeping a close eye on them, mom. You can count on me." And besides, nothing and no one can even hurt them in this city.

Not with that nanotech suit on. HAHAHA! I added in my thoughts.

"They'll be fine, Rachel. You should trust our son more. He'd grown big and mature already." Father who sat in a corner with fogs of smoke around his vicinity joined in the discussion.

He was always a lover of cigarettes even before he got sick. So when he got healed a week ago, he couldn't stop puffing them like crazy.

It was his second most favourite thing to do after he had been resuscitated. The first one was of course sex.

Lots and lots of sex. HAHAHA! It had been like hell the first night in our apartment.

The thin walls that separated our rooms couldn't completely muffle the shouts of moans and pleasure that dominated in my parents' steamy encounter.

The day after though, we bought a mansion of our own that saved mine and my sisters ears for the following fucking marathon that ensued.

"HAHAHA! See mom?! Even father knows that I'm a grown up man already." I said and gave my father a big ugly smile. I got this face from him and I was proud of it. HAHAHA!

"You father and son really knows how to tag team. Hehehe." Mom smiled and gazed at us with affection.

"I need to buy school supplies tomorrow, mom!" Stephany said in excitement.

"Me too!" and Kiera mirrored her sister's reaction.

It was their first time in going to school since my parents can only afford one child to send to school before so their enthusiasm was quite natural.

I would have the same exact emotions if I were in their shoes today.

I thought and marvelled at how happy I was these previous days. My family was really important to me, I concluded.

"Okay. We'll go to the shopping center this afternoon." Mom smiled at my sisters.

"YEHEYYYYYYY!" and the cute fairies rejoiced. HAHAHA!

"Mom, when can we make ourselves look as beautiful as the actresses in the movies? We want to be pretty also!" Stephany asked.

"Hmmm. I would love that also." Mom took one pause before making her answer.

"Let's do that today, mom!" Kiera also cast her vote on the topic.

"Let's see." Mom told my sisters and threw a seductive look at my father. FUCK! This two are going to go at this again later tonight. HAHAHA!

"Why don't you two come also?" mom added.

"Okay." Was all father said. Seemed like the two of them had already talked this out.

"Damon?" mom asked for my stand on this.

"I don't know, mom. I love the way I look right now." I answered and smiled a hideous one at my mother.

"Hehehe. Suit yourself then." And mom closed the issue which was good enough for me. 

I really don't think much about the outer appearance of a person especially when I go in the university and all I see are all fabrications of what was beauty and not.

It made me feel unique to stand out different amidst the multitudes of clones around me. HAHAHA!

"BEEP! An incoming summons from the Goddess of Beauty is begging for your attention! Please answer the call…" a lively tune sounded in my pocket.

"Hello, Miss Mellisa. What can I do for you in this bright wonderful day?" I asked after I pushed on the screen of my cell phone.

"Report to the university registration office for final assessment at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be late." I heard her say in calm tone.

"I know." And I answered.

"Then why did you command me to inform you today?!" her voice was furious now.

"I just wanted to hear your sultry voice, Miss Mellisa. I missed you. Let's meet up later, okay?" I replied in words which only she could hear.

"FUCK YOU!" she roared on the other line.

"Oh... Mind your language Miss Mellisa. See you later. HAHAHA!" I said and cut the call off.

"I'll also be going out this afternoon. Got to report to the school for a final interview." I informed my family.

"Okay. See you tonight, Damon. We'll eat dinner together, okay?" my mom said.

"Sure, mom." I replied with a smile.

"Where to, Sir?" a mechanical voice queried. I had kept the flying transport ship. Of course I bought four more for each of my loved ones.

But the one who I rode first belonged only to me. I was quite particular in that way.


I went on time and before long I found myself standing before an old man.

We were alone in an extravagant office that seemed more suited for training rather than an interview.

Weights of different sizes and workout equipments scattered on the spotless floors of the room. 

"A psycher. Hmmm. Try to read my mind." The old goat asked.

"You want me to attack you." I uttered what he wanted me to do.

"Please." His voice reached my thoughts. HAHAHA! Another delver of the mind. What a surprise indeed. I commented in silence.

"Okay. Get ready for a beating old goat. HAHAHA!" I sent a message directly back to his head.

"BANG!" the room imploded before turning into a brilliant supernova that demolished everything in the area.

After our sight returned, all we could see was a deep crater where the university was previously located.

"Who are you?!" the old goat roared his question.

A gigantic construct created by his psychic power had totally enclosed his body in a fiery display of power and might.

"I am your new master, old goat.. HAHAHA!" I answered and a majestic palm enshrouded everything in the scene.


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