Blossoming Path

Chapter 85: Beneath the Surface

Chapter 85: Beneath the Surface

The top ten moved swiftly, splitting up into two groups – those focused on the Tidecaller Vine, and those, like Zhi Ruo and Jingyu Lian, starting on the Horsetail Pine. A smart initial strategy to create the standard Breath Gel recipe. Jingyu Lian was a blur, swift and precise, while Zhi Ruo struggled to keep up, his movements clumsy. By the time he'd finally sawed off one branch, she'd moved on to the vines, her icy efficiency drawing murmurs from the onlookers.

Meanwhile, I cursed under my breath. The earlybirds had snatched up a hefty chunk of the obvious ingredients. With only enough remaining for a handful more Breath Gel concoctions, things were going to get interesting fast. None of the top ten seemed interested in the Sea Lanterns on the trees, although I suppose it's no surprise. It was uncommon, the recipe tied to that ingredient—the Gill Pill—wasn't as effective as Breathing Gel, and much harder to create.

The less common Gill Pill was my only shot now, and that meant Bubblebloom Algae, which meant a dip in the water.

"Should've worn something more...sensible," I muttered, the silk of my robes feeling suddenly extravagant. I'd have to make this count.

"The rest of you, BEGIN!" Ma Hualong's voice boomed.

I dashed forward, and made it to where the Sea Lantern fruit were growing before anybody else did. Only about two dozen of the contestants had the same idea as me. Tao Ren was scrambling for the last of the Breathing Gel ingredients, Bai Hua was walking leisurely with his nose up, a thoughtful look on his face.

I had no time to worry about them. Securing my chances came first!

Sea Lantern fruits usually had enough to make one pill, so getting two on the off-chance I messed up the recipe should be good. The Sea Lanterns required nothing more than a quick pluck – thank the heavens for small mercies! – and I was already on the move again, heading for the water's edge. As I jogged, I noticed Duan Jian cornering one of the frantic contestants. A hand rested on the smaller alchemist's shoulder, his voice low and insistent.

"...heard your family runs a small apothecary, down in the market..." Duan Jian was saying. "The Misty Sky Sect always repays favors tenfold...think of it as an investment for the future."

The other alchemist shifted nervously, glancing around as if searching for an escape route. Duan Jian's eyes glittered – a predator sensing weakness. My own stomach twisted. Was he coercing ingredients? Bullying someone into helping him? It felt wrong, a violation of the spirit of the competition, but...

I scanned the arena. The invigilators hadn't reacted. Technically, there was no rule against sharing resources. My gaze snagged on Duan Jian for a moment longer, and his lips curled into a mocking smirk, as though he could read my thoughts. I forced myself to look away, I can't lose focus on him.

The water's edge shimmered before me, the sand giving way to the crystal-clear depths. My heart pounded in anticipation. I scanned the surface, spotting the delicate blue globes of Bubblebloom Algae swaying gently with the current just below. A rush of relief washed over me - at least that part of the plan was still on track.

But something else caught my eye. The underwater landscape wasn't barren, as I'd initially expected. Iridescent clams nestled in the sand, their shells slightly ajar. Strands of gleaming seaweed wove through the water like liquid emerald.

This place was filled with more ingredients than on the floor! So this is how they were going to get the other contestants the ingredients they needed!

First things first, securing that Sea Lantern and algae for the Gill Pills. I couldn't afford to lose sight of my main objective. I grabbed waded into the water, inwardly lamenting the fact I got my silk robe wet, and grabbed the algae growing just under the water. Giving no basket was smart, because it prevented the competitors from grabbing too many ingredients at once. That didn't make it any less inconvenient, however, holding two Sea Lantern fruits in my hand as I waded through the water.

Reaching a station, my hands scrabbled for the familiar shape of a furnace, a mortar and pestle. The basics were present, alongside a collection of what I could only assume were commonplace ingredients – things found in both basic elixirs and more unusual concoctions. A smart setup, forcing us to consider what was readily available as well as the treasures found underwater.

My gaze swept across the arena. Already, the top ten were well into their Breath Gel creation, their actions methodical and precise. Jingyu Lian had a small flame flickering beneath her furnace, while others had focused on the grinding process first. It was a familiar dance, and yet, it felt different...the crowd's energy crackling, the stakes exponentially higher.

Zhi Ruo, still damp from his sprint to the Horsetail Pines, was further behind, his movements more panicked than practiced. By the look of his meager ingredient pile, I suspected he'd run into trouble with acquiring enough to create on proper Breath Gel. I frowned. He had the knowledge...but perhaps lacked the physical ability to keep pace in this round. A pity.

Bai Hua enigmatic as ever. He seemed to be gathering a bit of everything, his movements almost leisurely, a smirk playing on his lips. Was he already planning beyond Breath Gel? Had he noticed the underwater possibilities as I had?

"Focus, Kai!" I gave myself a light slap on the cheek to get my head in the game.

The sun was high, its light scattering dazzling reflections across the surface of the artificial lagoon. I spread out my collected ingredients before me—Sea Lantern fruits, Bubblebloom Algae, and a handful of supplemental materials from the station. The creation of the Gill Pill was notorious not just for its difficulty but for the finesse required in handling its volatile components.

First, I crushed the Bubblebloom Algae using the mortar and pestle, the delicate strands releasing a burst of oxygen-rich bubbles as they were ground into a fine, glowing paste. This was the core of the Gill Pill, the element that would allow a cultivator's lungs to extract oxygen directly from the water.

"COME TO THE JADE FOUNDRY FOR ALL YOUR SMITHING AND ALCHEMY NEEDS!" Tao Ren shouted from afar. I glanced over, seeing him point and wave at the crowd with several ingredients in his arms. What a character. To think he registered just to spread the word of his forge...

Shaking my head, I sliced the Sea Lantern fruit in half, it's insides shimmering with a bioluminescent gel. This gel was crucial—it acted as a catalyst in the reaction, enhancing the body's ability to absorb the dissolved oxygen. The slicing had to be precise; too thin and the gel would dry out, too thick and it wouldn't mix properly with the algae paste.

This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.

For a second, I wondered if I should use Essence Extraction; I never used it on this recipe before, so maybe it's for the best I don't. Sometimes, the extracted essence doesn't perform as well as the original recipe due to certain factors. I couldn't rule out that possibility. Perhaps if I find another ingredient I'm more familiar with, I'll use it.

With a steady hand, I mixed the algae paste and the Sea Lantern gel in a ceramic bowl, the mixture emitting a faint, ethereal glow. The combination needed to be homogenous, any inconsistency could lead to the pill's failure, rendering it useless, or worse, toxic.

Once mixed, I carefully transferred the concoction into the pill furnace, a small but crucial piece of equipment for any alchemist. The furnace was already warm, its inner chamber glowing with a soft amber light from the small fire qi I had kindled beneath it using my internal energy. Activating a pill furnace with qi was a delicate process; too much and the ingredients would burn, too little and they wouldn't transmute.

I started the stirring process, maintaining a steady flow of qi as I worked. The contents of the furnace needed constant, even motion to ensure the energy flowed evenly through the mixture, aiding in the transformation from raw ingredients to a finished, potent pill. This was where the real skill in alchemy came into play—maintaining a balance of physical effort, spiritual energy, and mental focus.

As I stirred, I could feel the resistance in the mixture begin to lessen, a sign that the transmutation was nearing its completion. The glow from the mixture began to stabilize, shifting from a bright, erratic flash to a steady, pulsating light.

"Almost there," I muttered to myself, beads of sweat forming on my brow.

Just as I began focusing on the careful temperature adjustments required for the final stages, a jarring splash ripped my attention away. A wave of water cascaded over me, the sudden chill raising goosebumps on my skin.

"Whoops! Clumsy me!" Duan Jian's voice echoed, dripping with false concern. In the commotion, he'd overturned an entire bucket of water, and a good portion had landed squarely on me.

I sputtered, momentarily blinded, my precious concoction splattered with cold droplets. Fury bubbled in my chest. I wanted to wipe that grin off his face.

"You did that on purpose!" My accusation rang across the sandy beach.

Duan Jian merely shrugged, the picture of nonchalance. "An accident, I assure you," he said, but the gleam in his eyes told a different story.

"An accident?! You were an accident, you son of a—!"

I scanned the area. An invigilator was approaching, his expression stern. Before I could argue further, the invigilator spoke, his voice carrying over the arena. "While a bit...unfortunate, it appears to have been an unintended mishap. However, any further attempts at deliberate disruption, Competitor Duan, will result in immediate disqualification." His gaze bore into the man, a clear warning.

Duan Jian bowed slightly, a mocking smile still plastered on his face. "Of course, Invigilator. My sincerest apologies."

Seething, I returned to my furnace. Despite the setback, my mixture seemed salvageable. I blocked most of the water with my back, now my entire body was dripping wet. Wiping the water from my brow, I took a deep breath to regain my composure. Sabotage or not, I wouldn't be derailed.

My focus narrowed onto the task at hand. The aroma of the mixture intensified, turning from a fresh, oceanic scent into something sharper, almost metallic. This was the crucial moment. The fire had to be quenched at precisely the right time. Too soon, and the pill's effectiveness would be compromised. Too late, and the entire thing could explode into a puff of smoke.

With a practiced flick of my wrist, I extinguished the qi, plunging the furnace into darkness. The glow from the mixture pulsed faintly, the rhythm slowing, stabilizing. My shoulders slumped slightly in relief. It seemed I'd salvaged it. A small victory.

I took out the contents, a light-blue clump of powder, that I'd need to arrange into proper pill form. I pinched a sample and felt it on my fingertip, and noticed that the texture was lacking. That singular moment of distraction had netted me a worse result than I would've otherwise had. If I had to guess, this batch of Gill Pills could get me underwater for only ten to fifteen minutes.

From afar, I could see Zhi Ruo in a panic. He seemed...lost. Looking at my spare Sea Lantern fruit, I decided my next course of action.

"Zhi Ruo! You don't have enough for a Breath Gel, do you?"

He looked up, his expression forlorn and slightly embarrassed, nodding in confirmation. The tight set of his shoulders spoke volumes about the pressure he felt.

"Here, catch!" I called out, tossing one of the Sea Lantern fruits towards him. He fumbled slightly but managed to catch it. "You know the recipe for the Gill Pill, right? Use it," I said, trying to bolster his spirits with a smile.

Zhi Ruo's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over his face. "But how can I repay you for this?" he stammered, his usual composure slipping in his urgency.

"Don't worry about it," I replied, brushing off his concern with a wave of my hand. "Just grant me free access to all those secret tomes in the Million Books Pavilion, and we'll call it even."

His laugh was shaky, but genuine. "It's a deal, Kai. You have no idea how much this means to me."

I nodded, satisfied with the arrangement. "Just make it worth your while, and mine. Now, get to work, the clock’s ticking!"

"Thanks, Kai. And, listen," he lowered his voice, glancing towards the shimmering expanse of water, "breathing underwater isn’t the only thing you should be worried about."

I paused in the midst of organizing my workstation, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

He gestured subtly towards the artificial lagoon. "It’s darker than it looks. The farther down you go, the murkier it gets. If you can’t see, finding those flags is going to be more than a little difficult."

I cursed under my breath. Of course, visibility! In my focus on breathing underwater, I had completely overlooked the simple fact that I needed to see what I was doing. "Good point," I admitted, a new wrinkle of concern furrowing my brow.

He nodded, then turned back to his station, leaving me to ponder this new challenge. Visibility. I needed something that could illuminate the dark waters. My eyes scanned the available ingredients, none of which were particularly known for their luminescent properties.

Then it hit me — the Essence Extraction technique. My essences always glow, so if I just get one into a vial, I could just use it as a lamp of some sort. Any ingredient would do, honestly.

As I said that, I saw Jingyu Lian go up to the water with her completed Breath Gel concoction.

The icy maiden approached the water’s edge, her composed demeanor unshaken by the crowd’s fervent murmurs. In her hands, she held the container of her Breath Gel. With a fluid motion, she upended the container, pouring its contents onto the water's surface. The gel spread quickly, forming a thin, shimmering layer that seemed almost like a second skin on the liquid’s surface.

She took a moment to survey her work, ensuring coverage, then, with a grace that spoke of her confidence and skill, she dipped herself headfirst into the gel-coated water. As she submerged, the gel adhered to her skin seamlessly, forming a semi-permeable membrane that clung to her like a second skin.

From the sidelines, I watched in awe and a bit of envy. The membrane was a brilliant application of alchemy—allowing oxygen to pass through while filtering out the water and maintaining a stable internal pressure. It was ingenious, her ability to utilize the Breath Gel not just effectively but perfectly. Jingyu Lian had managed to create enough gel to cover her entire body, which was no small feat. It indicated that her measurements and technique were flawless, with absolutely no wastage of ingredients. This level of precision was what made her a formidable competitor.

The realization struck me hard. If she could maximize her resources to that extent, I needed to up my game, especially now that I was aware of the visibility issue in the water.

With this new problem to solve, I turned back to my own station. Pulling out a small vial, I selected a few strands of the luminous algae I had set aside earlier. Though not as naturally bright as the Sea Lantern fruit, when concentrated, they could emit a sufficient glow.

Utilizing the Essence Extraction technique, I carefully drew out the luminescent essence of the algae. As the extraction proceeded, the essence began to glow brightly within the vial, its light piercing the surroundings of my workstation.

The algae’s essence filled a portion of the vial, casting shadows as it intensified in brightness. Satisfied with the potency, I sealed the vial, now a makeshift lamp that would illuminate the murky depths below.

"Thanks for the tip, Zhi Ruo," I murmured, though he was too engrossed in his own work to hear. His earlier advice had been invaluable, and this glowing vial was my answer to the challenges that lay beneath the water's surface.

Securing the vial to my belt, I prepared myself for the dive. With the Gill Pills and my new source of light, I felt ready to face whatever lay hidden in the depths of the lagoon. The other contestants had already begun to dive in, spurred on by Jingyu Lian. There was no time to waste!

Popping the pill in my mouth, I dove in without hesitation.

The water closed over me, a sudden chill that sent a shiver down my spine. For a terrifying moment, panic flared – a primal, instinctive fear. Then, the Gill Pill kicked in. My lungs expanded, a gasp that turned into a breath...underwater.

Relief washed over me, mingled with a jolt of awe. It worked! I could breathe here. I kicked my legs, propelling myself deeper, the glimmering vial at my waist cutting a path through the increasingly murky water.

The bottom of the lagoon wasn't visible, the depths shrouded in an unsettling gloom. How did they construct this over night? This was incredibly deep!

The light from my vial, though strong, only illuminated a few chi around me. Shapes loomed and vanished in the periphery of my vision – were they rocks, or contestants? My heart pounded against my ribs. It was unsettling, being under the sea.

...No way they put anything underwater, right? Nothing that would eat an unsuspecting contestant?

I scanned the area, my eyes adjusting to the dimness. There! A glimmer in the distance. Was that a flag? Adrenaline thrummed through my veins. I kicked harder, my focus narrowing, the rest of the world fading into blurry insignificance.


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