Blossoming Path

Chapter 38: Quest Reward

Chapter 38: Quest Reward

There was copious amounts of alcohol during the celebration. It made me wonder how such a small village like Qingmu could possess that amount. Nevertheless, it made for a great time.

They had their own recipe using honey, rice, grapes, and hawthorn fruit. Whatever it was, Tianyi enjoyed it. She kept drinking from her own cup, and I swore that she consumed enough to get a refill or two while I wasn't looking.

Feng Wu, as well as Xu Ziqing, held themselves in a dignified manner throughout the entire celebration. The same couldn't be said for the third-class disciples, who were being somewhat rowdy during the celebration. Since they weren't taoists, I suppose they didn't need to abstain from alcohol like Feng Wu.

I had eaten my fill ten times over. Hua Lingsheng followed me around and acted as my servant for most of the night; whenever he noticed my plate was empty, he'd come back with another dish. If my cup wasn't full, he'd return carrying another jug. It was all too much, really. After two hours of that treatment I quietly begged him to stop.

Now here I was, staring up at the ceiling with a pounding headache and a bloated stomach. Honestly, I don't even know where that food went. My body felt much better though. The constant ache that lingered around my upper body was now reduced to a negligible sensation. Getting all that food in me was a blessing in disguise. I should thank Hua Lingsheng later.

Reward calculation completed.

Huh? The hell is this?

Your reward is marked by a yellow, glowing orb, only visible to you.

I got up out of bed and looked outside the window. There was no glowing orb in the vicinity.

But the system wouldn't lie to me! It had to be somewhere close by! I knew it! The system wouldn't just give me knowledge about the Wind Serpent for completing the quest! There had to be something more, like a martial technique! Or even a divine weapon! Oh, I could already imagine it; a blade imbued with the power of the wind, each swing capable of releasing gusts of devastating force. Or maybe a book filled with ancient martial techniques, passed down through generations, just waiting for someone like me to unlock its secrets!

My mind swirled with excitement, but I knew I needed to keep a level head. The reward was in the area, but it wasn't visible from my room. I would have to explore Qingmu village to find it.

I hurriedly dressed, making sure not to disturb Tianyi who was still in a pleasant slumber, probably dreaming about more of that delightful brew she'd taken a liking to. I glanced at the butterfly one last time, assuring myself that she would be fine, then headed out into the crisp morning air.

The village was quiet, with only the faintest hints of movement as people began their daily routines. I made my way toward the inn's entrance, where the innkeeper was already up and about, tending to his tasks.

"Ah, Disciple Kai, you're up early!" he greeted me cheerfully. I didn't bother reminding him that I wasn't a disciple of the Verdant Lotus sect. It was an easy mistake to make.

"Yes, I have some errands to run," I replied, trying not to betray my excitement. "Have you seen Feng Wu or Xu Ziqing and the Silent Moon sect?"

The innkeeper's face brightened with recognition. "Ah yes, the Silent Moon sect left early in the morning, before the first light. As for Feng Wu, I believe he mentioned himself to be meditating outside."

I thanked the innkeeper and made my way outside, but not before I felt a tug at my sleeve. I turned to see Hua Lingsheng, the innkeeper's child, looking up at me with curious eyes.

"Are you leaving, Elder Brother Kai?" he asked, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Not yet, Lingsheng. I'm just looking for something," I assured him, patting his head gently. "Thank you for taking such good care of me last night."

His face lit up, and he nodded energetically. "It was my pleasure! If you need anything else, just ask!"

With a warm smile, I continued towards the garden, thoughts of the mysterious glowing orb fueling my anticipation.

Once I reached the outside, I found Feng Wu seated in a meditative pose, his face calm and serene. I decided not to disturb him and instead focused on exploring the village.

As I wandered through the narrow streets, greeting the villagers who were slowly beginning their day, my eyes kept scanning for any sign of the yellow glowing orb. The reward had to be somewhere here, and I was determined to find it.

I passed the Pillar of Gratitude, its presence a comforting reminder of the unity and strength of the village. The faces of the villagers were filled with renewed hope, and I felt a connection with them, something deeper than just a fleeting encounter. Continuing on my path, I found myself moving away from the village and toward the perimeter where the landscape shifted to fields of tall grass, swaying gently in the breeze.

As I wandered through this untamed area, my mind kept returning to the mysterious reward. What could it possibly be? I was certain it had something to do with the Wind Serpents I had defeated. The Heavenly Interface wouldn't send me on a wild goose chase for something unrelated.

I recalled the battle, how two Wind Serpents had appeared together. That was unusual. Wind Serpents were known for their solitary nature, and to see two together was a rare occurrence. Even Feng Wu mentioned just how difficult it was to see one. Why were there two in the first place?

A thought struck me like a lightning bolt, causing me to pause in my tracks. Could it be that the Wind Serpents were a mating pair? If so, then that could mean...

I began to piece together the connections in my mind, excitement growing with each revelation. The Wind Serpents, the reward, the strange occurrence of two serpents all made sense! My reward had to be

As realization dawned, I stumbled through the tall grass, my eyes wide, my heart pounding. I could feel it; I was close. The yellow orb had to be nearby, marking the location of this incredible reward.

And then, there it was.

The soft glow of the yellow orb caught my eye, nestled in the grass, leading me toward a hidden snake nest. My breath caught in my throat as I approached.

Inside the nest was a singular egg, its surface gleaming with an ethereal luster. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, a treasure born from the essence of the Wind Serpents themselves.

I reached out, my hand trembling slightly, and carefully picked up the egg. It was warm to the touch, filled with pulsating energy that resonated with the beast core in my pocket.

The two Wind Serpents I had slain - they were not mere beasts acting out of malevolence. They were likely parents, desperately seeking food to nourish their young once it hatched. The reality of what I had done began to set in, and guilt washed over me like a tidal wave.

My mind raced as I searched through the depot of knowledge I had received from the Heavenly Interface about Spirit Beasts. As the information flowed through my consciousness, my understanding deepened. The Wind Serpents were likely terrorizing the village in order to procure food for their young. It wasn't malice that drove them, but a primal need to provide for their offspring.

I looked down at the egg, now cradling it more gently, feeling the weight of my actions and the moral conflict they wrought. I had killed two creatures trying to survive and ensure the survival of their young. Yet, what could I have done differently? If I had not intervened, the Wind Serpents would have likely killed someone. Hua Lingsheng's face flashed briefly in my mind.

The clash of morality and necessity swirled within me, leaving me torn and bewildered. The world of cultivation was not as clear-cut as I had once believed. Where monsters acted without rhyme or reason, and the arrogant cultivators were evil beyond redemption. It was a realm filled with complexities and contradictions, where right and wrong were not always easily discerned.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the beast core I had received as proof of my victory over the Wind Serpent. It was a tangible reminder of the battle, a symbol of my triumph, yet now it felt like a heavy burden.

I held the core up to the sky, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and made a solemn promise. I wouldn't apologize for my actions. The Wind Serpents were the ones who attacked Qingmu. That was how life worked.

"I will take care of your egg properly, in your stead," I whispered, my voice filled with determination and resolve. "I will ensure that it hatches and grows strong, and that it understands the sacrifice you made."

I sighed, clutching the egg and the beast core, feeling a profound connection to the Wind Serpents and the cycle of life they had been a part of. I understood now that every action, every decision, carried consequences and responsibilities that extended beyond myself.

This reward feels bittersweet.

The tall grass brushed against my legs, and the wind whispered through the trees, as if nature itself was sharing in my reflection.

The village of Qingmu, once a place of celebration and camaraderie, now felt like a stage where a complex drama had unfolded. I knew that I had grown and learned from my time here, but it was a growth accompanied by a painful realization.

As I approached the village, I spotted Hua Lingsheng playing near the entrance, his laughter ringing like a sweet melody. Suddenly conscious of the Wind Serpent's egg in my hand, I swiftly hid it in my pocket. The last thing I wanted was to stir up emotions among the villagers who had suffered from the Wind Serpent attacks. The fear of them trying to break the egg was too real.

"Hey, Hua Lingsheng!" I called out, waving and smiling as if I didn't have a care in the world.

"Kai!" the young boy cheered, running over to me with bright eyes. "You look different. Happier! Did you find what you were looking for?"

I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Perhaps I did, little friend. Perhaps I did."

With a wink and a promise to see him again, I made my way to the inn, the weight of the egg in my pocket both a physical and emotional reminder of the responsibilities I had taken on.

Once inside my room, I carefully laid the egg on the bed, my hands trembling with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. I began to draw on the knowledge I had gained from the Heavenly Interface, focusing my effort on creating a warm, nurturing environment for the egg. I wrapped it loosely in layers of the blanket, before placing it between my legs and keeping firm hold on it. The egg twitched, responding to my efforts, and I felt a surge of pride and connection.

That's when Tianyi, my trusty companion, fluttered awake, her wings shimmering in the sunlight. I believe the party had been an aid in her recovery, as the color in her wings seemed to return. She landed on my shoulder and turned her eyes towards the egg, tilting her head as if asking a silent question.

"It's the Wind Serpent's egg," I explained softly, feeling a sudden lump in my throat. "I found it, and... I want to take care of it. The parents tried to kill us and all, but this little thing shouldn't suffer from it."

Tianyi seemed to understand my intent. She floated down and landed softly on the egg, her wings gently caressing its surface. I watched in awe as she infused some of her energy into the egg. I couldn't directly explain the effects of her Qi Infusion skill on a snake egg, but I don't think it could be a bad thing. Perhaps it would hasten the hatching?

We were so engrossed in this silent communion that we didn't notice Feng Wu, looking particularly refreshed, entering the room.

"Kai, are you ready to depart?" he began, then stopped short, his eyes widening as he spotted the egg. "What in the Heavens is that?"

I turned, caught off guard, but quickly regained my composure. I turned myself slightly, showing the egg wrapped in a bundle between my legs. "Oh, that? It's a Wind Serpent egg. Found it outside the village. I thought I'd take care of it, you know, raise it and all."

Feng Wu's face went through a series of expressions: shock, disbelief, confusion, and finally, resignation. He massaged his temple, letting out a deep sigh.

"Patience is a virtue," he muttered to himself, then looked at me with a forced smile. "Kai, why don't you start from the beginning? And please, take your time."

I grinned, launching into the quest completion, the glowing orb, and the egg itself. Feng Wu listened with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, his eyes occasionally drifting to Tianyi, who was still perched on the egg, infusing it with her gentle energy.

When I finished, Feng Wu shook his head, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "You never cease to amaze me, Kai. Just when I think I have you figured out, you surprise me with something like this."

I shrugged, my eyes twinkling with mischief. "Life would be boring if it were predictable, don't you think?"

The man chuckled, his stern demeanor softening. "Indeed. But taking care of a Wind Serpent's egg? That's a responsibility of a different magnitude. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I looked at the egg, feeling the warmth and connection that had already begun to form between us. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The Heavenly Interface gave me in-depth knowledge about the species."

Feng Wu nodded, touching the egg and caressing it lightly. "Then let's get moving. Crescent Bay City awaits, and who knows what other surprises you have in store for us."

I spent the entire time as we packed up guessing what sort of shenanigans I'd get up to in Crescent Bay City. If my hunch was right, I'd bet there was a chance of me meeting an arrogant young master in real life. Or perhaps a jade beauty would come and notice me hiding my true abilities and fall in love?

"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Feng Wu's raucous laughter seemed to shake the inn.

"You dare laugh at me?! This humiliation will be repaid ten-fold!"

The second-class disciple only laughed harder, as we continued to pack up our goods and prepare for departure.


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