Blossoming Path

Chapter 47: Essence of Extraction

Chapter 47: Essence of Extraction

With Tianyi resting on my shoulder, gently radiating a soothing warmth to aid in the healing, I followed Feng Wu out of the compound, bidding Instructor Xia farewell. I heard her muttering quietly to herself, something about Elder Zhu wringing her neck, but I wouldn't tell. It wasn't her fault after all. The verdant landscape of the sect felt calming after the intensity of the training session. The touch of the cool air made me glad that my knuckles were secured in gauze.

"You really are an odd one," Feng Wu remarked with a bemused smile. "Most newcomers wouldn't push themselves to such extremes, especially on their first attempt."

Grinning sheepishly, I responded, "I wanted to experience what you all go through, to truly understand. And in a strange way, I enjoyed it. I learned something about myself and the art of conditioning. I think I'll incorporate it into my own training when I go back home."

Shaking his head in exasperation, Feng Wu led me to a storage area. "Here are the ingredients you ordered from Tranquil Breeze Farm." He handed over bundles containing Morning Dew grass, ginger, and vials of goji berry extract. "Remember to manage your time wisely."

Taking the bundles gratefully, I nodded. "Thank you, Feng Wu. I'll get started right away."

The carriage containing all my goods were also there, and I picked up a dozen vials along with the tools I had brought to get my work done.

As we walked back, the sun now dipping low in the sky, Feng Wu turned to me with a smirk, "Try not to work yourself to the bone, alright?"

"I think it's already too late for that," I laughed, waving my injured knuckles with a grin. "But is this your daily routine? I know you don't really use your fists in combat. You seem more of a dextrous type."

Feng Wu paused, looking out to the horizon with an introspective expression. His dark ponytail swayed gently with the breeze, revealing a proud glint in his eye. "There's something I haven't shared with many. Since our run-in with the Wind Serpents, I received the gift of the memory palace technique. It's a powerful mental technique, Kai, one that has made cultivating my mind an expedited process."

I blinked in surprise but kept my face neutral. The memory palace technique was something I had also acquired, but I hadn't yet used it to its full potential. It was a tool I used to review my current knowledge and study more efficiently. How did it help him cultivate quicker?

Seeing my confusion, Feng Wu elaborated, "Imagine a palace in your mind where every room, every corridor, holds a specific memory or knowledge. By navigating through this palace, I can recall information with ease and speed. This has greatly accelerated my mental cultivation, allowing me more time to focus on my body."

He grinned, a rare expression of self-pride. "To have such an advantage and not make use of it would be foolish, don't you think? That's why I've been working more on my physical strength and resilience."

I nodded, trying to mask my astonishment. "That's incredible, Feng Wu. You've always had a sharp mind, but with this technique, you'll be unstoppable."

Feng Wu looked at me appreciatively. "Thank you, Kai. I believe that the memory palace technique will be the catalyst for my advancement further into the Essence Awakening stage."

A pregnant pause hung between us. Then, in a more inquisitive tone, I asked, "Can you explain more about this technique? I've never heard of it before."

Feng Wu chuckled, "Of course you haven't. The memory palace technique is an art that can't be learned by most. Essentially, it's the ability to build a virtual structure in your mind, associating pieces of information or memories with specific locations. When you wish to recall something, you navigate to that location in your mind's eye. It greatly enhances memory recall and information processing."

Seeing Feng Wu's progress was a testament to the technique's power. I guess using it just as a library isn't enough. Using it to strengthen my mind faster, leaving me with more time to focus on other disciplines...I should use it more consistently than I do now.

We approached the sect's main entrance, the setting sun painting the sky with vibrant shades of orange and purple.

As we parted ways, Tianyi fluttered her wings, conveying a sense of wonder. Alone with my thoughts, I looked up at the evening sky, contemplating the vast expanse. The Heavenly Interface, a phenomenon I had helped birth, reshaped the world in ways I hadn't imagined. How many others had been granted new abilities? How would it change the dynamics of the province?

In some ways, it made me stronger than I imagined. But I suppose that meant the same for everybody else. Including those participating in the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet. I need to work harder than ever to catch up with the others.

The memory palace technique was just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps I'd need to find a way to evolve it like I did with the other skills.

Argh, too many tasks, so little time! If I wanted to make the most of my time here, I couldn't afford to keep planning. I'd need to start doing.

I walked back to the guest quarters. It was a sizable building reminiscent of a small inn. I hadn't seen the guests staying in the other rooms, if there were any. The door to my room opened to reveal it as I had left it this morning. I took care not to move my hands too much; the skin on my knuckles were sensitive to the touch, and jostling it resulted in discomfort.

As I carefully placed down the ingredients, I greeted the Wind Serpent egg. It was nestled in the blanket beside the oil lantern, giving it a semblance of warmth.

"Ah, my silent companion, what tales you could tell if only you could speak!" I mused aloud, my voice tinged with playful grandeur.

Drawing upon my vast knowledge of Wind Serpent lore, I began inspecting the egg meticulously. "You see, dear egg," I began, the room filled with the weight of my words, "for you to truly flourish, your shell should be smooth to the touch, not mottled or pocked." I gently ran a finger over its surface, feeling the cool texture beneath my touch. "A fine specimen indeed. You, my precious, shall grow up to be the envy of the skies!"

Leaning in closer, my eyes scanned for the subtle hue shifts that would indicate a healthy embryo within. "Ah! The gentle shift from azure to teal; a most promising sign!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

Then, with a teasing flourish, I said, "Under my tutelage, you shall ascend to unparalleled heights! Why, with me, Kai Liu, genius of the ages, as your guiding light, how could you not?" I chuckled, imagining the mighty creature this egg would one day become. If it grew to even half the size of the Wind Serpents we fought, I'd have my work cut out for me. Feeding a spirit beast was no easy task. Tianyi was a blessing in that regard.

From my shoulder, Tianyi gave a gentle flutter, the sensation through our bond clearly suggesting, 'Here he goes again.' It was almost as if she was rolling her eyes at me. But I was undeterred. After all, one needs a touch of drama in their life to keep things interesting.

Inspecting the base of the egg, I noticed the fine veins, an intricate network pulsating with life. "Ah, the lifelines," I mused. "Bright and vivid, just as they should be. This means you're receiving all the nourishment you need."

Lifting my gaze to the non-responsive egg, my tone grew more earnest, "Understand this, little one. Our journey together will be filled with trials and tribulations. But fear not! For I shall be by your side, guiding, nurturing, and ensuring you grow strong and proud."

Tianyi gave a gentle sigh through our bond, a hint of affectionate exasperation tinged with amusement. But I could sense her quiet agreement: this egg had potential, and under our care, it would undoubtedly thrive.

Settling down next to the egg, I murmured, "Rest now, for the morrow brings new adventures. And remember, you have the unwavering support of Kai Liu, unparalleled caretaker and your soon-to-be best friend." I ended with a wink, even though the egg couldn't see it. But it was all in good fun, and deep down, I genuinely believed in the bright future we'd share.

I set it aside, preparing the ingredients for my potions. I suppose I should start off with my bestsellers, the Invigorating Dawn Tonic. So that would mean I'd need Morning Dew and ginger. There were a few other ingredients I'd need, but those were the critical components.

As I organized and prepared the ingredients, I couldn't help but think on whether or not I should adjust my recipe. Although it's early, there are some potential refinements I could make that would make it even stronger.

With the thoughts of enhancing the potion swirling in my mind, I laid out the ingredients meticulously in front of me. The scent of the Morning Dew grass wafted in the air, a fresh, invigorating aroma that was a natural stimulant. The ginger, with its pungent and spicy scent, was waiting to be extracted.

However, the thought of changing the recipe was tempting. If I could improve the potency, it could give me an edge. But then, there was also the risk of introducing unforeseen side effects, especially when combined with the other ingredients. In the end, quality assurance was paramount; delivering a polished product without defects was my brand's promise. The thought of renegotiating for better prices using the additional enhancements was put away for later. I needed to create.

Rolling up my sleeves, I focused on the ginger. It used to be a tricky ingredient to work with. Gingers essence lay deep within its fibers, and a crude extraction wouldn't capture its full potency. But now, extracting it's pure, unadulterated essence required only my will. Holding a piece gingerly, I placed my hand, searching for an extraction point. I began to pull, feeling the familiar sensation as energy left the ginger's form and coalesced into a sphere in my hand.

As I worked, I began to reminisce about the alchemy techniques I had learned and how they were closely related to the art of potion-making. A pill furnace, for instance, employed control over heat and the ability to distill the essence of ingredients. I wondered if there was a way to infuse such a method into my potion-making process. The furnaces controlled environment could perhaps allow for an even purer essence to be refined. But I'd need to do some more research.

Next was the Morning Dew grass. Unlike the ginger, this ingredient required a cold infusion method. I took the fresh stalks and crushed them gently, ensuring the dew trapped within was released. Mixing it with a base solution, I allowed it to infuse overnight. The resulting liquid would be cool, refreshing, and brimming with vitality.

With the two main components prepared, I moved on to combining them with the other ingredients. As I meticulously mixed, measured, and brewed, I kept reflecting on the potential of alchemy to enhance my craft. Even with my injured hands, creating the potion was as easy as breathing to me. I had done it too many times, both in theory and in practice to make a misstep.

Thinking about the pill furnace, an idea struck me. What if I could combine the two crafts? If I could use a pill furnace to help refine the ingredients further, ensuring an even higher level of purity and potency, then the Invigorating Dawn Tonic would indeed be unparalleled.

But first, I had a promise to keep, a reputation to uphold. The current batch would remain as it was. However, future batches? Those held promise, an exciting frontier of innovation waiting to be explored.

The only thing left now was to wait. But I wouldn't remain idle. It was time to read the journal left behind by Master Li Tao. I had put it off despite my initial temptations, but I wanted to do things in the proper order. A cultivator of renown that advanced alchemy in the Verdant Lotus sect more than any other alchemist before him.

I plotted myself down on the ground in a cross-legged position, and opened the page.

The first page stared back at me, each character meticulously crafted, displaying a quiet authority.

If you are reading this, you possess the ability of essence extraction. This sacred art, passed through generations, is not just a gift but a responsibility. One must wield it with knowledge and wisdom.

I paused, intrigued and compelled to read further. The journal continued:

My journey began in the prime of my forties, at a time when most men settle into the routines of their life. Essence extraction revealed itself to me not as a sudden awakening but as a slow, patient realization. Initially, my power was limited. Metals whispered their secrets to me. The iron, the gold, the silver, they all yielded their essence to my touch. But over time, with rigorous practice and countless failures, I expanded my realm.

I could sense the gravity and weight of Master Li Tao's words. His journey of discovering this art was fraught with trials and tribulations, yet he persevered. As I delved deeper into his writing, the master described his forays into manipulating other elements.

Plants came next. Their energy, I found, was more elusive. They did not possess the stubbornness of metals but carried a gentle fragility. Extracting their essence required finesse, not force. My first success was with the ancient Wolfsbane. From there, it was a cascade of discoveries.

I thought of the ginger and Morning Dew grass, comparing my method with the techniques he described, seeing the parallels and understanding the deviations. The journal continued:

Beasts were the final frontier. Their essences were complex, a combination of the elements they consumed and the environments they inhabited. One requires a deep knowledge of the animal they are extracting an essence from to maximize their gains.

It was a revelation. The distinction between the essences of inanimate ingredients and those of living entities was empathy. Suddenly, my gaze shifted to the Wind Serpent egg beside me. If Master Li Tao had learned to extract the essences of beasts, what stopped me from extracting the life force of living beings like this egg?

But the thought was jarring. The idea of extracting the life essence of a living entity felt deeply wrong. Would doing so end the life of the entity? Was I willing to cross that line?

I shook my head, dispelling the dark contemplation. No, I wouldnt, and it wasn't the path I wished to walk. That could be the gateway into a darker path. What would stop me from burning such powers against people? My friends? My family? I've read enough stories to learn that overwhelmingly powerful abilities like that would come at a price too heavy to bear. Id learn, adapt, and evolve, but my moral compass would guide me.

The journals next line drew me in again.

In this journey, I will teach you the art of extracting essences from metals, plants, and beasts. Practice the exercises, understand the theory, and advance the art of alchemy.

My heart raced with excitement. This was a treasure trove of knowledge that could reshape my alchemical pursuits. With this, I could redefine what was possible.

But first, practice.

Time flowed like water as I thoroughly absorbed Master Li Tao's teachings.


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