Blossoming Path

Chapter 71: Eclipsing the Ego

Chapter 71: Eclipsing the Ego

Ignoring the throbbing pain that seemed to echo with each heartbeat, I pushed past Ping Hai, my steps deliberate as I approached where Elder Jun, Elder Zhu, and Xu Ziqing stood. The air felt heavier here, charged with an unspoken tension that made my already labored breathing seem all the more difficult.

I looked over at Xu Ziqing. He regained his calm demeanor before the spar, but his posture was shaken. It felt good, to know that I broke free of the expectations they put on me.

Elder Jun's gaze was like a shard of ice, piercing and unwavering, as it fixed upon me. The Heavenly Interface flickered into existence once again, its warning clear.

Elder Jun: Essence Awakening Stage Cultivator, Known for Immense Pride and Ruthlessness. Suggested Approach: Humility and Diplomacy

But the warning was unnecessary; the memories of my past recklessness, the consequences that almost befell the sect and myself, were fresh in my mind. I steadied my voice, cooling the fiery undertone of defiance that had almost become second nature. I recalled the discussions with the Verdant Lotus elders, their warnings echoing in my mind.

They had been clear; my pursuit of righteousness, however well-intentioned, risked not only my safety but that the entire sect and the innocents of Gentle Wind Village.

"Elder Zhu, may I?" My voice was steady, but inside, a storm of conflict raged. The beast core, a symbol of victory and power, lay within Elder Zhu's grasp. Yet, as I reached out, a pang of reluctance seized me.

This core represented more than just a prize; it was a testament to the trials I had faced and overcome. It symbolized my growth, my commitment to standing up for what I believed was just. After all, we had earned it together; Feng Wu and I. In the heat of battle against the Wind Serpents, side by side with Xu Ziqing and the Silent Moon sect.

Yet, when they returned, laying claim to what we had jointly secured, it struck a chord of injustice within me. My resistance, born from a sense of righteousness, was reckless. In my fervor to defend what I perceived as fair, I had failed to gauge the depth of the ripples my actions would reach.

Turning to Elder Jun, I mustered all the humility I had learned from the harsh lessons of life. "Elder Jun, I thank you for this opportunity. The duel, while a challenge, was a valuable lesson in the depth of cultivation. It has shown me the prowess of the Silent Moon sect and the undeniable strength of Ping Hai."

Elder Jun's eyes narrowed, his voice slicing through the air with a cold precision that made me inwardly flinch. "Spare us your platitudes. In the Jianghu, a loser is a loser. There's no need to dress it with pretty words."

His words stung, a harsh reminder of the brutal reality of the path I had chosen. Yet, within me, something stirreda realization that true strength lay not just in power but in the wisdom to wield it wisely.

"Elder Jun, my victory today does not make me superior to Ping Hai or diminish the Silent Moon sect's standing. It was the support of the Verdant Lotus sect and the lessons I've learned that carried me through," I responded, my gaze drifting to where Li Na, Han Wei, and the others stood. Their expressions were a mix of pride and concern.

The air felt thick as I bowed respectfully to Elder Jun, an act of submission that went against every fiber of the pride in my being. "I apologize for any disrespect my actions may have caused. It was never my intention to sow discord between your sects."

I said something similar during my first encounter with them. But here it was more genuine. I hoped it would permeate my words.

But if it didn't...

I carefully took the beast core from Elder Zhu, giving him a quiet word of thanks as I stood a little straighter to face Elder Jun. The energy coming off him was palpable, coiling around me as though trying to choke the air from my very lungs.

With a heavy heart, I held out the beast core to Elder Zhu, my reluctance a bitter taste in my mouth. "This core... If it can ensure peace and harmony between the Verdant Lotus and Silent Moon sects, it is worth more than any prize."

Gasps of shock rippled through the crowd, the weight of my offer hanging heavily in the air. Elder Jun's expression was inscrutable, his eyes boring into mine as he weighed my words.

Elder Zhu's eyes met mine, a storm of emotions swirling in their depths. "Kai, reconsider. This core is your right, won through courage and skill. To relinquish it so easily..."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the unsaid implications of my decision. The beast core, pulsating with energy in his outstretched hand, seemed to beckon, a siren call to the potential it promised.

"Elder Zhu speaks wisely, Kai," Feng Wu said, his voice as calm as the still surface of a lake, yet carrying an undercurrent of solemnity. "Consider the path ahead, and the challenges it may hold. A beast core, especially of one this size would be a great benefit to your cultivation."

Their words pierced the fog of resolve I had wrapped around myself, planting seeds of doubt where none had existed. I glanced between the two men, the pillars of wisdom and strength that helped me grow and learn in such a short span of time. I felt the weight of their concern.

Yet, as I gazed at the beast core, its luminescent glow reflecting in their expectant eyes, a different kind of resolve settled within me.

"No, Elder Zhu. If my actions have created enmity between the Verdant Lotus and the Silent Moon, then it is my duty to amend them. This core, as precious as it is, holds no value against peace."

If the beast core would ensure my village's safety from retaliation, then this was a small price to pay. Sure, it could further my cultivation, but would it be enough to grant me the power to protect the people of the Gentle Wind village from the Silent Moon sect if they chose revenge against me? Even if the Verdant Lotus sect stepped in, that only meant my friends, Li Na, Han Wei, Feng Wu, would suffer casualties.

To Sect Leader Ye Shaotian, Elder Jun must've seemed like a frog in a well. But to me, he felt more like a dragon lurking in shallow waters. His presence, though not towering, cast a long shadow, one that could easily envelop those around him in darkness. A person who wouldn't hesitate to bring others down with him to the depths if provoked.

And as much as I despised it, I wasn't the dragon-slaying cultivator I had imagined myself to be.

At least, not yet.

Holding the beast core out to Elder Jun, I could feel the weight of every gaze upon us, thickening the air with anticipation. The core, pulsing with a faint glow in my palm, felt like the only source of light in a rapidly darkening world. I knew the man standing before me was a master at concealing his thoughts, his face a mask that revealed nothing of the storm that might be raging beneath.

Yet, as I extended the core towards him, I saw ita flicker, a slight twist of his features, so fleeting I almost doubted my own eyes. Elder Jun, the unshakable, had shown a crack in his armor.

Offering the beast core, I wasn't just relinquishing a token of power; I was laying down a gauntlet. Would he take the core, reneging on the terms of our wager, and in doing so, admit to a weakness I was certain a man of his stature would never concede? Or would he let it go, acknowledging the gesture for what it wasa plea for peace, for the sake of those who had no part in our conflict?

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The silence that stretched between us was deafening. I knew that whatever I was thinking, he had likely considered already. I didn't do this with the hope of winning more, but to secure the peace and safety of my sect, my friends, and the innocents of Gentle Wind Village. This was my gambit, my calculated risk to preserve harmony between the Verdant Lotus and the Silent Moon.

I could feel the eyes of my sect, my friends, and even the Silent Moon disciples bore into us, their breaths held in anticipation of Elder Jun's response. The weight of the core in my hand felt magnified, a symbol of so much more than the power it contained. It was a test, a question posed to Elder Jun's principles, and by extension, to the honor of the Silent Moon sect itself.

"Do you take us for beggars, boy? The Silent Moon sect does not renege on its wagers," Elder Jun retorted, his voice laced with disdain and bitterness. "We accept our loss. This matter is closed."

As Elder Jun signaled his disciples to prepare for departure, I stayed in place, slowly lowering my hand and letting out a sigh of relief. It was over.

I glanced over at Elder Zhu. It seemed he understood my intentions with my gambit. In the subtle nod he offered, I found an unspoken acknowledgment of the weight of my decision. It was as if, in that brief exchange, he conveyed a silent message of gratitude mixed with a hint of regret for the burden I had shouldered alone.

As Elder Jun turned his back, signaling the end of the standoff, the atmosphere around us began to shift. Ping Hai looked at Elder Jun in dismay, turning back to look at me. He seemed unsure, almost like he wanted to say something, before clenching his fist and following the older man's lead.

The tension that had hung over us like a heavy cloak started to dissipate, replaced by a cautious sense of relief that rippled through the gathered crowd. Murmurs and whispers filled the air, breaking the silence that had gripped the training grounds moments before.

My friends, who had stood by me in silent solidarity, now approached with steps that carried a mixture of awe and concern. Li Na's eyes were bright with unshed tears, a testament to the emotional rollercoaster we had all endured. Han Wei clapped me on the back, a large grin on his face. Feng Wu simply offered a small, knowing smile, one that spoke volumes of the respect he held for the path I had chosen.

As the Silent Moon sect began their solemn procession away from the Verdant Lotus grounds, I couldn't help but feel a weight lift from my shouldersa weight I hadn't fully realized I'd been carrying.

"Ha...I'm exhausted," I murmured, letting my posture sag as I leaned heavily on Han Wei. "But everything turned out better than I imagined."

A shadow loomed over me, and before I could turn my head, I heard Feng Wu's voice speak up.

"Is there something you need, Xu Ziqing?"

I looked up to see the Azure Moon Marauder. Dressed in his cobalt-colored robe, and a dagger-like glint in his eyes, I wondered if he was related to Elder Jun in some way.

"Kai Liu," Xu Ziqing addressed me, his voice devoid of warmth, echoing the detachment of his allegiance. "Your gesture today, offering the beast core back to Elder Jun was...unexpected." His words, carefully chosen, carried an undercurrent of critique rather than praise.

"It was a decision for peace, for the sake of both the sects and those beyond them."

Although I wouldn't tell him that I did it knowing there was a good chance they'd turn down the offer. It's the thought that counts, right?

The man kept his gaze on me, tapping the hilt of his blade lightly. I still felt caution, knowing that among the disciples brought out here today, he was the strongest among them. Even Ping Hai would succumb to the powerful slashes I'd seen that gouged out walls in the battle of Qingmu.

Xu Ziqing's lips twitched into a semblance of a smile, but it lacked any genuine amusement. "Always playing the hero, aren't you? But remember, in the grand scheme of the Jianghu, it's the sect's glory that prevails. Individual sacrifices are but footnotes in our sects' legacies."

Where was he going with this? Was it disdain? Mockery? His acknowledgment of my actions, wrapped in the guise of criticism, left me wondering what he was up to.

"Perhaps," I conceded, keeping my tone even, "but I believe it's these 'footnotes' that truly define the character of a sect. Not just its victories, but its choices when faced with conflict."

The second-class disciple snorted, but narrowed his eyes. "Noble ideals, but idealism doesn't always hold sway in the face of reality. The Jianghu is unforgiving, and the Silent Moon does not forget its debts or its enemies."

Before I could respond, Li Na stepped forward, her tone polite yet firm. "Senior, your point is made. Perhaps it's best you rejoin your sect now. We've all had a long day."

Feng Wu, silent until now, added with a calm authority that brooked no argument, "It's time to part ways. Let's not sour the peace that's been hard-won today."

Xu Ziqing's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, the ghost of a challenge flickering in his eyes, before he gave a curt nod and turned to leave, his silhouette soon melding among the Silent Moon sect disciples.

As the tension of the confrontation with the Silent Moon sect began to dissipate, I found myself surrounded by my friends, their presence a comforting balm to the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed me. Li Na's eyes sparkled with unshed tears, a testament to the ordeal we had just endured. Han Wei clapped my back with a grin that could light up the darkest of nights, while Feng Wu simply offered a small, knowing smile, his silent acknowledgment speaking volumes.

"We should celebrate tonight, Kai! The dining hall won't know what hit it!" Han Wei exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

I managed a weak smile, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on me. "I'd like that, but maybe later. I need some time to... process everything."

Li Na nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. "Take all the time you need. We'll be there when you're ready."

One by one, my friends dispersed, each lost in their own thoughts, leaving me to the silence that I so desperately craved. The training grounds, now empty, felt vast and echoing.

It was in this silence that I noticed Instructor Xia Ji approaching, her stride purposeful yet measured. Her gaze fell upon a particular spot on the ground.

"Kai, what happened here?" she inquired, her tone light but carrying an undercurrent of curiosity.

I followed her gaze, my eyes landing on the divot I had created as part of my preparation for the duel. A slight flush crept up my cheeks as I remembered Lan Sheng's advice to use my surroundings to my advantage. "It was a... precaution, Instructor. A trap, if you will, inspired by Lan Sheng's words. I dug it last night."

"A trap?" she echoed.

I nodded sheepishly. "Yes, I thought it might give me an edge against Ping Hai. I apologize for the dishonorable tactic."

Instructor Xia Ji surveyed the divot, then looked at me with a glint in her eye that I couldn't quite decipher. "And are there more of these 'precautions' around?"

"Um, a few," I admitted, my embarrassment deepening.

Her lips twitched, barely containing a smile. "I see. Well, you'll have to repair them before tomorrow afternoon, Kai. We can't have the other disciples falling to the same trick and getting injured, can we?"

"I believe it'd be a nice lesson in vigilance and preparedness, hehe..."

Instructor Xia Ji's stern glare locked me in place. She didn't reply, merely pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes.

"I understand, Instructor. I apologize for the inconvenience," I said. "I'll get it fixed up before your classes. I promise."

With the matter of the divots settled, Instructor Xia Ji's expression turned more contemplative. "What's next for you, Kai? After all this excitement, I imagine you have plans."

I paused, the question stirring the whirlpool of thoughts that had been swirling in my mind. "I want to continue my training, Instructor. And there's the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet coming up. I need to prepare, especially now that I have...less time."

Instructor Xia Ji nodded, her gaze assessing. "You're always welcome at the training sessions, Kai, though I won't be able to offer personalized instruction anymore. You've outgrown that, in many ways."

I felt a pang at her words, a mix of pride and nostalgia for the days when every lesson felt like a new world opening up before me. "I understand, Instructor. And I'm grateful for all the guidance you've given me."

She offered a nod. "Then it's settled. Prepare for the Gauntlet, Kai. It's a rare opportunity, and I believe you have the potential to make a significant impact, judging by your results here against the Silent Moon."

Just then, the Heavenly Interface flickered into existence, drawing my gaze with its familiar glow. Amidst the day's turmoil, I had almost forgotten about my quest.

Reward calculation completed.

Spiritual Herbalism has reached level 2.

You have received a Technique Token.


Just under my status menu, I could see another line of text.

Technique Token - 1

What is this?

Like an all-knowing being, the Heavenly Interface responded to my query.

Technique Token - When applied, the Technique Token enhances any chosen skill by elevating it by one level, channeling the latent potential within the cultivator and refining their mastery in unprecedented ways. If used on skills that already reached the maximum level, it will forcefully evolve it to the next stage, regardless of the prerequisites for evolution being fulfilled.

I glanced at the text in shock. This reward was incomprehensibly powerful. If I were to use it on something like the Rooted Banyan Stance, once I reached the tenth level, I'd be able to evolve it to the next stage without the prerequisites, wouldn't it?

And what about the Crimson Lotus Purification technique? It didn't have any evolution requirements like my other skills, wouldn't that mean I could theoretically upgrade the technique into something even better?

"Ha...haha! The heavens are truly generous! HAHAH-" I lurched over in pain, clutching my chest. "Oh, laughing too hard is hurting my ribs."

Despite the discomfort, I couldn't hide my excitement. I'd have to think deeply on what I wanted to upgrade with this. More importantly, I'd have to wait. There was no point upgrading anything right now, when none of my skills had reached the limit. I'd have to weight out the pros and cons.

If I wanted to use it on a skill before the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet, I'd need to work harder than ever! There was no telling how long it'd take to reach the maximum level for each of my skills at this rate.

Left alone in the expanse of the training grounds, the reality of the day's trials began to truly sink in. The adrenaline that had fueled me through the confrontation with Ping Hai, through the strategic give-and-take with Elder Jun, began to ebb, leaving behind a profound sense of weariness.

I let out a long sigh, allowing the quiet of the early evening to envelop me. The setting sun painted the sky in shades of orange and purple, a beautiful backdrop to my tumultuous thoughts. I lay back on the ground, wincing slightly as the aches from the day's exertions made themselves known. I suppose this was a sign I should look further into my healing hydrosol if I wanted to be up and about sooner, along with a trip to the sect's infirmary...

As I gazed up at the fading light, my mind wandered to the task at handthe divots I had strategically placed around the training grounds.

Great, Kai. Brilliant plan you had there. Now, how in the world are you supposed to patch up these holes when you can barely sit up straight?

"Maybe I can convince Han Wei and the others to help..."

The thought of bribing them with alcohol popped up, but I dismissed it as soon as it came. If Feng Wu were to find out...I shivered at the thought. Even Tianyi would try to fight me if she knew I was about to offer her wine to other people.

With a final glance at the darkening sky, I pushed myself to my feet, my resolve solidifying with each painful step. The Grand Alchemy Gauntlet awaited, and with it, the opportunity to prove my mettle, to forge my path in the world of cultivators.

And as for the divots? Well, that's a problem for tomorrow's Kai. For now, the promise of rest, and perhaps a celebratory feast, beckoned, offering a brief respite from the rigors of the path I had chosen.


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