Blossoming Path

Chapter 66: Concocting Victory

Chapter 66: Concocting Victory

"Kai, we've received the letter from the Silent Moon sect. They'll be here by tomorrow morning. Are you ready?"

The silence was palpable as Feng Wu delivered the news. Just because I knew the day was coming didn't make it any easier. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Never better, Feng Wu. I'm just hoping I don't bruise their ego too much once I nab the beast core from them."

He shook his head. "You ought to watch your words, for once in your life..."

"Anyway, I need to head to the alchemy pavilion. There's something I need to check on," I said, giving Feng Wu a reassuring pat on the back before setting off.

I clenched and unclenched my fist and sighed, letting go of the tension I was holding in my shoulders. Time's up. It's time to face the music, I suppose.

As I meandered through the main halls of the Verdant Lotus Sect, I acknowledged the nods and smiles of various disciples I'd grown familiar with. It's funny how, over time, you start recognizing faces and exchanging silent greetings, a nod here, a smile there. I felt more at home here.

Reaching the alchemy pavilion, a place I'd come to know well, I entered the room dedicated to student experiments. This room, with its rows of shelves and tables, held alchemical projects in various stages of completion - fermenting, coalescing, distilling.

I walked to the furthest shelf in the back, where my project was stored. There, in a series of carefully labeled vials, was my upgraded version of the Goji Clarity Potion. It was more than just a simple enhancement; it was a culmination of all the lessons and techniques I had absorbed in my classes.

This potion wasn't just an upgrade in potency; I had added the Mystic Mindroot, a qi ingredient grown by the Tranquil Breeze Farm. The refining method for the Mystic Mindroot added to the goji extract was complex, requiring two full days of meticulous preparation. The process involved careful calibration of temperature, qi flow, and timing to ensure the essence of each ingredient was extracted and blended perfectly.

Under normal circumstances, creating such a potion would be a task for a second-class disciple, someone with the ability to create alchemical array formations to purify its essence. But thanks to my skill, Essence Extraction, I was able to circumvent this prerequisite. I had discovered that by precisely controlling the flow of qi during the extraction process, I could simulate the effects of an alchemical array. It was a risky and unconventional method, but it worked.

The potion itself was a deep, rich color, almost like liquid ruby. The essence of the goji berries had been enhanced with the properties of the Mystic Mindroot, each selected for their clarity and focus-enhancing properties, creating a synergistic effect. The result was a potion that not only sharpened the mind but also harmonized the body's qi flow.

I carefully picked up a vial, holding it up to the light. The liquid inside glowed faintly, a sign of the potent qi infused within. This potion was the product of countless hours of study and experimentation. This wasn't just a particularly strong potion for a regular civilian; this could augment one's abilities and improve a cultivator's abilities in battle.

"I'll call this the Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir." I muttered to myself, a hint of pride in my voice.

As I looked at the second set of vials lined up next to my Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir, I couldn't help but feel a surge of accomplishment. These vials contained my latest creation an advanced version of the Invigorating Dawn Tonic, a potion I had been perfecting over the past few weeks.

The essence of ginger still formed the base of this new recipe, but I needed something more potent than the Morning Dew grass to elevate its effects. My breakthrough came during an Advanced Herbology class, where I stumbled upon a grass with remarkable properties, the Sunfire Blade Grass, a fitting title for a herb that radiated yang qi.

Integrating the Sunfire Blade Grass into the Invigorating Dawn Tonic transformed it from a mere fatigue reliever to a potion that significantly boosted one's physical capabilities by infusing the body with a strong influx of yang qi. However, this transformation wasn't straightforward. The potent nature of the Sunfire Blade Grass meant it could easily overpower the other ingredients, leading to an unstable concoction.

To counter this, I had to add several ingredients to stabilize the compound. The inclusion of Moonbeam Petals and Nightshade Flowers, both known for their calming qi properties, created a balance with the intense yang qi of the Sunfire Blade Grass. This delicate equilibrium of yin and yang within the potion was crucial to ensure that its consumption wouldn't overwhelm my system. My qi circulatory system was more...delicate, than other people's so if I wanted to use it, I'd have to be extra careful.

Furthermore, the preparation process was intricate and time-consuming. The Sunfire Blade Grass had to be harvested at dawn when its yang qi was at its peak. Then, it underwent a slow, controlled drying process, preserving its potency. The grinding had to be done by hand to maintain the delicate structure of the grass fibers, ensuring the qi wouldn't dissipate.

Mixing the ingredients required precise timing and qi manipulation a skill I had honed through my classes and rigorous review within the Memory Palace. The process involved a sequential addition of ingredients, each at specific intervals and temperatures, monitored through my heightened sense through my Plant Whisperer skill. This meticulous method allowed each component to synergize without losing their individual essence.

The final step involved a low-heat infusion over a period of three days, where the mixture was constantly stirred using a qi-infused bamboo spatula. This step was crucial as it allowed the ingredients to meld together, forming a harmonious blend.

"And thus, I have created Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn," I cackled maniacally to myself.

It had taken days to come up with a plausible recipe. Spending hours in the library, finding potions of similar effect that I could create on my own time, with ingredients priced where they wouldn't leave in financial was quite a lot to deal with, alongside my already rigorous training routine.

As I secured the last vial of Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn, a sense of anticipation stirred within me. These two potions the Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir and Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn they were my trump cards for the upcoming duel with the Silent Moon sect.

By focusing on temporary, potent effects rather than long-term benefits, I granted these concoctions an unprecedented level of flexibility and power that couldn't be compared to my previous concoctions. This approach was exactly what I needed for the duel a situation where each moment could tilt the balance between victory and defeat.

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The Silent Moon sect's open disdain for me, their underestimation of a mere 'herbalist,' was a gap I intended to exploit. With these potions, I would cement myself as a legend by landing a hit, no, by beating a third-class disciple of the Silent Moon sect!

Eager to test the full extent of these potions, I decided to find Feng Wu. He was one of the few I could trust to spar with me at full strength, without holding back. Against Li Na and Han Wei, I always worried about hitting them too hard during practice. I could comfortably let loose against someone so much better than me. Navigating through the sect's pathways, I kept an eye out for his familiar figure.

As I searched, I approached another disciple, one of the second-class disciples, and asked him if he had seen the man. "Looking for Feng Wu? He's tied up with an elder's tasks right now. Anything I can help with?"

I recognized the disciple. Lan Sheng, one of the regular patrols at the mission chamber, who I knew from my training with Instructor Xia Ji. He was one of the few second-class disciples I have grown acquainted with aside from Feng Wu. "Lan Sheng, I've brewed up a couple of performance-boosting potions. I wanted to test them out in a spar. I was hoping Feng Wu could help me gauge their effectiveness."

Lan Sheng's eyes widened with intrigue. It quickly narrowed, and he let out a curious smile. "Performance-boosting potions, you say? That sounds quite interesting. I might not be Feng Wu, but I can hold my own in a spar. How about I stand in for him?"

I considered his offer. Lan Sheng was a skilled cultivator, and a spar with him would indeed provide a good test for my potions and what I learned so far. I've only seen him spar against other disciples a handful of times. "That would be great, Lan Sheng. Thank you."

We made our way to the training grounds, an open space surrounded by fallen autumn leaves. As we prepared, I explained the effects of the two potions. Lan Sheng listened intently, nodding in understanding. He was also in my Alchemy Array Crafting class, so he was well-versed in the technical jargon I talked about. Li Na and Han Wei weren't too interested when I rambled on for too long.

"I'll start with the Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir," I said, uncorking the vial. The liquid glimmered under the sunlight, its potent aroma filling the air. I downed it in one gulp, feeling its effects almost immediately. My mind sharpened, my senses heightened. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing me to perceive the world with unprecedented clarity. I could see every detail of Lan Sheng's figure, down to his pores. My eyes strained under the load and narrowed themselves instinctively. This would take some time to get used to.

Next, I took out the Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn. Its fiery essence was palpable even before I opened the vial. With a deep breath, I drank it, feeling a surge of energy coursing through my veins. The heat went down my esophagus and settled within my stomach, spreading evenly throughout my meridians. I exhaled slightly, half-expecting steam to come out.

Lan Sheng observed me closely. "Impressive, Kai. Let's see how they fare in action. I'll give you the first three moves."

The man took on the first stance of the Lotus Palm that Feng Wu did, although it seemed more rigid. At this point, I've analyzed Feng Wu within the visualizations of my Memory Palace technique so often I could mimic it with my eyes closed. Feng Wu's posture was more languid, at ease. But that didn't make him better. Lan Sheng and Feng Wu were both in the same generation of disciples after all. I'd need to hold him in the same regard.

Seeing no other option than to advance, I burst forward on the offensive.

I charged towards Lan Sheng, my mind racing ahead of my body. Each step I took was calculated, and each breath was measured. The Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir had heightened my senses to an extraordinary degree. I could see the slightest tension in Lan Sheng's muscles, anticipate his movements before he even made them.

My first move was a feint - a swift jab towards his torso, intended to draw his guard down. Lan Sheng, however, was unfazed. His eyes, sharp and focused, followed my movements with a calm precision. As expected, he easily parried my strike, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Not bad, Kai, but you'll have to do better than that," Lan Sheng said, his voice calm and collected.

I nodded, acknowledging his skill. The Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn had supercharged my body, infusing me with a strength and agility I had never experienced before. I felt like I could take on the world, but Lan Sheng was no ordinary opponent.

I lunged forward again, attempting a low kick aimed at his ankles. Lan Sheng's reaction was swift. He sidestepped, avoiding my attack with an ease that spoke of years of training and experience.

I didn't let up. My next move was a combination - a quick succession of punches aimed at various points, trying to break through his defense. But Lan Sheng was like a fortress, his blocks and parries a dance of martial prowess.

Then he spoke, his voice steady, "My turn now, Kai."

Lan Sheng shifted into offense, his palms moving in a blur. The strikes were light but fast, each one a test of my reflexes. I dodged and weaved, barely keeping up with his assault. His style was fluid, each movement seamlessly flowing into the next.

Then came the feint - a series of palm strikes that forced me to backpedal, only to realize it was a setup for a leg sweep. My heightened senses caught the shift in his stance, the subtle transfer of weight. I stepped back, narrowly avoiding the sweep, but still got clipped on one leg, throwing me off balance.

I stumbled, rolling awkwardly to avoid a follow-up strike aimed at my chest. The roll was far from graceful, a last-ditch effort to evade his attack. I managed to get back on my feet, panting slightly from the exertion.

Compared to me, Lan Sheng seemed unruffled. His hair, tied neatly into a bun, didn't have a single strand out of place.

"Would you like to continue, Kai?"

I nodded, trying to slow down my heartrate with deep breaths. "Yes. Please humor this junior, Senior. I'd like to see the full extent of my potions."

He chuckled.

"Very well, let's see how far you can push yourself," Lan Sheng replied, adopting a more relaxed stance, one that seemed mischievous, almost playful. His fighting style was a stark contrast to Feng Wu's. While Feng Wu waited for openings and struck with precision, Lan Sheng was like a relentless storm of deceptive strikes, making it difficult to predict his next move. It almost felt like he was toying with me, but there was no hint of arrogance in his demeanor, just a sense of enjoyment in pushing me to my limits.

As we resumed our spar, I tried to adapt to his unpredictable style. Lan Sheng's movements were fluid, his attacks coming from unexpected angles, keeping me on my toes with his cat-like agility. He threw a barrage of strikes, each one seemingly casual but packed with intent. It was a dance of feints and real attacks, a test of my reaction and adaptability.

Despite my enhanced senses and agility from the potions, I found myself struggling to keep up with his relentless assault. Lan Sheng's style was not just about physical prowess; it was about outsmarting the opponent, and he was doing it masterfully. My mental energy was dwindling rapidly.

The effects of the Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir began to wane, and I felt my heightened awareness slipping away. My reactions slowed, and Lan Sheng's strikes became harder to anticipate. I tried to compensate with the physical boost from the Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn, but it was a losing battle.

In a moment of panic, I decided to switch tactics. I grounded myself in the Rooted Banyan Stance, envisioning myself entrenched in the earth, becoming an unmovable force. I tensed my body, channeling my qi to harden my muscles.

Lan Sheng's next strike came, a palm thrust aimed at my chest. I took it head-on, absorbing the impact with my fortified stance. The surprise in his eyes was evident, but it was short-lived. He quickly adjusted, dodging my straight punch and delivering a powerful kick to my midsection.

The kick sent me crashing to a pile of autumn leaves, the effects of the Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn fading away. I groaned in pain, feeling a headache, fatigue, and body soreness from the impact. The ground beneath me seemed to spin as I tried to catch my breath.

Lan Sheng offered me a hand, helping me to my feet. "I've seen your spars against the third-class disciples. Those potions of yours truly made a difference in performance."

"Enough to beat Li Na or Han Wei perhaps?"

"...But you must remember, these potions are crutches. Don't get too reliant on them. Considering the drawbacks, you may even have to consider whether it's worth fighting with it or not if you expect the match to be a prolonged one."

I don't particularly appreciate how he deflected my question, but I nodded. He was right, relying on my potions wasn't a long-term solution. But I think it'd be better than nothing. Perhaps I should leave it as a trump card if the battle becomes a prolonged one?

Lan Sheng continued, his tone shifting to that of a mentor, "Moreover, your style is too straightforward, Kai. In a real battle, predictability is a weakness. You need to mix things up, and deviate from your normal pattern now and then."

I listened intently, absorbing his advice. Lan Sheng was experienced, and his insights were invaluable.

"Surprise is a weapon in itself. Save some techniques for critical moments, and think outside the box more. For instance, use your environment to your advantage, or feint with one technique and switch to another unexpectedly. I remember during a spar against Instructor Xia Ji, she'd..."

He demonstrated a few examples, showing how a simple change in rhythm or an unexpected move could throw off an opponent.

We spent the next few hours discussing various techniques and ideas, with Lan Sheng pointing out nuances and strategies I hadn't considered before. The sun began to set, casting long shadows across the training ground, littered with a carpet of fallen leaves.

As we wrapped up, Lan Sheng flashed a mischievous grin. "Now, for helping you with this spar, how about you help me with something in return? Instructor Xia Ji usually has me sweep this training ground. Care to take over for today?"

I chuckled, realizing this was likely his plan all along. "Sure, I owe you one." I grabbed a broom and started sweeping the leaves, which seemed to have fallen in greater numbers than usual. The ground was covered in a thick layer of autumn colors, due to the Verdant Lotus sect's lush surroundings.

Sweeping the leaves, a spark of an idea ignited in my mind. The duel with the Silent Moon sect I had the privilege of selecting the location if I were to win the first bout. My gaze swept over the training ground, taking in the dense foliage and the abundance of leaves.

I swept the leaves away, revealing firmly packed dirt.

This environment could be an advantage. It was unconventional, but that was precisely what Lan Sheng had advised thinking outside the box. I could use the leaves for concealment, create distractions, or even...

A plan began to form in my mind, one that could turn the tables in the upcoming duel. The Silent Moon sect was expecting a straightforward fight, but I would give them something unexpected.

As the moonlight waned overhead, I worked tirelessly to bring my plans to fruition.


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