Blossoming Path

Chapter 59: Snakes & Rats

Chapter 59: Snakes & Rats

The dense underbrush of the forest gave way to a small clearing bathed in the silver light of the moon. There, in the midst of the serene night, I witnessed a display of nature's unspoken law the hunter and the hunted.

Windy was in its element, with snow-white scales that contrast starkly against the dark earth. The hatchling wasn't just hunting; it was asserting its place in this world, their superiority as a spirit beast unmistakably clear. The bamboo rat, with its light-green fur, stood no chance. It was not a struggle for survival but a mere act in the play of the food chain.

I watched, rooted to the spot in stunned silence, as Windy, with a grace and ease that belied their youth, struck with precision. The small yet formidable body coiled swiftly, striking the rat at its neck. The bamboo rat's feeble attempt to defend itself was almost pitiful in comparison. It was over in a heartbeat the natural order upheld, the hunter triumphant.

A part of me, the boy who had read countless tales and fantasies, knew that spirit beasts weren't just some animal you could find on a regular basis. They were beasts that were born with the ability to utilize qi, blessed with powers even cultivators would find tough to face. Even a mere hatchling could take down a human if given the opportunity. Yet, seeing Windy in action, the reality of that knowledge struck me anew.

"Shouldn't be surprised, really," I muttered to myself. "It's just nature doing its thing, and Windy's just... born strong, I suppose."

As I stepped into the clearing, Tianyi seemed to sense my approach. She fluttered down from a nearby branch, her delicate, blue wings glinting in the moonlight. Her demeanor was that of a child caught in a mischievous act, the air around her charged with a feeling akin to an apology.

"Caught red-winged, huh, Tianyi?" I said, a hint of amusement in my voice. Her response was a gentle flutter, and a small wave of guilt through our emotional bond.

Windy, meanwhile, continued their meal, unbothered by my presence. Watching the hatchling, a sense of calm washed over me. The initial surge of panic and fear had ebbed away, replaced by a light-hearted acceptance of the situation. "Well, Windy, looks like you don't need hunting lessons from me," I chuckled, admiring his effortless skill.

Tianyi's wings brushed against my cheek, a soft, silent apology that I accepted with a nod. "You two really gave me a scare, you know? I thought I'd have to fight off a horde of demonic beasts to find you. Not that it would be a challenge, but..."

The scene, with Windy methodically swallowing his prey and Tianyi's apologetic dance, was almost comical in its simplicity. Here I was, worried about all manner of dangers, while they were just... living their lives as spirit beasts.

"Next time, leave a note or something," I joked, the tension of the night dissipating into the cool forest air. "Or at least don't wander off when it's snack time."

As Windy finished swallowing, leaving a noticeable bump around its serpentine body, I gathered both of my companions. It was time to head back. The forest, once a daunting labyrinth, now felt like a familiar path. It was quite easy to follow the trail I left in my hunt for these two. "Let's head home. And no more unscheduled adventures, okay?"

The moon shone down on us as we made our way through the forest, a silent guardian watching over our return. With Tianyi's gentle fluttering and Windy's contented slithering, the night no longer seemed so ominous.

The journey back to the guest quarters was uneventful, but my mind buzzed with newfound realizations about Tianyi and Windy. The quiet of the night was a stark contrast to the earlier chaos of my thoughts when I had been searching for them.

Standing outside the quarters, I gazed up at the window from which they had made their escape. It was a good two zhang high not a particularly daunting height for me with some qi into my legs, but for them, it seemed an extraordinary feat. How had Windy, with its tiny serpentine body, managed such a climb? And how did they close the window behind them?

Setting them down, I looked at them with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Alright, show me how you did it," I said, gesturing towards the window. "Up you go, as you would if I weren't here."

Tianyi, understanding my request, fluttered her wings gently and ascended gracefully towards the window, her movements as effortless as a leaf caught in a gentle breeze. Her delicate form glided upward, and she perched on the windowsill with an air of elegance.

Windy's approach, however, was a revelation in itself. It approached the wall, their small head tilting as if assessing the best route. Then, with surprising agility, the hatchling began to slither upwards. It's movements were meticulous, each inch of his progress marked by a calculated use of the slightest grooves and indentations in the wooden walls. It was like watching a skilled climber, each movement precise and purposeful.

I watched, fascinated, as Windy slithered up the wall. The way he maneuvered his body, coiling and uncoiling, using every small advantage offered by the wall's surface, spoke of an intelligence I hadn't fully appreciated before. It was more than just instinct; it was a calculated approach to overcoming a challenge.

Reaching the windowsill, Windy paused beside Tianyi. Then, with a dexterity that left me astounded, it used the end of his tail to nudge the window shut. It was a deliberate, thoughtful action, showcasing a level of understanding and intelligence that went beyond my previous assumptions about the Wind Serpent.

I stood there, mouth agape, as the reality of their capabilities sank in. Windy wasn't just a spirit beast hatchling; it was a creature with a level of intelligence and adaptability that I had failed to fully recognize until now.

"Well, I'll be," I murmured, a shocked grin spreading across my face. "Clever little guy, aren't you?" I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride watching them, these two remarkable beings that had chosen to bond with me. Well, at least one of them. Windy hasn't quite recognized me yet, going by the silence from the Heavenly Interface whenever I tried to summon its status like I did with Tianyi.

Climbing back up to my quarters through the normal route felt like an entirely different journey this time. The adrenaline that had fueled my frantic search had ebbed away, leaving in its wake a profound sense of fatigue. Each step felt heavier, each breath a little more labored. The urgency that had propelled me forward was gone, replaced by the weight of exhaustion that settled over me like a thick cloak.

By the time I reached my room, I was bone-tired. The events of the night seemed to replay in my mind in a slow, surreal dance. I glanced at Tianyi and Windy, now safely back in our quarters. Windy, seemingly indifferent to the nights events, was contentedly coiled around the beast core by the windowsill, the small, serpentine body slowly pulsating as it digested its meal.

Tianyi, however, fluttered near me, her wings emitting soft, iridescent glows. I sensed my connection with her, pulsing with a multitude of different emotions as though speaking a sentence without words. It dawned on me then; this wasnt the first time they had ventured out. The realization came not in words but in waves of emotions through our bond affirmation, a hint of mischief, and a touch of pride.

So, this has happened before, hasn't it? I asked, half-expecting an answer.

In response, Tianyis wings fluttered softly, a sensation that conveyed a sense of affirmation. The tiny butterfly seemed to understand the gravity of my questions, her movements delicate yet expressive.

And tonight, it just took longer to find something to hunt? I continued, piecing together the story from her responses.

Again, Tianyi affirmed with a gentle flutter, her insectoid eyes meeting mine in a silent communication that spoke volumes.

"Did you ever help Windy with a kill?"

Her wings didn't flutter this time, and a firm feeling of negativity flowed. This back and forth conversation reminded of the time I held out a book containing pictures of fruits and plants, showing Tianyi and trying to find out which she liked best.

I sat down, marveling at the situation. Windy, you're quite the hunter, arent you? Managing all this without needing Tianyi's help.

Windy, engrossed with the beast core, didnt react to my words. The hatchling's indifference was almost comical, a stark contrast to Tianyi's attentive demeanor.

I turned my attention back to Tianyi. I'm impressed, but also worried. Its dangerous out there. You could be discovered... or worse, hurt by some forest creature.

Tianyis wings drooped slightly, a subtle indication of understanding mixed with a tinge of remorse. I was confident Tianyi could take out any forest animal coming her way, but what about other predators? There was no guarantee other spirit beasts didn't reside within the confines of the forest, rare as they were.

Listen, I cant stop you from going out, but we need to set some limits, I said, a plan forming in my mind. Ill bring proper food for Windy. Well establish a regular schedule for me to go out and bring back some meat and maybe a bit of alcohol. But that's if you cooperate.

At the mention of alcohol, Tianyi perked up, her wings fluttering in what seemed like excitement. She then turned to Windy, who continued to cradle the beast core, seemingly uninterested in our conversation.

Through a series of delicate movements and subtle shifts in her aura, Tianyi communicated with Windy. It was a silent conversation, but the understanding between them was palpable. Windy finally lifted its head, their gaze shifting between Tianyi and me. After a moment, the serpent seemed to accept the arrangement, its attention returning to the beast core.

Alright, it's a deal then, I said, feeling a sense of relief. Well make this work. But no more secret nightly escapades, okay?

Tianyi fluttered around me, her wings casting a soft glow in the dim room, a silent promise of cooperation.

I leaned back, my mind still processing the night's revelations. The bond I shared with Tianyi and Windy was more profound than I had realized, filled with layers of understanding and silent communication. It was a unique relationship, one that transcended the usual boundaries between a cultivator and their spirit beasts.

Lying there in the quiet of the night, my thoughts meandered, trailing along the lines of natural instinct and inherent talent. I watched Windy, curled up contentedly, with innate abilities for survival and hunting so clearly evident. It made me ponder my own path, the journey of cultivation that I had embarked upon.

I couldnt help but feel a twinge of envy for creatures like Windy, born with an inherent skill, an instinct that guided them seamlessly through lifes challenges. For me, the path of cultivation was a road paved with hurdles. Born with an unnaturally weak qi circulation system, and having started martial arts training so late, I faced a steep uphill battle. It was like trying to scale a cliff with sheer vertical walls daunting, nearly impossible.

If only I had started training when I was younger, I mused, a sense of regret weaving through my thoughts. I imagined a different life, one where I began my martial journey as a child. Perhaps then, I could have been like Li Na or Han Wei, naturally adept and confident in my abilities. Perhaps I could've been even stronger than them; I'd be able to challenge Feng Wu had I entered a sect at the same time as they did!

Ah, that's ridiculous of me to say. It sounds wrong to even think about it. I was denying their effort by saying that.

Reality was starkly different. My talent for martial arts was, to put it bluntly, sub-par. It was a truth I had come to accept, albeit reluctantly. The realization of how much effort I needed to put in to even come close to people years younger than me was overwhelming at times.

It was in these moments of introspection that I summoned the Heavenly Interface, the system that had become my unlikely ally. The glowing interface appeared before me, its familiar presence a reminder of how far I had come. The skills and knowledge it granted me were more than just aids; they were the tools that leveled the playing field, giving me a fighting chance in a world where I was at a distinct disadvantage. Despite it's silence now, I knew there was more to it now. I shudder to think what would've happened if I kept talking against Elder Jun. Perhaps one of the third-class disciples would've turned me into a fine paste.



Interface Manipulator - Allows manipulation of the Heavenly Interface and access to special features.

Race: Human

Vitality: Sufficient


Affinity - Wood

Cultivation Rank: Mortal Realm - Rank 3

QI: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

MIND: Mortal Realm - Rank 3

BODY: Mortal Realm - Rank 2


Spiritual Herbalism - 2 (...)

Nature's Attunement - 2 (...)

Reading - 6 (...)

Cultivation Techniques:

Rooted Banyan Stance - 1 (...)

Crimson Lotus Purification - 1 (...)

I scrolled through the interface, my eyes lingering on the skills and stats I had accumulated. Each number, each skill, was a testament to my journey, to the effort and determination I had poured into overcoming my limitations. The interface didnt just offer me a way to enhance my abilities; it provided a semblance of hope, a chance to carve my own path in a world where I was inherently behind.

Despite the fatigue that clung to my body, a renewed sense of resolve filled me. I couldnt change my natural talent, but I had the Heavenly Interface now. It was my bridge over the chasm of my limitations.

Pushing myself up, I moved to a sitting position, ready to meditate. The qi in the room felt richer, denser a gift from Tianyis Qi Haven skill. It was an ideal environment for cultivation, one that I couldnt afford to waste.

Closing my eyes, I focused on my breathing, allowing the qi to flow through my meridians, feeling its warm, invigorating energy. Each breath was a step forward, each circulation of qi a small victory. The challenges ahead were many, but with the Heavenly Interface as my guide and my own unwavering determination, I was ready to face them.

The night deepened around me, but in my meditative state, time and fatigue seemed inconsequential. I was a cultivator, and this was my path one of struggle, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of growth.

The initial cloud of pessimism that had hovered over my perception of my abilities began to dissipate, replaced by a burgeoning sense of enthusiasm and determination.

I couldn't help but smile at the irony of it all. Here I was, once lamenting my lack of inherent talent, now finding a unique sense of pride in my journey. I wasnt born with extraordinary abilities or remarkable qi circulation. No, my path was different it was carved out of perseverance, relentless effort, and an unwavering will to succeed.

The realization ignited a fire within me. "I might not be a natural-born genius," I whispered to the silent room, "but I am the genius of hard work." The words echoed in the quiet, a declaration of my resolve. I would work tirelessly, pushing beyond the limits set by my circumstances. Each step forward might be harder for me than for those naturally gifted, but that only made each achievement more gratifying.

I could feel the enriched qi around me, a subtle reminder of Tianyi's presence and her contribution to my journey. It was as though the universe itself was conspiring to help me on my path, offering me tools and companions to aid me in my quest.

With every cycle of qi through my meridians, my resolve strengthened. I wasn't just going to catch up to my peers; I was going to surpass them. In the grand tapestry of cultivators, I would be a standout thread, vibrant and resilient. My story wouldn't be one of effortless victories but of hard-fought battles and hard-earned triumphs.

"I'll be a cultivator whose name will be remembered," I vowed, feeling the energy coursing through me, reinforcing my resolve. "Not because I was the most talented, but because I was the most dedicated. The genius of hard work that will be my legacy."

And my legacy begins with a glorious victory against the Silent Moon sect!


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