
Chapter 27: All Hail the Heir

Chapter 27: All Hail the Heir

At the same time, the top-ranking generals in the room started receiving calls as well. They immediately answered to frenzied reports, “General sir! An unidentified fighter jet has suddenly appeared from over the Atlantic. Preliminary reports put the jet at Mach 20 over the ocean but has since slowed to Mach 1. Our fighter jets have been scrambled as an escort. Permission to engage with deadly force if no response?”

The generals all looked to Senator Davis who was also talking on the phone. Xenia casually reported, “Hey darling, I am about to enter Washington D.C. airspace, and I have a few of your fighter jets escorting me. Their communications aren’t sophisticated enough to penetrate my ki shield. Please let them know who I am before they hurt themselves.”

Davis quickly shouted to the generals, “It is Princess BloodStar! Do not attack!”

He returned to the phone while the general relayed their messages, “Princess BloodStar, you have given the generals in the room quite a scare.”

She laughed and said, “That fear is the very same fear your enemies feel knowing I am your ally. Cherish it.” She then quickly changed the subject, “Where are you? I am coming to pick you up.”

Davis quickly replied, “I am in the Congress building. We have just concluded our meeting, and I was actually hoping to discuss a few matters with you.”

She grinned to herself, “Perfect. We’ll do it in person. Meet me on the main mall in one minute. I am picking you up. Mistress Khan has invited us to her party.”

Davis stuttered, “P-p-party? Err. Right. I will be awaiting your arrival on the mall.”

Senator Davis called out to the others, “She is in our airspace in her own fighter jet. She says to meet her on the main mall.”

The members of the meeting were shocked but also interested in seeing what a BloodStar Empire fighter jet looked like. After all, there were reports circulating of this craft reaching Mach 20 in atmosphere, something the Americans were ages from reaching technologically speaking.

Everyone rushed out of the Congress building just in time to see her jet-black fighter jet performing a vertical landing on the main mall. As she landed, a ladder deployed, and she elegantly descended after removing her helmet.

Her flight suit was also all black and rather tight fitting. It was clear she was a beautiful woman even in her flight suit.

Senator Hammond lauded her craft, “Princess! How do we obtain one of these fighter jets? There isn’t a force on the planet that could stop this magnificent creation.”

Xenia laughed, “I made it myself alongside my engineers. It is literally one of a kind. Capable of some truly amazing and unbelievable feats. But it is not invincible. My mother could rip this jet right out of the sky, I am sure.”

Hammond laughed, “Your mother can do a great deal many of inhuman feats. Her aside, this is a war machine that can’t be stopped.”

Xenia nodded in agreement, “Thank you for the compliment, Senator.” She then turned to face Arthur Davis, “I was hoping to steal you from your duties. This jet is a two-seater. Would you mind accompanying me to Mistress Khan’s party? I would be happy to answer any and all of your questions in private.”

Davis looked around, and the other members of the congregation all shook their heads in agreement. President Monroe pat him on the back and said, “Senator Davis is happy to meet with you. In fact, I quite think we are all jealous that he gets to ride along with you in your fighter jet as well.”

Xenia smiled back, “Oh, don’t be jealous. You are all welcome to a ride. I insist really. I can take you anywhere in the world in less than an hour!”

The President whispered, “My God. What a breakthrough technology.” He then caught himself and said loudly, “Safe travels. I hope your discussions are fruitful.”

Xenia saluted them all as she climbed up the ladder helping secure an already seated Davis into the back seat of her jet. She then hopped in the front seat and said, “We aren’t going far. Off the coast of Florida. I’ll keep it under Mach 3, so you don’t puke all over my pretty jet.”

Davis said, “That’s a good idea! Thank you!”

The engines roared as the jet performed a vertical takeoff on the main mall of Washington D.C. After gaining altitude, the plane soared away.

Vice President Morrow turned to Monroe and Hammond, “I feel better and better about our alliance with her every day.”


Mistress Khan was sunbathing on the top deck of her superyacht aptly named “Blood Wake”. The yacht measured over 500 meters in length and dwarfed the second largest yacht in the world. It had every amenity imaginable including infinity pools, hot tubs, helicopter pads, deployable submarines, luxurious accommodations with private rooms the size of some houses, and even a private landing pad for Xenia’s jet.

Constance sipped on a mojito and suddenly felt a whisper of Xenia’s approaching ki. She rang a bell, and an attendant came rushing over. She gave him orders, “Prepare for Princess BloodStar’s arrival at once.”

The attendant radioed the other attendants, and a well-rehearsed welcome party took form.

Attendants lined the red carpet leading from her private landing pad. Several attendants readied bottles of water, hot towels, and more. Then seemingly out of nowhere, her jet appeared in the distance and closed in on the yacht quickly.

She landed with haste and quickly alighted from the jet followed by a slower, more cautious exit by Senator Davis.

Arthur was stunned to see such a formal welcoming committee. He thought to himself, “I suppose she is royalty. This must be what happens upon her every arrival.”

The attendants lined the red carpet and in the middle of the path Constance Khan was kneeling. Xenia and Arthur walked up to her, and Xenia said, “I know it’s formal protocol, but stand up you bitch.”

Constance laughed and rushed to hug Xenia, “I always miss you so much!” After releasing her hug, Constance turned to face Arthur, “Mmm, Xenia didn’t tell me she was bringing a handsome man with her.”

Xenia cleared her throat, “Constance this is Senator Davis of the United States. I believe you two have met.”

Constance nodded, “Yes, in my brief visit to the White House. How could I forget? A man with power is always so attractive.”

Arthur outstretched his hand for a handshake; however, Constance bypassed it for a hug. Arthur could feel her big boobs pressed up against him and smell her sweet aroma in the air as she hugged him. He thought to himself, “Is every woman from the BloodStar Empire so intoxicating? Why are they all so freaking hot?!”

Xenia followed up, “Arthur, Constance is the heir of the Khan Family, and my best friend. Don’t let her good looks fool you. She is quite a powerful ki user. On a good day, she can even best my Gladiator Champion, Nero.”

Arthur nearly choked as he thought to himself, “These hot girls are all SO powerful!” He then said, “I am glad to make another powerful friend. Allow me to offer a gracious welcome to the United States whenever you please. You have global entry in my country. Arrive whenever and wherever you like.”

Constance smiled, “Did you hear that Xenia? I may never go back home!”

Xenia smiled and said, “I have someone who has been waiting for my arrival patiently. Would you mind giving Arthur here a tour of the yacht? Show him the amenities at his disposable as well as his accommodations.”

Constance grabbed Arthur’s hand and said, “You’re going to love this yacht. Over 500 meters long. Do you like pools? There are so many! There’s an infinity pool, hot tub, lap pool…” Her voice faded into the distance as they walked off.

Meanwhile, Xenia made her way to her master suite, the largest suite on the yacht. This suite occupied an entire deck and was the epitome of maritime luxury. She entered to find a shadowy silhouette waiting for her in a chair. This shadowy figure had a black aura around him masking his physical appearance although there could be no doubt a strong, muscular man existed beneath.

Xenia entered, “Ashrok, always a pleasure to meet in person. Your nightmare ki is always mesmerizing to see.”

Ashrok responded, “Likewise General BloodStar. It makes me happy to see you thriving in the world. Did you enjoy my present on your first visit to the United States?”

Xenia took her seat across from him, “Your present saved the entire trip. Satisfied my urges and provided a real dinner. The United States is not a country for my refined palate. You are welcome to surprise me like that at any time.”

Ashrok smiled beneath his dark aura, “Although the Blood Wraiths serve the Empress, it does not go unnoticed that one day we will serve you. We aim to please you until then.”

Xenia crossed her legs, “Speaking of pleasing me. Who oversees the eastern most portion of the Saber Province?”

Ashrok quickly replied, “Agmar, our newest and youngest wraith but quite capable. He succeeded his father three years ago and has proven himself as a formidable Wraith.”

Xenia nodded, “Inform him that I have been impressed by his rebellion forces thus far. I even leveraged his recent movements to further myself with Lord Heraklinos. However, also inform him that I will need a more forceful rebellion resistance in the coming days or weeks. Something that will challenge the forces of Lord Heraklinos.”

Ashrok paused before saying, “I can relay your request, but Agmar can only act within the confines of his orders from Empress Victoria.”

“Fine. Then I will be sure to tell my mother to give him orders.” Xenia sat now with both her arms and legs crossed.

Ashrok cautioned her, “Xenia, it would seem you are backing yourself into a peculiar and potentially dangerous position.”

She raised her eyebrows, “Do tell, Ashrok.”

He leaned forward, “You have entered into an official alliance with the United States, a staunch supporter of democracy in the world. Dare I say the largest beacon of democracy in the world. And yet, across the Atlantic you are supporting Lord Heraklinos in squashing a pre-democratic rebellion. Furthermore, you are asking us in secret to raise the scale of the rebellion forces. Double dealing like this rarely ends well for the person caught in the middle.”

Xenia smiled and said, “It is hard to say who this all will end well for. I have only just begun to destabilize the status quo of the world.”

Ashrok silently listened as he thought to himself, “It isn’t a surprise that she would have a plan but destabilizing the world may be more than she can handle. What is she up to?”

She stood up and walked around the room admiring the ocean views as she continued, “I don’t think anyone would fault me for allying with the United States. I had no choice. They were the only country in the entire world who gave me a chance on the international stage. It is because of them that I then earned an invite to the Saber Province from Jacek himself.”

She looked out the window off into the distance and then turned back to Ashrok, “But you are wrong in your analysis. A rare misstep from a Blood Wraith. You see, I am not fighting democracy in the Saber Province. Well, on the surface, yes, I am. However, what I really aim to achieve is to drive a wedge between two Master Families. The Heraklinos and the Sage Family have been fierce allies throughout history. Do you think the United States will look the other way regarding these rebellions if I tell them I am weakening the Master Family responsible for an attempted assassination on their President?”

Ashrok began to nod slowly, “I see. Strengthening your relationship with your ally. Recruiting a new ally through love. And weakening an old enemy by disrupting their alliances.”

Xenia walked back over and sat across from Ashrok, “Do you understand now why I need a much larger rebellion force? I need to give Jacek a reason to invite me back, after all.”

Ashrok once again nodded in silence, “And the impending war with the United States and the Holy Light Theocracy?”

Xenia flipped her hair, “The BloodStar Family would never enter a war willingly. We are reformed.”

Ashrok furrowed his brow as he looked at her. She then gave a devilish smile, “That is of course, unless as an ally I must. If a Master Family shows their support for the war against the Theocracy.”

Ashrok felt chills down his spine. He embodied death as a Blood Wraith, but even he felt the cold chill of terror around Xenia. He said, “Do you really think you can convince a Master Family to support your bid for war fighting alongside the United States?”

She stood up to leave the room, “I have no doubt. Humans always want war; we crave it. That’s why The BloodStar Empire will always reign supreme.”

Ashrok rose from his chair and knelt to the ground as he bowed to her as she exited the room, “All hail the heir! Xenia Victoria BloodStar!”


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