Blossoming Path

Chapter 121: A Taoist's Forbidden Feast

Chapter 121: A Taoist's Forbidden Feast

I groaned as I slowly became aware of my surroundings, every muscle in my body protesting even the slightest movement. It felt like I’d been run over by a herd of stampeding spirit beasts.

Although admittedly that wasn't too far from the case.

The dull ache in my limbs was a stark reminder of the sparring session from the night before, where I had faced the brutal onslaught of my own companions.

Windy’s qi-infused tail strikes had been far more powerful than I anticipated. The sheer force behind each whip of his tail had nearly knocked the wind out of me, and I was pretty sure I’d have quite a few bruises had it not been for the Rooted Banyan Stance.

As I slowly stretched out my arm, I winced, feeling the soreness in my muscles. Tianyi had been no less formidable. Her lightning-fast bladed wings had forced me to stay on my toes, dodging and weaving as best as I could. The cuts on my robes—and the few shallow ones on my skin—were a testament to her precision.

As I lay there, staring up at the wooden ceiling, I couldn’t help but replay the events of the previous night in my mind. Lan Sheng had been right, of course. Just because someone had immense qi reserves didn’t mean they could wield them effectively in battle. Tianyi, despite having reached a rank comparable to a sect elder according to the Interface, wasn’t yet a seasoned fighter. She had the power, yes, but her lack of experience was evident. Her attacks were fast, her wings sharp enough to slice through wood, but there was a predictability to her movements that I could exploit—if I was fast enough, that is.

But even knowing that, I couldn’t ignore the reality of our sparring session. If we had been fighting for real, with the intent to kill, there was no doubt in my mind that Tianyi would have left me in a puddle of my own blood. She was strong, far stronger than me in terms of raw power, but it wasn’t an insurmountable strength. There was still a gap between us, but it wasn’t the kind of gap that left me feeling hopeless. Instead, it was a challenge—a challenge to close that distance, to grow stronger alongside her.

'Good morning,' The butterfly in question said. She fluttered over, perching atop my nose.

"Good morning to you too, Tianyi."

I decided not to disturb Windy, as he was content, sleeping. Getting dressed and tying my hair into a bun, I made my way downstairs, yawning all the while.

I was met with a massive breakfast, several dishes piled high, along with the sight of Lan Sheng eating noodle soup.

Beef noodle soup.

He stilled, as though detecting my presence.

My jaw dropped. "Lan Sheng," I sputtered, pointing at the taoist. "Is that... beef noodle soup?"

He froze, chopsticks hovering mid-air, a noodle dangling precariously from his lips. His eyes darted between me and the bowl.

"It's, uh..." he stammered, clearing his throat. "It's a... medicinal broth. Yes, a medicinal broth made with, uh, beef essence. For strengthening the body and... and cultivating yang energy."

"You're the worst liar I've ever met!"

He sheepishly lowered his chopsticks, a blush creeping up his neck. "Alright, alright, you got me," he admitted, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "But it's been ages since I've had a good bowl of beef noodle soup. And besides," he added, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone, "a little indulgence never hurt anyone, right?"

I shook my head, still chuckling. "You're incorrigible," I said, taking a seat across from him. "But I guess I can't blame you. That smells amazing."

He beamed, pushing the bowl towards me. "Try some," he offered. "It's better than anything I've tried in Crescent Bay."

Did that mean he was a repeat offender? Was this guy really a taoist?

"Why not? After all," I said, echoing his earlier words, "a little indulgence never hurt anyone."

As I slurped up the flavorful broth and savored the tender beef, I couldn't help but grin. Maybe a little deviation from the path of strict discipline wasn't so bad after all. Especially when it involved a steaming bowl of beef noodle soup.

"I hope you're enjoying the meal," A voice said from the kitchen. I turned to my right, seeing a familiar face. "I apologize for not meeting you last night."

"Ah..! Hua Yin, right?"

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Hua Lingsheng's father, was looking at me with a small smile.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and quickly stood up to greet him, offering a respectful bow. "No need to apologize, it’s good to see you again."

He waved off my formality with a warm smile, stepping closer to the table. “I’m glad to see you’ve recovered from your journey. We’ve all been working hard here in Qingmu, repairing the damage from the Wind Serpents before winter truly sets in. But we wouldn’t have had the chance to do any of it if it weren’t for you.”

His words were humbling, and I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck.

“I only did what anyone would have done in my place,” I replied, my voice a murmur.

Hua Yin shook his head, his expression earnest. “You did more than that. You saved this village. My family, my son... We owe you a debt we can never truly repay. Your stay here, as well as your meals, are on the house. Please, enjoy yourself freely.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but the look in his eyes told me that arguing would be futile. Instead, I nodded, grateful for their kindness. “Thank you. That’s very generous of you.”

Lan Sheng, who had been quietly enjoying his meal throughout the exchange, suddenly chimed in between bites of his beef noodle soup. “Well, I have to say, this is the best hospitality I’ve had in a long time! You’ve got yourself a top-notch inn here.”

I shot him a sideways glance, unable to suppress a smirk. He was eating like he’d been the one to save the village, completely at ease and clearly relishing every bite. “You do realize it wasn’t you who saved Qingmu, right? Maybe leave some food for the actual hero?”

The second-class disciple grinned, not the least bit ashamed. “I’m just making sure none of this delicious food goes to waste. Besides, if you think about it, I’m doing the village a favor by keeping my strength up. What if another Wind Serpent comes along?”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help laughing. “Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

Hua Yin chuckled as well, clearly amused by our banter. “It’s good to see you both in high spirits. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, Kai. Qingmu is always open to you.”

I smiled, appreciating the innkeeper's generosity and the warmth in his voice. It was comforting to know that I had a place where I was always welcome.

"Thank you," I said again, feeling a genuine sense of gratitude. "But if I could ask for one more favor…"

"Anything you need, just say the word."

"Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar water? It's for Tianyi. She prefers something sweet to start the day."

"Ah, for your companion. Absolutely, I'll have it prepared right away."

As he headed back to the kitchen, I settled back into my seat, feeling more at ease. The butterfly fluttered down from her perch, landing delicately on the edge of the table.

'Thank you.'

Lan Sheng, meanwhile, continued to eat with gusto, clearly enjoying himself.

"You're really making the most of this, aren't you?"

"I’m ensuring that the savior of Qingmu doesn’t have to eat alone. That counts for something, right?"

I laughed, shaking my head. What a character. I wonder if Feng Wu deviated from his taoist practices when he was alone like he did. Although something tells me Lan Sheng is an.. exception amongst the rest of the second-class disciples.

As I leaned back in my chair, savoring the warmth and comfort of the inn, my thoughts drifted back to the time when the Silent Moon Sect had visited Qingmu. The memory of first seeing them was still fresh in my mind—their presence had been overwhelming.

The way they had been so adamant that Feng Wu and I not interfere when the Wind Serpents attacked... They wanted no uncertainty about whose territory this was, even at the cost of potential casualties.

I wondered if the Silent Moon Sect had visited again since then. Had they come to collect more tributes? The thought made me uneasy, as well as the idea of seeing Xu Ziqing.

Just as I was about to ask Hua Yin, I noticed Hua Lingsheng entering the inn from outside, his cheeks flushed from the cold. He spotted me and immediately brightened, rushing over with the same enthusiasm he’d shown the day before.

“Elder Brother Kai!” he greeted, his voice full of excitement. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did, thanks to your family’s hospitality,” I replied, giving him a warm smile. “Actually, I was just thinking… Have you or anyone else in the village seen the Silent Moon Sect since they last came?”

“No, we haven’t seen them since they came to help after the Wind Serpents attacked. They collected their tribute, and then… nothing.”

That was a relief, at least for now. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that their absence wasn’t entirely due to benevolence.

Lan Sheng, still working his way through another bowl of noodles, finally spoke up. “It’s likely they’re focusing their manpower inward after Elder Jun took power. Consolidating their strength, dealing with any internal challenges… It makes sense that they wouldn’t be too concerned with a small village like Qingmu for the time being, as valuable as it is.”

I blinked, confused at the last part of his sentence.

"Valuable? How so?"

"Well, it's a crossroad for many traders traveling to further villages, including your hometown," He explained, setting down his bowl. "It might look unassuming, but it’s a vital hub for trade in this region. The merchants pass through here, bringing goods from all over and distributing them to smaller, more remote villages. It’s a lifeline, really.”

I blinked, taken aback by the information. And even moreso by Lan Sheng's articulate reply. “I had no idea. It didn’t seem like much when I first arrived.”

The man chuckled, giving me a knowing look. “Ah, Kai, are you looking down on Qingmu? Just because it doesn’t look like Crescent Bay or some bustling city doesn’t mean it isn’t important. I thought you'd know better than to judge a book by its cover.”

I quickly shook my head, a hint of panic rising in my chest. “No, that’s not what I meant! I just—”

Before I could finish, Hua Lingsheng burst out laughing, the sound light and genuine. “It’s alright, Elder Brother Kai! We know Qingmu doesn’t look like much. The truth is, the area isn’t rich in natural resources, so it’s hard to expand or accommodate a larger population. We’re heavily reliant on the trade that passes through here, which is why the village is smaller than you might expect.”

The younger boy beamed at me. “That’s why we’re so grateful to you, Elder Brother Kai. Without you, we might not have had the chance to rebuild and keep the trade routes open. You’ve done more for us than you know.”

“I... I’m glad I could help,” I replied softly, “and I’ll do my best to continue supporting Qingmu, however I can.”

Just as the warmth of the moment settled in, a sudden, sharp feeling of wariness pierced my thoughts—an emotion that wasn’t my own. I immediately recognized it as coming from Tianyi. Her usually serene presence had become taut, like a bowstring drawn too tight.

At the same time, Lan Sheng paused, his easygoing demeanor shifting as his eyes narrowed toward the door. “Something’s happening outside,” he said, his voice low and serious.

Without another word, we all rose from our seats and moved toward the door, the tension palpable. As we stepped outside, the source of Tianyi’s unease became clear. A commotion was brewing in the village square, and a crowd was quickly forming.

Pushing our way through the gathering villagers, we soon saw what had drawn their attention. A group of cultivators, dressed in deep orange robes, were parading through the square. At their center was the massive corpse of an Iron Boar, its thick hide marred with fresh wounds. The beast’s tusks gleamed in the morning light, a testament to the formidable creature it had been in life.

Standing proudly atop the boar’s carcass was a young cultivator, his posture exuding arrogance as he addressed the crowd.

“Behold!” he declared, his voice booming across the square. “This mighty beast was felled by none other than I, Shan Huai of the Iron Claw sect!”

The villagers murmured amongst themselves, clearly impressed, but the bravado in Shan Huai’s tone made me inwardly groan. Of course, something like this would happen the moment I arrived. Why did events always seem to spiral out of control when I was nearby?

Lan Sheng shot me a knowing glance, his expression wry. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a show-off. What do you think, Kai? Should we see what all the fuss is about?”

I sighed, already feeling the headache coming on. “Might as well. But something tells me this is going to be more trouble than it’s worth.”

With that, we moved closer to the front of the crowd, ready to see just what kind of spectacle the cultivators were planning to put on.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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