Blossoming Path

Chapter 56: Instructor Xia Ji

Chapter 56: Instructor Xia Ji

As I stepped into the office, the grandeur of the room momentarily took my breath away. It was spacious and elegantly decorated, with intricate, wooden tapestries adorning the walls and a large, polished desk sitting prominently in the center. However, even this grandiosity paled in comparison to the aura of the man seated behind the desk.

Sect Leader Ye Shaotian was a figure of quiet authority. His sharp features and thick eyebrows gave him a commanding presence, and his greying hair and the lines etched on his face spoke of wisdom gained through years of experience. He appeared to be around the same age as Elder Zhu. His eyes, deep and insightful, seemed to hold the weight of untold stories and profound depth, a depth I couldn't begin to fathom.

I bowed deeply, my heart racing. "Sect Leader Ye Shaotian, I am Kai. It's an honor to meet you." My voice trembled slightly despite my efforts to sound composed.

Sect Leader Ye nodded, his gaze appraising. "Rise, Kai. I've heard much about you lately."

Elder Zhu stood to the side, his presence both reassuring and intimidating. He gave me an encouraging nod, urging me to stand straight and face the Sect Leader with confidence.

Sect Leader Ye's voice was calm yet resonated with an underlying strength. "Your actions against the Silent Moon sect have not gone unnoticed, Kai. However, contrary to what you might expect, it's not something punishable."

I blinked in surprise, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly. "Not punishable, Sect Leader?"

He snorted, a sound that seemed too casual coming from such an esteemed figure. "Elder Jun's posturing is of little consequence to us. In the grand scheme of things, he's a minor player, scrambling for a position he's ill-equipped to fill. His schemes are transparent and hardly a threat."

Inside, I was reeling. Elder Jun, who had loomed so large in my mind, was just a minor annoyance in the eyes of the Verdant Lotus Sect Leader?

I let out a silent sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off my chest. Elder Zhu added, "You've shown bravery and cunning, qualities that are valuable to the Verdant Lotus Sect. mendable."

The older man continued, "Instructor Xia Ji will be responsible for your training. Given the circumstances, we've decided it's best to prepare you thoroughly."

I nodded, absorbing the information. "Instructor Xia Ji, understood."

Sect Leader Ye then looked at me intently. "Tell me, Kai, do you have a background in martial arts?"

The question caught me off guard. I hesitated for a moment before replying, "My experience is limited, Sect Leader. I've only recently begun training this year, when the Heavenly Interface came into existence."

Sect Leader Ye nodded thoughtfully. "A solid foundation in both body and qi is essential before delving into advanced techniques. But that requires time; time we do not have."

He nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Building a solid foundation in both body and qi is crucial for any cultivator. It's a slow process, one that cannot be rushed without risking harm. However, given your upcoming challenge, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation where time is a luxury we do not have."

His words echoed my own thoughts, the reality of my situation settling in. I was a novice trying to prepare for a battle against a seasoned cultivator. The odds were not in my favor.

Sect Leader Ye leaned back in his chair, his gaze still fixed on me. "First-class disciple Xia Ji is skilled in various martial techniques. Under her guidance, you will learn a series of techniques that will aid you in your upcoming trial. It won't be easy, but it's necessary."

I nodded, a mix of apprehension and determination building within me. "I understand, Sect Leader. I'll do whatever it takes."

Sect Leader Ye continued, his voice carrying a weight that underscored the seriousness of the situation. "Although this match is not directly linked to our Verdant Lotus Sect, since you are not a disciple, the outcome will nonetheless reflect upon us. The sect's reputation and influence extend far beyond our immediate members."

I swallowed hard, the gravity of his words hitting me. It was one thing to face a personal challenge, but now the stakes were even higher. My actions, my performance, would cast a shadow - or light - on the entire sect.

"The Verdant Lotus Sect will support you in this endeavor, Kai," Sect Leader Ye assured. "We will ensure you have the resources and training necessary to make a respectable showing against the Silent Moon sect, win or lose."

I nodded, my mind racing. The support of the Verdant Lotus Sect was both a blessing and a pressure. "Thank you, Sect Leader. I... I won't let the sect down."

Sect Leader Ye gave a slight smile, a gesture that seemed to ease the tension in the air. "I believe in Instructor Xia Ji's abilities and your potential. You have shown a spark that is rare. Harness it well."

As I left Sect Leader Ye Shaotian's office, a mix of anticipation and unease churned within me. The rest of the sect elders stayed in the office, watching me go.

My thoughts were a blur. Meeting the sect leader, being told that this whole incident was the power play of Elder Jun...I didn't know what to do. What was there for me to do other than perform?

Enclosed by towering trees, the training grounds felt secluded, almost sacred. The air vibrated with the sounds of clashing weapons and disciplined footsteps of disciples perfecting their skills. Outside, the third-class disciples engaged in light sparring, too immersed to notice my presence.

There, in the heart of the grounds, stood Instructor Xia Ji. Medium in height, with piercing eyes and black hair neatly tied back, she radiated command and focus. Her attire was simple, elegant, and clearly designed for movement.

As I approached, her gaze landed on me, sizing me up. I clasped my hands together and bowed, with a firm voice. I would give this my all!

"Under the command of the Sect Leader, I am here to receive guidance from Instructor Xia Ji! Please teach me well."

Xia Ji nodded, stepping towards me as the disciples continued to hone their skills.

"So, the foolish alchemist who bashed his hands into a pole is coming back," she said, a tinge of amusement in her voice. "You picked a fight with the Silent Moon sect? If it's one thing you have, it's guts. That's for sure."

"I will do anything you require of me! I can only hope not to bring shame to the Verdant Lotus sect for my actions."

"I heard the situation from Elder Chen, as well as the conditions tied to your competition. With the sect leader's permission, I will be teaching you a martial art technique. I trust that you have heard of our technique, the Lotus Palm?"

The Lotus Palm? My memory was drawn back to the night I first met Feng Wu. Where he demonstrated the first stance of the Lotus Palm. With palm strikes and a sweeping low kick, I was familiar with the Lotus Palm, having witnessed Li Na use it against me in our light sparring matches.

Even in the clearing where the third-class disciples sparred, several were engaged in hand to hand combat, utilizing the style. It was easy to recognize, especially considering it was the first real martial technique I'd seen with my own eyes. The sweeping blows and deflections that used the attacker's momentum against them; it was truly an art of self-defense.

Compared to the Silent Moon sect, which seemed more forceful and direct in it's movements, each sect's temperament seemed to be present in their respective style. No wonder those guys were such aggressive jerks. What happened to the cultivator stereotype of having a 'heart still like water'? They were more like a raging river!

Something like the Lotus Palm would suit me perfectly!

"Yes! I will work hard to learn the Lotus Palm!"

Instructor Xia Ji chuckled and shook her head. "No, you won't be learning the Lotus Palm. Do you honestly think you could learn an entire martial style in under a month? And have it to a level where you can use it against a Silent Moon sect disciple?"

Sweat beaded down my neck. I wasn't going to learn the Lotus Palm? Then...

The first-class disciple inclined her head towards the disciples sparring in the training grounds.

"The Lotus Palm has many stylistic differences compared to the Silent Moon sect's techniques. Their main technique, the Twelve Form Harvest Moon, is dependent on controlling the battle's tempo. They use simple, fundamental techniques but execute them with forceful, systematic movements designed to dismantle their opponent. The Lotus Palm isn't suitable against them, at least at the level at which third and second-class disciples display."

Xia Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, continuing her explanation. "The Silent Moon's style is aggressive, but it's predictable once you understand their rhythm. You need a technique that can counter their brute force - something that combines the principles of hard and soft defense. A technique that not only guards against their strike but also allows for a counter-attack at the moment of impact."

This sounded complex, yet intriguing. A style that could turn the Silent Moon sect's strength against them? My mind raced with possibilities. "...What's technique is that?"

Xia Ji's expression turned serious. "It's a lesser-known technique within our sect, known as the Bamboo Reprisal Counter. It's based on the concept of bamboo bending under force but not breaking, using the opponent's energy to fuel your counterattack."

However, Xia Ji added, to effectively use the Bamboo Reprisal Counter, you need to endure the strikes of a cultivator without faltering. This means intensive physical training to reinforce your bodys durability. Are you ready for that?

I nodded, my resolve firming. Yes, Instructor. I understand and Im prepared. However, I do have a defensive technique of my own which I hope could be of some use for the battle. I was wondering if I could demonstrate it?

Xia Ji's expression shifted from amusement to curiosity. "A defensive technique of your own creation? This should be interesting. Show me."

I nodded, centering myself in the middle of the training grounds. As I assumed the Rooted Banyan Stance, I recalled the principles that had guided its creation. The stance was about grounding oneself, like a banyan tree's roots delving deep into the earth. My feet spread apart, knees slightly bent, my body lowered in a stance that mirrored the robust stability of a mighty tree. I tucked my arms and clenched my fist, poised yet relaxed.

I took a deep breath, feeling the qi rise within me, flowing like blood through my veins. I focused, channeling it through my body, reinforcing my muscles and bones. The essence of the stance was not just physical; it was about being immovable, unyielding, yet flexible enough to absorb and redirect force.

"Rooted Banyan Stance!"

As Instructor Xia Ji approached, she raised her palm and struck. Her strike was like a thunderbolt, swift and powerful, as it rocketed towards my sternum.

The Rooted Banyan Stance held. My body absorbed the impact, qi flaring at the point of contact, dispersing the force across my frame. My feet dug into the ground, a testament to the power of her blow and the efficacy of my stance. But I remained upright, unshaken.

Xia Ji's eyes widened in genuine surprise, but then narrowed into suspicion. "Impressive. You've already grasped rudimentary fundamentals of qi defense. Not to dissimilar to the Iron Palm Sect's defensive techniques. Tell me, how did you accomplish it?"

I let go of my defensive stance, feeling around my sternum but sensing no lasting damage. I hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell her as honestly as I could. If I couldn't be upfront with them, who could I trust? It wasn't like I was saying anything wrong.

"My mentor...He taught me the basics of martial arts back in the village. As I continued my training, and with the help of the Interface, I gained an understanding of how to use this technique. I likened it to how the banyan tree near my village never wavered, and incorporated it into the horse stance that I used for physical conditioning."

Her eyes widened incredulously, and she began to laugh. "So you're saying that this technique is of your own creation?"

I scratched my head embarrassedly. "I wouldn't say that...It had more to do with my mentor's teachings and the Heavenly Interface. How could I say that I made it?"

It was genuinely how I felt. The technique was borne of my training with Elder Ming and the Heavenly Interface. Without even one of them, I probably wouldn't have attained the knowledge on how to do the stance. It simply built upon what I already had, advancing it to the next stage.

As she circled around me, analyzing the stance, her demeanor turned thoughtful. "Regardless...Your Rooted Banyan Stance has merit, especially against straightforward, powerful attacks. But in your upcoming battle, you'll need more than just defense. Even if it's a singular blow, landing one against someone superior to you in both skill and physical ability isn't easy."

She paused, then continued, "The Bamboo Reprisal Counter I'm about to teach you will complement your Rooted Banyan Stance perfectly. When an opponent's attack is absorbed by your stance, you can redirect that energy, countering with the flexibility and snap of bamboo. At such a close distance, most third-class disciples wouldn't be able to "

I listened intently as she explained the principles of the Bamboo Reprisal Counter. It was about the harmony of yielding and striking, a delicate balance between accepting force and redirecting it. It shouldn't be too hard to learn, right?

"So with that in mind, let's get you started." She said with a smile.


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