Blossoming Path

Chapter 79: A Whiff of Competition

Chapter 79: A Whiff of Competition

"Ugh, what is that odor?"

A wrinkled nose greeted me, followed by a purple sleeve pressed against it. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. His every movement was graceful and refined, resembling something akin to an aristocrat or noble similar to that white-haired girl from the Lian clan.

My own sense of smell was assaulted by a potent, almost invasive fragrance, reminiscent of jasmine incense, strong and heady, filling the air around him.

As he approached me, I inwardly sighed. What was with all these people picking a fight with me? I don't think I looked or smelled that different from everyone here. I snuck a glance at the crowd.

I turned to ignore him. It wasn't worth getting riled up over a small comment. I've heard worse from the villagers back home, and that was when they were being nice.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" His voice cut through my thoughts, followed by a deliberate tap on my shoulder.

Feng Wu gave me a look of commiseration.

I turned to the man and looked at him again. We were the same height, so I stared him square in the face.

"Can I help you, sir?"

He tilted his head upward. "Yes, by accepting this!"

His sleeves unfolded suddenly, and I tensed. Was he really going to attack me over smelling bad?!

But contrary to my expectations, he took out a small narrow-necked vial of brown liquid and handed it to me. Cautiously, I took a sniff.

The aroma was rich and creamy, infused with sweet, earthy notes that immediately soothed my senses.

"Thats quite pleasant," Feng Wu remarked.

"Sandalwood," the man stated, offering the vial as a remedy. "It should help with that unpleasant smell surrounding you."

A discreet sniff only revealed the fading scent of my bath soap. Had I committed some unknown social offense? Feng Wu's lips twitched with suppressed amusement.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Bai Hua, of the Summer Sun Cosmetics." He said with a flourish and a slight smirk.


I snuck a subtle glance at the second-class disciple beside me. His face changed upon hearing the name.

"Summer Sun Cosmetics? You're the heir of the Hua family?"

"The one and only."

Feng Wu dipped his head in acknowledgment; a quick greeting. Out of politeness, I mimicked the gesture, despite my unfamiliarity with his fame. Applying the sandalwood essence to my neck and wrists, I noted Bai Hua's approving glance and the deep breath he took, his satisfaction evident in the relaxed exhale.

"Thats better, but still... there's something peculiar," he murmured, almost to himself. "You're of the Verdant Lotus sect, correct? Is this disciple the representative?"

"Not a disciple, but he is our representative this time around."

I stepped forward to introduce myself. "Kai Liu, a pleasure to meet you. Are you here to register as well?"

He nodded, lips curving into another smile. "Yes, I'm participating this year. It's my debut. I plan to merge the worlds of aromatherapy and alchemy, creating a new era where Summer Sun Cosmetics reigns at the top!"

Feng Wu raised a brow. "I'm aware Summer Sun Cosmetics has a variety of products, but this is news; to think the heir would be participating in the Gauntlet."

With a wave of his hand, as if painting the future with his words, Bai Hua elaborated, "Our company has been on the cusp of revolutionary breakthroughs recently, all under my direction and blessed by my father's wisdom. I assure you, our triumph in the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet is not just anticipatedit's destined."

He leaned closer, inhaling deeply before nodding with certainty. "You've been training hard, haven't you? I can tell by the lingering scent of sweat. Its quite... distinct."

I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Embarrassed yet intrigued, I watched as he produced another vial, this one filled with a clear liquid. "You must be experiencing some fatigue. Here, try this," he said, uncapping it and waving it under my nose.

The sharp scent of menthol and eucalyptus hit me instantly, clearing my sinuses and sending a wave of energy through my body. "Oh, wow!"

A minty aftertaste pervaded my nose and mouth. My airways felt like they had widened as breathing became easier.

Bai Hua smiled proudly. "Aromatherapy isnt just about pleasant scents; its about practical effects. I aim to prove that in the Gauntlet and elevate the stature of Summer Sun Cosmetics."

Bai Huas eyes gleamed. "Such a shame, though. The Verdant Lotus sect might just have to accept second place this year."

As the man's words lingered in the air, I paused, my senses heightened. The initial wave of sandalwood's creamy warmth had been comforting, familiar, yet something else teased the edges of my perception. I closed my eyes for a moment, allowing the aroma to envelop me.

In my shop, surrounded by rows of dried herbs, flowers, and roots, I spent countless hours blending, testing, and perfecting scents and remedies. Each ingredient had a story, a unique signature that I had learned to recognize. Sandalwood was unmistakable, its rich, woody base a canvas on which other scents played their parts.

But this was differentthere was a warmth here, a spicy undercurrent, one that reminded me of Elder Ming's home. I remembered the times I had ground cinnamon bark, the dust tickling my nose and making me sneeze, its sweet, fiery scent lingering on my clothes for hours.

I opened my eyes, looking at Bai Hua, who seemed to be watching me with a mixture of curiosity and challenge. Had he expected me to notice?

Unruffled, I inhaled the fragrance of the sandalwood again, catching the layered notes within. "Is that a hint of cinnamon I detect in your perfume?" I asked, gazing back at him with ease.

His surprise was genuine. "Impressive. Youre right; theres a subtle note of cinnamon to add warmth. Not many can pick that up on the first try."

I shrugged, a small grin playing on my lips. "I run my own herbalism shop. I'm quite familiar with these scents."

Stolen novel; please report.

Bai Hua's interest peaked, "Oh, is that so? And have I heard of this shop of yours?"

I hesitated before mentioning, "Perhaps not the shop, but one of my products. Have you come across the Invigorating Dawn Tonic?"

"I can't say I have."

Well, that's embarrassing.

Bai Hua chuckled. "I jest, Kai Liu. Who isn't aware of the Invigorating Dawn Tonic? It was a mystery that the Azure Silk Trading Company had been tight-lipped about. Even I find myself curious on your methods. To think the inventor would be participating in this year's GauntletMany new faces coming out the woodwork."

I chuckled. "Glad to hear it made an impression. As for how I created it? Well, let's just say you might get a glimpse of my methods during the Gauntlet."

He leaned in, his eyes twinkling with interest. "Ah, you'll show us during the Gauntlet, won't you? Im eager to see your skills firsthand."

As the line shortened, signaling my turn to register, Bai Hua's gaze shifted slightly, a playful smirk forming. "Be careful, Kai Liu. Carrying a snake around ones arm is a risky affair, especially in a crowd like this. I had thought it was your sweat that was particularly repugnant, but..."

I stiffened, and I glanced down at Windy, who was still safely concealed. Bai Hua laughed softly. "Dont worry, your secret's safe with me. But I must say, you do keep fascinating company."

"Thanks for the warning, Bai Hua. Ill see you in the Gauntlet."

With a respectful nod, I moved forward to register, my mind buzzing.

"That's the competition, huh?" I asked Feng Wu. "He's...quite a character."

"It's my first time meeting him. Although I've heard the heir of the Hua family was quite...eccentric."

We stepped up together in front of an official with tired eyes.


"Kai Liu, representing the Verdant Lotus Sect," I responded, Feng Wu nodding in affirmation beside me.

The official glanced up, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. "Ah, the Verdant Lotus Sect. Very well." He scribbled something on a parchment, then handed me a small, ornately designed token. "This is your entry token. Keep it safe; you'll need it to access the competition grounds tomorrow."

Feng Wu added, "We're also here to check into the lodgings provided for the sponsored participants."

"Of course," the official replied, unfurling a map and pointing towards a square on the map, not too far from what I presumed to be the venue. "Your accommodations are in the Jade Harmony Inn. Show your token at the desk; they will take care of you."

Thanking the official, we made our way to the inn. I scanned the line of faces as we exited the venue. Some contestants were talking to each other, but the atmosphere was cold. Faces were etched with a guarded silence, and conversations were clipped. Unlike Bai Hua, they didn't seem as willing to strike up a conversation with their fellow opponents. It made sense, I suppose.

A blast of icy wind whipped past as we stepped outside, making my teeth chatter. The sun dipped below the rooftops, its fading light casting the street into a patchwork of shadows. The vibrant hues of orange and blue that streaked the sky marked the descent of the sun, casting long shadows across the bustling street. The queue for registration outside had seemingly doubled in length, snaking its way down the street like a restless serpent. I turned to Feng Wu, a question brewing on my lips.

"Is the Summer Sun Cosmetics really that famous?"

"Of course. They're extremely popular with nobles and officials. Their focus has always been on external beauty, of course. Perfumes, lotions, hair treatments anything to enhance one's physical appearance. This foray into alchemy, particularly the Gauntlet, is quite unorthodox for them. That Bai Hua... he certainly presents himself with an air of grandeur. Perhaps their ambition has shifted..."

"Confident, that guy. Maybe they have a secret weapon hidden up their perfumed sleeve."

The man chuckled, before stroking his chin in deep thought. "Indeed. Although he's stranger than most, his development of Summer Sun Cosmetic's aromatherapy lineup has only bolstered their position in the industry. It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine they've developed other such alchemical concoctions with unique properties."

"A whole new path in alchemy," I mused, the wheels turning in my mind. "Makes you realize how much there is to learn, right? Maybe after the Gauntlet..."

My voice trailed off, the idea hanging in the air, a silent promise to explore this new avenue of alchemy once the competition was over.

The Jade Harmony Inn was as luxurious as its name suggested, with sweeping eaves and delicate carvings decorating its jade-colored walls. The lobby was spacious and filled with the scent of blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the bustling, crowded streets outside.

Feng Wu clapped my shoulder, a grin spreading across his face. "Not too shabby for a night's rest before the preliminaries, is it not?"

I could only nod, awestruck by the opulence. "This is incredible. I've never stayed anywhere like this."

He chuckled, "Enjoy it, Kai. Tomorrow's a big day. I'll see you in the morning; I have some errands to run before the event starts." With a final nod, he turned and left.

Alone, I checked in at the front desk and headed to my room, which was as lavish as the rest of the inn, with plush furnishings and a view overlooking the city. I let Tianyi and Windy out, watching them explore the spacious room with curiosity. The butterfly fluttered out of her cage, inspecting every corner and edge.

Windy's pure-white scales slid past my arm and onto the floor. I rolled my shoulders in relief. Holding him for that long was tiring! I sat down on the bed, almost sinking into the sinfully soft mattress. What was this made of? Clouds?

I forced my mind to rest, quieting any intrusive thoughts, focusing on the sensation of my body sinking into the luxurious bed. Yet, a familiar tightness settled in my chest, and words began to race unbidden within my mind.

Was I ready for the Gauntlet? I'd come so far, spent countless hours at home and in the Verdant Lotus Sect, grinding herbs, mixing concoctions, experimenting endlessly. The Invigorating Dawn Tonic, along with my other inventions, had gained recognition and even earned me a small fortune. But here, with the Gauntlet looming, the familiar ache of doubt returned. Was I truly prepared to stand among so many skilled alchemists?

A wave of tiredness washed over me as I thought back to my encounters that day. Each person in that line had carried an air of certainty, an unshakeable confidence in their skills. It was almost unnerving. Were they all master alchemists? Had they spent their lives immersed in this world, while I focused on running my shop and surviving day-to-day?

A pang of envy, sharp and fleeting, pierced my thoughts. I shook my head, trying to banish the negativity. It wouldn't do to get worked up now. The Gauntlet was my chance, not just to prove myself, but to take my alchemy to new heights. Even meeting Bai Hua, the eccentric heir with his exotic perfumes and thinly veiled challenges, had ignited a spark of excitement. The potential of aromatherapy... it was an avenue I hadn't even considered.

"I should get some rest. I'll need to wake up early tomorrow. Right, Tianyi?"

The Azure Moonlight Flutter perched herself on my nose, sending waves of encouragement and positivity through our bond. Maybe it was just me, but I swear these emotions were on the cusp of forming words. Was our bond getting stronger?

I flopped onto the cloud-like mattress, sighing deeply. The scent of some exotic flower, probably infused in the absurdly expensive sheets, filled my nose. "This is how one lives in the big city, huh Windy?" I mumbled, stroking his scales absentmindedly. "Maybe a little rest would be good."

As my eyes rolled over and my body prepared to rest, a nagging voice lurked within the confines of my mind.

'Nap? Are you kidding me, Kai? This is the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet, not a picnic! The others are probably hunched over ancient tomes right now, deciphering alchemical secrets your simple village brain can't even comprehend!'

Screaming into my pillow, I got up and glared at the wall, cursing my anxiety. Before I knew it, I was cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, entering the familiar mental landscape.

"Maybe just a quick peek inside my Memory Palace? Just to double-check a few formulas..."

The scent of roasted nuts and steaming pastries drifted from street vendors' stalls, teasing my empty stomach as Feng Wu and I walked towards the venue. Dawn had barely broken, the sky a canvas of soft pinks and oranges. I shivered, tightening my cotton-padded coat around me.

"Sleep well?" Feng Wu asked, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

I mumbled something between a grunt and a sigh. "...Something like that." The night had been a blur of frenzied memorization within my Memory Palace, followed by fitful tossing and turning whenever I'd managed to slip out of my mental abode.

Thankfully, the Jade Harmony Inn had lived up to its name, serving a breakfast worthy of royalty. The warm porridge filled my stomach, and the strong tea was a jolt to my senses, at least temporarily erasing the exhaustion etched on my face.

We approached the familiar building where the Gauntlet was held. The atmosphere had changed overnight. Gone was the long, snaking line from yesterday. Instead, a sense of tense anticipation hung in the air. Participants stood in small clusters, eyes darting nervously towards the entrance.

He gestured to a side entrance, where a stern-looking official stood guard. It seemed sponsored participants received preferential treatment, even up to the preliminaries!

As we neared, the official scrutinized my token and the list on his other hand. "Kai Liu?" A curt nod was his only acknowledgment before he stepped aside. "Right through there. The preliminaries are about to begin."

My heart thudded against my ribs as I walked through the entrance. Feng Wu followed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck, Kai. Show them what you've got."

I stepped into the venue, my pulse quickening. Unlike the vast room from yesterday, the floor here was meticulously organized. The space had been divided into three distinct sections, and within each, row upon row of simple booths curved around like a giant amphitheater. Clearly, this was designed to accommodate hundreds of participants.

Each booth was remarkably minimal: a small table, a cushioned stool, an ink pot, an ink brush, and a stack of what seemed like thick, high-quality paper. I had no idea what was in store for us, but it definitely didn't look like traditional alchemy.

"Follow me," a voice said. I turned to see a middle-aged woman in a crisp uniform gesturing towards one of the quadrants. She led me down a path, and the sheer number of participants became overwhelming.

Here were young men and women dressed in the finest silks, faces etched with a mix of excitement and determination. There were stern-faced alchemists with weathered hands, likely journeymen hoping for a breakthrough. I even spotted a group of elderly scholars, their beards flecked with gray, who whispered amongst themselves with an air of quiet confidence. I suppose the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet allowed it; the only limiting factor for applicants was the level their cultivation was at.

"Your booth is this way," the woman said, finally stopping at the edge of one of the concentric rows. "Please, do not touch anything until the start of the preliminaries is officially announced." She nodded respectfully before moving on to guide the next person.

I sat on the stool and took a deep breath. So, this was it. I was just one face in a sea of alchemists, all hoping to prove their worth.

Taking a deep breath, I scanned the vast arena. The silence that had initially greeted us was slowly being replaced by murmurs and nervous chatter. Each quadrant bustled as participants took their assigned booths, the hushed conversations a rising tide across the room.

A glance around revealed a diverse cast of competitors. Young cultivators, their faces alight with ambition, fidgeted with the ink brushes we weren't supposed to touch, their silks rustling with every movement. Weathered alchemists, their hands seasoned with years of working with fire and flame, examined the paper and ink pots with stoic expressions.

A sudden movement caught my eye. Bai Hua, his colorful attire a beacon amongst the sea of neutral tones, sauntered into my section, a playful glint in his eyes. He couldn't see me, but inwardly I smiled upon seeing the familiar face from yesterday.

Before I could try to get his attention, a hush fell over the room. The murmurs ceased, replaced by a tense anticipation. All eyes turned towards the center of the arena, where a raised platform stood empty.

A spotlight flared to life, illuminating a figure who strode onto the stage with an air of quiet authority. He was a man of average height, his face etched with the lines of experience. Dressed in ornately embroidered robes of midnight blue, he held the crowd's attention effortlessly.

"Welcome, honored participants," his voice boomed, surprisingly rich for such a lean figure. "I am Ma Hualong, the coordinator of the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet's preliminary rounds. Today, you each have the opportunity to prove your mettle, to demonstrate your alchemical prowess and secure your place in the prestigious competition proper."

A ripple of excitement ran through the crowd. Ma Hualong raised a hand, silencing the murmurs.

"However," his voice continued, "the first challenge will not be what you expect." He paused, letting the weight of his words hang heavy in the air. "Today, we test your knowledge, not your practical skills. The written portion of the preliminaries will now commence."


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