Blossoming Path

Chapter 42: Verdant Lotus Sect

Chapter 42: Verdant Lotus Sect

Going back to pick up the horses and carriage, I was sad to leave Crescent Bay City without exploring the capital in its full glory. But perhaps it was for the best. I was carrying far too many valuables on me. I'd feel better knowing the egg tucked away in my pouch was lying secure in my room rather than on my person.

Feng Wu did mention I'd have opportunities to visit during my time here. That would be ideal. Visiting Tranquil Breeze Farm and the other shops was definitely on my list! I'd have to bring souvenirs back for my people back home. The second-class disciple recommended the city marketplace for trinkets to bring back home.

Our trek took us westward of the city, exiting into rolling hills and verdant forests that seemed to embrace travellers with a gentle, whispering welcome. As we progressed, Feng Wu shared tales of the sects history, filling the journey with stories of legendary alchemists and martial artists who had once graced the very paths we trod. I soaked in every word, each tale weaving a rich tapestry of the grandeur and mystique that awaited us.

"You see, Kai, the alchemists who once graced this place were visionaries in their own right. Master Li Tao, for instance, was famed for concocting the 'Elixir of Prolonged Vitality' using the most exquisite blend of herbs found in these very woods. His potions are still a vital part of our daily regimens, and..."

As the sun dipped lower, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, we reached the outskirts of the Verdant Lotus sect. Nestled at the junction where a tranquil river met a lush bamboo forest, the sect exuded a kind of ancient serenity. It was as if time itself had slowed, allowing nature and man to exist in harmonious symbiosis.

We crossed a narrow stone bridge adorned with delicate lotus motifs, the gurgling river below whispering secrets to those who listened. Feng Wu pointed out several disciples in the distance, engaged in fluid martial arts forms, their movements resembling a dance more than a fight. It seemed like the art of combat here was more about harmony and flow than brute force.

Entering the sect, I couldn't help but notice the subtle amalgamation of alchemy and Taoist philosophies in its architecture. Buildings crafted from natural materials stood in harmony with the surroundings, their structures representing the unity of yin and yang, embodying a delicate balance between nature and nurture. Tianyi fluttered happily, staying at a patch of beautiful flowers before hurriedly catching up with us on the cart.

Ah, this really was a breath-taking sight. I was going to be staying here for months? That was something I could get used to, indeed. It was quite a contrast to what I expected. It was more cozy than I thought a sect could ever be. There were no arrogant young masters, or snide remarks. It seemed as though everyone got along perfectly well. Perhaps Elder Ming was right; sects could be dangerous, and jealousy was a curse. But I suppose it depended on the sect. I wouldn't expect this sort of atmosphere from the Silent Moon sect, if people like Xu Ziqing were running the place.

It was easy to see that this place was a sanctuary for those seeking knowledge in the ancient arts of alchemy and martial prowess. The scent of rare herbs mingled with the fresh bamboo, creating a fragrance that was as rejuvenating as it was invigorating. By Tianyi's glow, it seemed she agreed as well.

"I'll take you on a more in-depth tour later, but we should go greet Elder Zhu first. He's the head of the alchemy pavilion." Feng Wu said with a knowing smile. "He was the one that learnt of your products and extended an invitation."

I puffed up my chest. "Well, I'll have to meet and thank Elder Zhu! it takes a keen eye to spot a talent like mine!"

The man put his hand to his mouth, stifling a laugh. Feng Wu is lucky. If I were a cultivator in the Essence Awakening stage, he'd be enduring several face-slaps for his impudence!

"Yes, Kowtow Kai. Whatever you say."

I waved my fist at him threateningly, looking around to see if anybody had heard. "Hey! Don't say that nickname out loud! I don't want it spreading here."

Feng Wu chuckled as we continued our journey towards the alchemy pavilion. The path there was laden with vibrant greenery, a gentle reminder of the sects intimate relationship with nature.

Soon, we were greeted by the sight of the splendid alchemy pavilion. The structure was an architectural marvel, seamlessly blending the natural elements around it. It resembled a sanctuary of knowledge, where wisdom gathered from ages past was nurtured and bestowed upon eager learners.

As we entered, I was immediately struck by the atmosphere of intense concentration and scholarly pursuit. The pavilion was abuzz with disciples engaged in various activities; some hovered over ancient texts, while others were absorbed in the meticulous process of refining ingredients. My senses were enveloped in a myriad of scents emanating from rare herbs and concoctions simmering in rudimentary pill furnaces.

He pointed over at the center of the pavilion. "Elder Zhu's teaching the second-class disciples today. Let's join."

There, Elder Zhu, a figure of wisdom and grace, was engrossed in teaching a group of disciples. His voice carried a harmonious melody as he elucidated the nuances of handling a rare and delicate herb. The elder's hands moved with a fluidity that spoke of years of expertise, his fingers deftly manipulating the ingredients with an almost poetic grace.

I felt an overwhelming sense of wonderment as I observed the students attentively absorbing his teachings, their faces illuminated with the gentle glow of the burning cauldrons before them. They listened intently, occasionally jotting down notes with an air of serious commitment.

I found myself getting drawn into the intricate dance of alchemy that unfolded before my eyes. The technical terms being used were like a symphony of knowledge that sang a song of ancient wisdom. As I listened, I could feel the deep reservoirs of knowledge that lay within the sect, waiting to be explored. It was a stark contrast to the world of herbalism I was acquainted with. Here, the emphasis seemed to be on the harmony of elements, on understanding the deeper principles that governed the transformation of simple herbs into powerful concoctions.

I watched in awe as Elder Zhu masterfully illustrated the methods of extracting the essence of the herb, using a blend of techniques that seemed to transcend time. His movements were like a dance, a harmony of science and art that resonated with the underlying principles of the universe. I could feel my spirit being ignited with a fierce curiosity, a thirst to delve deeper and understand the profound secrets that lay within the realm of alchemy.

Feng Wu leaned in, whispering, "Impressive, isn't it?"

"Do you think it's alright for me to listen in on the lecture? It'd be a shame to interrupt."

At the man's behest, I sat quietly at the back and listened in. The elder seemed to notice our presence, but continued on with his lecture as he handled a glowing, yellow leaf.

Elder Zhu held up the glowing leaf for everyone to see, his eyes twinkling with a kind of excitement that was contagious. He had a cheery aura. Although he was dignified, there was a certain energy to his movement that made him seem much younger than he looked.

I leaned in closer, my curiosity piqued. The leaf seemed somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen it before.

"This, young ones, is the Sun Tea Leaf, a very rare and potent ingredient that is coveted by both alchemists and cultivators alike. Although it can be found in various regions, it thrives particularly well in our blessed lands," the elder continued, his voice echoing softly in the tranquil space.

I racked my brain, trying to remember where I had encountered this leaf in my studies. It certainly sounded like a qi plant, but the specifics eluded me.

Elder Zhu began to detail the plant's properties, "The Sun Tea Leaf possesses a delicate balance of yin and yang energies. When prepared correctly, it can harmonize the internal energies, promote vitality, and even enhance ones spiritual connection with the natural elements."

My eyes widened as I realized the significance of what he was saying. This plant was a treasure trove of potential benefits, a herbalist's dream!

The elder placed the leaf on a clean surface and proceeded to show the method of preparation. "To unlock its full potential, one must be delicate in the preparation phase. A hurried hand can easily ruin its delicate properties."

I watched with rapt attention as the elder meticulously separated the veins from the leaf, his hands moving with a grace that was almost hypnotic. Each movement was precise, reflecting years of mastery and a deep respect for the natural world.

Feng Wu nudged me gently, his eyes gleaming with appreciation. It was clear that he too understood the gravity of the knowledge being imparted.

Once the leaf was prepared, Elder Zhu retrieved a small pill furnace from the table beside him. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate patterns, symbols of power and transformation.

I felt a surge of excitement as I realized I was about to witness a true master at work, an artist in his element.

Elder Zhu began to explain the art of pill-making as he worked, his voice a soothing melody that accompanied the rhythmic movements of his hands. "The furnace is not just a tool, but an extension of oneself. You must treat it with the same reverence and respect as you would a living being."

He placed the prepared leaf inside the furnace, adding a few other ingredients which I recognized as common elements in alchemical concoctions. The mixture was heated to a specific temperature, as the elder controlled the flames with a focus that was both fierce and gentle.

As the concoction simmered, a fragrant aroma began to permeate the room, a scent that was both refreshing and invigorating. I could feel a subtle change in the energy around me, a gentle pulsating that seemed to resonate with my own internal rhythms.

"The Sun Tea Leaf, when combined with these ingredients, creates a simple but potent pill that can harmonize the body's energies, promoting both physical and mental well-being," the elder explained, his face glowing with a serene light as he spoke.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the liquid in the furnace transform, bubbling gently before solidifying into a small, golden pill.

Elder Zhu retrieved the pill with a pair of silver tongs, holding it up for everyone to see. "This, young ones, is the Sun Harmony Pill. A pill that can be a boon to both cultivators and regular people alike, aiding in meditation, enhancing vitality, and promoting a deep sense of peace and harmony."

I felt a sense of awe wash over me as I gazed at the pill. It was so unassuming in its appearance, yet I knew it held within it a world of wonders, a testament to the deep and intricate understanding of alchemy.

At that moment, as I sat there amidst the enchanting fragrance wafting through the room, I was entranced, feeling a connection, a pull towards the art that seemed to resound within the very core of my being. It was as if a dormant part of me had been awakened, urging me to delve deeper, to learn and explore the secrets that lay within this sacred practice.

As Elder Zhu concluded his lecture, the students gathered around him, eager to ask questions and gain further insights into the lesson. Feng Wu and I seized this opportunity to move closer, exchanging respectful bows with the venerable elder.

"Elder Zhu, it's an honor to be in your presence," I said, my voice brimming with genuine admiration and reverence. The elder's gaze settled upon me, a warm and welcoming smile gracing his features. "This one's name is Kai Liu."

"The honor is mine, young one. I've heard much about your exceptional talent in the world of herbalism, and your companion here," Elder Zhu said, his eyes twinkling as he nodded at Tianyi's direction. "Your creations, especially the Invigorating Dawn Tonic, are indeed ingenious. We hope you find our sect to be a place to explore your potential."

A surge of pride and joy rushed through me, hearing such words from a master of his stature was beyond humbling. I could feel my cheeks warming, a shy smile forming as I replied, "Thank you, Elder Zhu. Your words mean a lot to me. I've always sought to understand and harness the true essence of herbs in my creations. To bring healing and wellness to others."

Elder Zhu nodded approvingly, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer, as if assessing the depths of my potential. "I can sense a strong affinity within you towards the elements of nature. Your path is a promising one, young Kai."

Feng Wu excused himself shortly, leaving me and the elder to introduce ourselves to each other. I thought it'd be awkward, but the elder felt like a kindred spirit. Someone who had a thirst for knowledge like I did.

"I believe you'll be spending most of your time here at the alchemy pavilion, so it's best if I show you around. Follow me," Elder Zhu said, giving me a tour of the building.

Elder Zhu led me through an intricate maze of corridors, each one seemingly more fascinating than the last. We passed by laboratories where disciples were intently focused on their work, experimenting with various concoctions and substances, their faces glowing in the soft light cast by the flickering flames of their furnaces.

As we moved further, the fragrance of different herbs melded in the air, forming a rich tapestry of scents that was both invigorating and calming. Here, a garden bloomed with plants I had only ever read about in books; plants whose properties held the secrets to potent brews and remedies. I could barely contain my awe and curiosity, my mind buzzing with questions and possibilities.

Elder Zhu seemed to sense my bubbling excitement, for he chuckled softly, his voice carrying the richness of a gentle stream flowing over time-worn rocks. "This is just the beginning, young one," he said, his eyes twinkling with an ageless wisdom. "In time, you will learn to navigate this world of wonders, to unlock the secrets held within these plants and elements."

I could feel my spirit vibrating, responding to the energy of this place, the very fibers of my being seeming to align with the natural harmony that pervaded the pavilion. It was as if the pavilion itself was inviting me to embark on a journey of discovery, to delve into the mysteries that lay at the heart of alchemy.

As our tour came to an end, we stood in a serene courtyard where a gentle breeze played with the leaves of ancient trees, their branches stretching towards the sky in a silent prayer. The setting sun cast a golden hue on everything, painting the scene with the warm tones of an ending day.

Elder Zhu turned towards me, his face bathed in the soft glow of the fading light. "It has been a long day, young Kai. You must be tired. It would be best for you to rest and gather your energies for the days to come. Preparing for the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet will be no easy task."

But as I stood there, amidst the captivating beauty and the pulse of vibrant life that thrummed around me, I found that rest was the furthest thing from my mind. Instead, a fervent desire had ignited within me, a burning need to immerse myself in the art that beckoned me with open arms.

just learning about the clay pots in Tranquil Breeze Farm raised my Nature's Attunement to the next level after I had plateaued. If I were to learn about alchemy, I could only wonder how it would impact my Spiritual Herbalism technique. Or maybe even create an entirely new set of skills? I wouldn't be able to rest until I got my first lesson.

Taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart, I turned towards Elder Zhu, clenching my fist. "Elder Zhu, I know it's been a long day, but I find myself restless amidst all this wonder. Would it be possible for me to start learning right away, perhaps make some simple potions? I promise I won't overdo it."

Elder Zhu studied me for a long moment, his eyes seeming to peer into the very depths of my soul. And then, with a gentle smile that held the warmth of a thousand suns, he nodded. "I suppose I can spare some time to host a quick lesson. I admire your spirit. Very well."

As we walked towards one of the laboratories, I could feel a rush of exhilaration coursing through me, a tingle of anticipation that danced upon my skin. It felt as if I was stepping onto a path that had been waiting for me all along, a journey of discovery and growth that promised to be both challenging and rewarding.


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