Blossoming Path

Chapter 35: To The Victor, Go The Spoils

Chapter 35: To The Victor, Go The Spoils

The final Wind Serpent let out a dying hiss, its life cut short by Xu Ziqing's blade piercing through the roof of its mouth.

Despite their triumph, none of them could gather the energy to celebrate. Each of the third-class disciples of the Silent Moon sect bore serious injuries, some falling to their knees after confirming the battle was over.

Xu Ziqing wiped at the side of his forehead as blood dripped down onto his robes. Small cuts and holes peppered his uniform, courtesy of the sharp winds that the Spirit Beasts buffeted them with. Even Feng Wu didn't come out unscathed, cradling his arm and wincing slightly with every move he made.

But they were alive.

"...No casualties." Xu Ziqing muttered. His face was in a state of suspended disbelief.

Feng Wu looked around. Several broken vials, containing what was once valuable product meant for the Azure Silk Trading Company, littered the floor.

'Would we have even won without him?'

The question plagued Feng Wu's mind as he ran over to where Kai was. The boy, who was roughly the same age as the third-class disciples working under Xu Ziqing, was on the floor. For a brief moment the Verdant Lotus disciple feared he was dead, but inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as his chest rose up and down slowly.

"We need some potions over here! You, go and..."

The Azure Moon Marauder barked orders at the group, forcing those who were able to move and distribute supplies and potions to those who were injured. His eyes drifted over to Feng Wu and the person he laid beside.

"...give it to them as well."

Xu Ziqing huffed, before noticing the Qingmu residents peeking out of their windows as the noises of battle faded.

With a last reserve of energy, he straightened his stance and faced the anxious villagers who had observed the perilous battle from a distance. Their eyes glimmered with hope and fear, and even a sliver of awe for the group of warriors who had survived the brutal onslaught of the Wind Serpents.

"We have emerged victorious," Xu Ziqing declared, his voice weary but resonant. He raised his battered blade high, tainted by the essence of the slain Wind Serpents, a symbol of their triumph. "The Wind Serpents have been vanquished."

"But our task isn't over," He continued. He signaled the other disciples who, despite their injuries, were slowly regaining their bearings.

Despite their exhaustion, the disciples of the Silent Moon Sect staggered towards the defeated creatures, ready to complete their grueling mission. The village folk watched, their expressions an odd mix of curiosity and repulsion as the warriors began their grim task.

"Praise the Silent Moon sect!"

"The Verdant Lotus sect as well! It was a joint effort to take down such terrible creatures!"

Whispers and praise began to spread through the crowd. The innkeeper and his son began spreading tales of the battle, pointing to the unconscious boy who had protected them.

"The boy in red! H-he saved me from the snake when it cornered me in the stable!" The boy said, his eyes gleaming with gratitude. "He's the one who made it possible for them to win!"

Xu Ziqing gritted his teeth.

'Fools. This village would've been destroyed without our presence. And they focus on that brat?'

He glanced over at Feng Wu and the unconscious Kai. Despite the acrimony and resentment simmering beneath the surface, a grudging acknowledgement of their contribution hung heavy in the air. Still, the glory of the victory and its spoils belonged to the Silent Moon sect. They accomplished their mission.

Amidst the aftermath of their victory, Feng Wu cleared his throat, his voice cutting through the exhaustion that hung heavily in the air. "Brother Xu," he began diplomatically, "I believe we should discuss the distribution of the spoils."

Xu Ziqing's eyebrows knitted together. "Spoils? The bounty from the Wind Serpents is for the Silent Moon Sect."

"Indeed," Feng Wu agreed, casting a glance towards the unconscious Kai. "But it seems you were not the only ones who took part in this mission." His eyes were filled with subtle meaning.

Xu Ziqing followed Feng Wu's gaze to the unconscious boy. The red garments Kai wore made him stand out starkly against the backdrop of chaos. His eyes narrowed, remembering the surprising strength that the young boy had displayed. He hadn't considered the possibility of the boy being a contributor to their subjugation. His own misunderstanding paired with Kai's gravely injured state could easily be mistaken for a heroic sacrifice, an interpretation that the crowd seemed to be accepting eagerly.

"The boy in red... he fought so bravely. He protected us all!" The innkeeper's son continued his tale to the crowd. The villagers nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with awe and admiration for the unconscious boy. Xu Ziqing felt a bitter taste crawl up his throat.

Realizing the unspoken challenge in Feng Wu's gaze, Xu Ziqing clenched his jaw. Silent Moon Sect's reputation was on the line. Should they claim all the spoils, they'd risk seeming greedy, especially in the light of Kai's significant contribution.

"Very well," he finally conceded, the words leaving a sour taste in his mouth. "The spoils will be distributed fairly among the contributing parties. We will not ignore the assistance we've received."

A flicker of satisfaction passed over Feng Wu's face, but he merely inclined his head in a respectful nod. "A commendable decision. Fairness in victory honours the Silent Moon Sect greatly."

A Wind Serpent's core. Scales and fangs were part of the share given by the Silent Moon sect, but it was the core that caught Feng Wu's eye.

A small, crystalline object, about half the size of his fist. It had a swirling pattern within it, reminiscent of gusting winds or coiling serpents; a reflection of the beast's nature or powers.

Feng Wu sighed.

The products they were originally meant to safeguard for the Azure Silk Trading Company were lost, but in their place, they'd gained something arguably more valuable - the Wind Serpents' cores, their fangs, and their scales.

A sense of awe filled Feng Wu as he held up a radiant core, pulsating with energy. It was well known that such a core held immense power, capable of catapulting a cultivator's skills and strength. Feng Wu could almost see the path it could carve out for him - a smoother journey through his cultivation, a jump in his standing within the Verdant Lotus sect, respect from his peers...

But as he looked at the injured boy lying unconscious, guilt gnawed at his conscience. Kai, despite not belonging to any sect, had fought as bravely, if not more, than any of them. His grave injuries were a testament to his contribution. Feng Wu found himself torn between the temptation of keeping the core and his moral compass, which firmly pointed towards giving it to Kai.

He looked back at the core in his hand, its glow reflecting in his eyes. It felt like a heavy stone, a test of his character. He remembered his sect's teachings about righteousness, about virtue being its own reward.

Sighing, Feng Wu made his decision. Holding the core carefully, he walked over to where Kai lay. He couldnt ignore the fact that the boy was the one truly deserving of this core, and he knew the healing properties of the core could help his recovery.

As he placed the core into Kai's pocket, a sense of peace washed over him. He knew he had made the right choice. His own journey in cultivation could wait - for now, it was more important to uphold justice and honor. This victory, hard-earned as it was, wouldn't have been possible without Kai's contribution.

As Feng Wu watched Kai in quiet contemplation, he couldn't help but equate the boy's potential to the force of nature itselfquiet and subtle, yet all-encompassing and undeniable. Just like the silent progression of seasons, Kai's growth seemed almost imperceptible in the day-to-day, but when viewed over months, it was nothing short of a grand transformation.

The Kai he'd initially met was barely above averagea small sapling struggling for survival amid towering trees. But the Kai who now lay unconscious before him was no longer that fragile sapling. He was a young tree that had weathered several storms, and with each passing one, had grown sturdier and stronger.

'His potential... its like a river,' Feng Wu mused, lost in his thoughts.

Even when compared to the third-class disciples of the Silent Moon Sect, Kai's rapid development was an anomaly. His ability to weather multiple attacks from a Spirit Beast and emerge alivealthough gravely injuredsuggested a capacity for growth that belied his apparent fragility.

Feng Wu was part of the Verdant Lotus Sect, a sect renowned for its alchemy. They saw value in Kais potential as an alchemist, but Feng Wu couldnt help but think that perhaps Kais true potential lay elsewhere. His talent as a martial artist was unfolding with each passing day, like a lotus blooming beneath the morning sun.

'Could his growth as a martial artist even surpass his potential as an alchemist?' The question lingered in Feng Wu's mind. He couldn't help but feel an exhilarating anticipation at the prospect of witnessing Kai's journey. There was an untamed energy within Kai, a raw power that hinted at a future filled with extraordinary accomplishments. Kai's path as a cultivator was still a vast and unexplored territory, and Feng Wu found himself eager to see how far this path would lead.

Feng Wu's sharp eyes caught the presence of another. Tianyi, the boy's loyal companion. An Azure Moonlight Flutter. It seemed to almost acknowledge the cultivator's presence, before making a beeline to where Kai was and resting on the tip of his nose.

The butterfly seemed like a shell of its former self, lacking the same luster and glitter it always had. But despite it all, it continued to cycle qi through itself and into Kai. His expression seemed to soften as Tianyi pulled energy from their surroundings.

It was an ability he had never seen or heard of. Feng Wu couldn't help but admire Tianyi. Finding one was a sign of good fortune, but to have it willingly stay by your side? Perhaps...

He shook his head.

'I'm getting too ahead of myself.'

Feng Wu examined his own injuries, assessing what healing could be done as he rested. His training as a cultivator had honed his ability to recover and continue fighting, even in the direst of circumstances. His thoughts, however, were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

The innkeeper's son appeared, his face flushed with a mix of awe and nervousness. His eyes were drawn to the unconscious Kai on the floor before drifting towards Feng Wu. "Do you need anything else?" He asked with a timid voice, a subtle shiver passing through him.

Despite the fatigue weighing him down, Feng Wu found the energy to smile at the young boy. "Some additional medical supplies would be appreciated. And clean water, if possible. Thank you."

The innkeeper's son nodded vigorously, his face lighting up at being given a task. He hurried away, only to return moments later bearing bandages, antiseptic, and a large bowl filled with clear water. He set them next to Feng Wu, his actions careful and deliberate. Yet, even after fulfilling his task, he lingered, his gaze continually returning to the unconscious Kai.

He shuffled his feet, biting his lip as he gathered his courage. "Um...the boy who saved us...what's his name?" He blurted out. "I don't think I ever got it..."

Feng Wu looked at the boy. In his eyes, he saw genuine admiration, curiosity, and gratitude. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he realized the immense impact Kai had made on these simple villagers. His gaze softened as he looked down at the boy who had fought bravely despite his age, who had impressed not just him, but an entire village with his strength and courage.

"His name," he said, his voice carrying a certain reverence and fondness, "is Kai Liu."

The innkeeper's son's eyes widened, the name rolling around in his mind as he savored each syllable. His face broke into a smile, one filled with deep respect and awe. "Kai Liu," he echoed, the name sounding like a chant, a whisper of a legend in the making. "A powerful name. It suits him."

With a final nod, the boy left the room, leaving Feng Wu alone with Kai. The room was steeped in silence once more, but it felt different now. It was as if the name had charged the air, filling the space with a sense of anticipation and promise.

Looking down at the unconscious Kai, Feng Wu couldn't help but agree with the boy's assessment. 'Kai Liu...a name that carries the weight of an unfathomable future. Yes, a powerful name for a powerful soul.'

As he began tending to his wounds, Feng Wu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the trials they faced were only the beginning, but he was also sure that they were witnessing the genesis of something great. A legend in the making, a story waiting to be told.

Kai Liu's story.

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