Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 80: LXXX. The Proposal

Chapter 80: LXXX. The Proposal

They continued to undress, until they both remained with the white petticoat, almost transparent.

Dag stared intently at them.

In a short time, they also removed the petticoat and remained completely naked in front of him, who slightly opened his mouth, remaining hypnotized by their curves.

Their bodies were athletic and tattooed, they looked sculpted in the rock: long and sturdy legs, flat abdomen and abundant and proportionate breasts.

The girl with copper-colored hair slipped her hand over her own body, first stroking her breasts, then arriving in the private parts.

She began to masturbate in front of Dag, who kept looking at her intently.

The girl blushed on her cheeks, getting excited.

The other walked slowly toward Dag.

She approached him and began to kiss his neck, coming up to his chin.

With her hand, she stroked Dag's neck slightly licking behind his ear.

Dag felt shivers behind his back and his arm hair stood up.

The girl began to caress his chest, descending with her hand down.

Dag kept staring at the other, still touching her private parts.

As soon as the girl next to him touched his genitals, massaging them, Dag could no longer refrain himself.


Both stopped.

"Sorry, I can't do it! A young woman is waiting for me in Jernhest, I can't give in! You're two beautiful girls, your bodies excite me, you can notice it yourself... but I can't. I made a promise" Dag said, looking sadly down.

The girl who was stroking him stepped back, looking at him with indifference.

The other got dressed quickly, embarrassed.

Before they could answer, Dag broke the silence again: "See you tomorrow in the courtyard. I wish you a good night!"

Within seconds, he went out the door and closed it behind him, sighing.

He walked quickly to his room.

"Perhaps I was just an idiot! Such an occasion will never happen to me again in life, I should not have refused! Freydis would never have known... but maybe... this thought would continue to torment me and in the end, I would tell her myself" Dag thought, as he touched his penis, to see if the erection had stopped.

He entered his room and began reading the scroll of "Hamstring."

He read late into the night, the effect of alcohol had faded due to the embarrassment.

After hours, he put his head on the bed and fell asleep.

Like every morning, someone rang the dorm bell and walked down the hallway screaming: "Wake up! There's still a lot of work to be done!"

Dag opened his eyes. He had a slight headache.

He took the hammer and went out into the courtyard with all his comrades.

He looked around embarrassed, hoping not to cross his gaze with the two girls of the previous night.

Then he turned to the main entry: the large iron door had returned to its place, they had almost managed to fully repair the damage.

From the sides of the openings in the wall, he could see the great statue of the God Thor, who fortunately was unharmed.

Egill was directing the renovation work.

"Good morning, Master" Dag said.

"Hello Dag. Did you sleep well?" said Egill, without turning to him.

"Let's say yes. Thank you for giving me the floor last night" Dag continued.

"That was the least I could do" the man replied.

"Master... I have a question".

"Tell me".

"Are we at war with the Fangs Of Jormungandr now?" asked Dag, confident.

Egill turned to him.

"We have been at war with them for more than 100 years. You know the reason behind their last attack, you told me yourself".

Dag nodded: "Yes, I know it is due to Magni's death. But what I mean is... what if we attack them now?"

Egill stood still for a few seconds, then turned around and began walking to the library.

"Come with me" he said, inviting Dag to follow him.

They entered the library and Egill closed the doors.

"We can't talk about these issues out there, anyone could hear us" Egill said.

"Why do you have such fear, Master? Don't you trust the Clan warriors?" asked Dag.

"I've learned not to trust anyone, Dag. But it's not just about that. I want to know what you're up to" Egill continued.

"Since I have been on this planet, I have learned that here, mercy doesn't exist. There are good Clans and Clans commanded by evil people. In my opinion, it's time to turn the page" Dag said.

"Mh what do you mean?" replied Egill, touching his long white beard.

"Let's bring the Clans together. Those who are going to bring justice to Skjold. If we join forces, I am sure that we will succeed, that we will be able to bring peace".

"What?! Don't be silly. The balance of the planet depends precisely on the constant opposition between good and evil. By altering this law, we risk leading our society to collapse! Stop raving!" continued Egill, in a stern tone.

"Balance. We're just playing the Xis game. They don't want balance, they just want evil not to cease to exist. And it's our fault. We are blinded by power and cannot see any further. There are forces far greater than us, we are just puppets in the hands of those who really set the rules of the game" Dag replied.

Egill stopped talking.

"Fangs Of Jormungandr, Lies Of Loki, Horns Of Heimdallr... if we understand which of them want to achieve absolute peace, we could merge the Clans, unite our strength and our knowledge, to fight our one, great enemy in common."

"Who would that be?"

"The Xis".

Dag had a serious tone. He was trying to confide in Egill, to kick out all the feelings he had inside.

Even himself marveled at what he had just said, but he had never been so sure of anything.

"These powers... they are inside me and they want to be released, they are waiting! If I'll become a Master, this will be one of the first things I'm going to propose on the council. We need allies, not just enemies" Dag continued.


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