Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 638: DCXXXVIII. Avalon

Chapter 638: DCXXXVIII. Avalon


The fingers of that enormous hand, about two meters wide, anchored to the ground and pulled outwards the rest of the body connected to the arm.

From the ground's breach came a second arm, then a small head devoid of eyes and mouth and finally a robust and colossal body, entirely made of ice.

Under the incredulous gaze of Reidar and Freydis, who could only remain silent to admire the power of that spell, Kranus summoned his greatest Ice Golem, ready to fight the enemy to the point of exhausting strength.

Soon after the golem's last foot touched the ground, weighing it down with its colossal bulk, Bloodfang also prepared for the attack, spreading his arms and opening his hands, letting the true power of the Packmaster flow into his veins.

Small fiery skis began to swirl around his claws and forearms until both of Thyrius' arms were covered in flames.

The two warchiefs of Krypstorm's most powerful Clans were ready to fight to the fullest of their strength, but the Xis before their eyes did not seem at all worried and looked at the golem with interest as if it was the most fascinating attraction of a circus.

"Kranus, now!" Bloodfang growled, who made an incredible leap to the back of the Ice Golem.

Simultaneously, the ice wizard moved his staff forward, ordering his magnificent creature to attack and uttering solemn words. "The land that joins the ice, becoming one thing only! The solid water that strengthens the rock, making it its armour! Admire the ancient power of Avalan, the Colossus!" 

With a slow and predictable movement, the Golem raised a fist upwards and then smashed it in the Xis direction, who did not move a millimeter.


A loud roar shook the ground, and a geyser of earth and ice splashed upwards from the point of impact, where Avalan's huge fist appeared to have hit the target.

"I can see you, I can see you, mother fucker! Grrargh!" Bloodfang growled again, who, while in the air, had managed to identify the Overseer, who was floating in front of Avalan's face, unharmed.

Bloodfang opened both of his arms wide and spread every muscle in his chest, loading an attack with extraordinary power.

The Packmaster's massive fiery arms grew even more, reaching several meters in size, and before his feet touched the ground, he closed them both toward the enemy, who a moment before being struck by the red fire of that attack disappeared into thin air.

"Eh?! What?!" Reidar exclaimed, who had taken a few steps back with Freydis, knowing he could not compete with the extraordinary strength of Thyrius and Kranus.

"He's up there! Be careful! He teleported over your heads!" Freydis gasped, yelling and pointing her spear at the exact spot where the Xis had reappeared.

The Colossal Avalan rose to its feet again, and its small head, formed by a pile of pseudosphere ice, tilted upwards as if it had pointed its eyes at the Frostsinner.

"Grrr... teleport?! Get down and fight! Bloodfang shouted, slowly succumbing to anger and the desire to let his enemy's blood flow on the earth.

In contrast to the moonlight, the Overseer's long dress's shape was clearly visible as he stared at his human opponents, looking down on them.

"If I didn't have the urgency to find 813666, I'd gladly stay here and play with you. Who knows, maybe one day not too far, I will decide to meet you again. Farewell", the Xis said, who, before Thyrius, Kranus or anyone else could say anything, disappeared into nothingness, compressing his body.

"No! No! Grrr... fuck him! Aaargh!" Bloodfang exclaimed again, not surrendering to the idea that the Xis had thus abandoned the battle and jumping to the point where he had disappeared, striking two consecutive shots of his claws and hitting nothing but from the cold air of the night.

"Bloodfang..." Kranus said, in a low voice, as his warchief friend continued to look for the Xis, believing he was hidden somewhere, exploiting the gift of invisibility.

"Thyrius!" the ice mage yelled, finally attracting the Packmaster's attention. "He's gone. The Frostsinner is not here anymore. Come back to you. Your men are watching."

Bloodfang turned in front and back, looking around and realizing that everyone was watching him and that the danger had now escaped.

"Ggrragh! What does all this mean? How dares he provoke us and then run away without a fight?!" 

"His goal was not us. He said it from the beginning. The real question is another, Thyrius..." Kranus continued, his eyes returning to standard color, looking at Avalon, the most mighty of the Ice Golems. 

Reidar stepped forward, followed by Freydis. 

"If he's not here, where did he go looking for Dag?" the archer inquired, looking at the moon shining high in the sky.


The Overseer, one of the most powerful on the Xis Supreme Court, was able to manipulate space and matter as he pleased. After disappearing from Klorr, he had relied on information obtained through Skjold's animals' eyes, the narrators of the young Dag's story, from childhood to adulthood.

His feet sank into the foliage of the undergrowth, and his white hands moved shrubs to pass. The forest in which he had transported was so dense that the moonlight could barely pass past the tall oaks' foliage.

Step by step, the Overseer overcame the roots of the trees and passed the bushes, which became less and less dense as the forest reached its limit.

The last trees opened on to a small dark green clearing, in contrast to the night sky. The square outline of a farm appeared in the distance, and the light verse of some pigs in the fence echoed in the air.

From the two front windows of the building came no light. However, the Overseer perceived the presence of more than one human being inside, imagining that, being late at night, the inhabitants of that farmhouse were immersed in a deep sleep.


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