Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 636: DCXXXVI. He's Not Here

Chapter 636: DCXXXVI. He's Not Here

Those words generated a sudden silence, and all the warriors walking down that street, seeing Bloodfang's men ready to attack, stopped to watch, trying to figure out how an enemy had managed to enter the city, overcoming the guard's surveillance.

"Tell me... where is the human you call Dag?" the Xis asked suddenly, taking a step toward them and clarifying his request, specifying the reason that had pushed him within the walls of Klorr.

A wave of sudden anger permeated the body of Freydis, who, after hearing that phrase, thought back to the last time she saw her man while risking his life against one of the Xis who was probably under the command of that long, black-haired monster.

Reidar and Kranus stood still and watched as the cold emanating from the alien began to graze their skin, entering the flesh into the bones. 

"Dag is not here" Kranus exclaimed with conviction, wanting to see the enemy's reaction and knowing that those words would not be enough to satisfy him.

"It's not here, that's right. I can feel that. So where is he? Do not abuse my gentle nature, mortals" the Xis continued, whose arms returned along his hips and whose eyes remained pointed at the four warriors who had helped Dag accomplish his last feat.

"If this Frostsinner keeps asking this question, it means he can't sense the Captain's aura! Odin must have taken him where they can't see him!" Reidar thought, remaining silent and studying every word spoken by that terrifying stranger.

"None of us know his position. After confronting the Frostsinner who came here before you, Dag disappeared, and we didn't hear any more news about him," Kranus said, trying to be as vague as possible.

"Disappeared? You, humans, do not possess such abilities. This is very strange. Our eyes can't see him. Even I can't feel his aura. It's like he's not on this planet anymore, or on any other planet," the Overseer said, sighing. "Patience is not one of my greatest virtues, human. If you do not tell me where 813666 is, you will be forced to pay the consequences of his outrageous actions against the Xis Supreme Council. Do you accept these conditions?" 

The Overseer, unlike the Xis they met up to that point, spoke in a calm, relaxed tone of voice, as if bored with what he was doing to repair the mistake that, before him, some of his colleagues had committed. It was as if he wasn't in the same hurry that the last Xis was in bringing Dag back to Earth.

"Dag saved us, freeing us from the domination of Lies Of Loki, the Clan that for many years forced us to live underground and let our families starve or freeze to death. Women, children... even our elders couldn't resist the low winter temperatures of Krypstorm when we lived in the Rocky Prison. If you are convinced that saving other human beings from slavery is an outrage... well, then we are all as guilty as he is" Thyrius interrupted, joining Reidar and Kranus and saying his own, defending Dag's name against all odds.

"Mmh... haha... mhahahaahah!" 

A mad laugh echoed through the streets of Klorr and the long black-haired Frostsinner bent forward for the effort, laughing continuously for more than ten seconds at the statement of the Claws of Fenrir's warchief, who continued to look at him in disgust, acknowledging that that abominable being knew no values such as honor and friendship.

"But death is the only certainty of your miserable humans! Are you foolish enough not to understand it yet? Your lives count nothing and do not belong to you! They belong to us, to the Xis ever since we saved you from extinction, you useless, filthy human beings!" the Overseer exclaimed aloud, completely changing expression, but only for a few seconds: a vein on his forehead swelled and small veins around his eyes did the same, as if suddenly madness and thirst for power had taken over rationality.

"Tell me where 813666 is!" 

After shouting for the second time the numerical code that distinguished Dag, the Xis broke his feet off the ground and began to levitate, rising about half a meter from the street's tiles.

The Claws of Fenrir soldiers retreat in fear by looking at their head out of the corners of their eyes and hoping Bloodfang will not order them to attack the monster in front of them.

"He's safe now! They can't see the Captain, and they desperately need him! But why?! Why do they keep looking for him everywhere?! Just because his dark power is so great that it scares even them? No, no, no! There must be another reason! They don't have to find him! We have to hold out until the Captain comes back! I know he will!" Reidar thought intently, clutching the Failnaught in his hands and holding back a scream of anger.

Freydis grabbed her spear and pointed it at the enemy, ready to sacrifice herself for what she believed in, but, as soon as both she and Reidar wielded their weapons, Kranus got in the way of each other again and the Frostsinner, who looked down on him.

The old ice wizard rested on the ground the lower tip of his staff and a thin stream of icy air began to twist around it with upward movement, reaching to its summit and continuing to float.

The gaze of the Giants Of Ymir's general, the one who discovered the sacred prophecy, rose to the Xis, whose veins had returned to normal.

"Is that young man's life really worth more than all our lives?" Kranus asked, in a melancholy tone, knowing that his interlocutor's answer would not please either him or everyone who was hearing that conversation.

"Oh, yes. It's worth a lot, much more," the Xis coolly replied, when his purple eyes lit up, and his black hair continued to flutter behind him as if they were not subjected to normal force of gravity.

Before responding to that statement, Kranus let his magical power flow inside his body, and his eyes also changed colour, turning deep blue.


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