Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 56: LVI. Reinforcements

Chapter 56: LVI. Reinforcements


Myr exploded into a diabolical laugh.

"It's always me.....terrestrial. The Xis....have given me their powers....including that of regeneration! You have no.....hope!" he continued.

Dag stood still and watched Myr.

His level of strength had increased again. His aura was even more red-oriented.

It was time to awaken his true power, but he didn't know how.

When he dodged Myr's shockwave, his body moved on its own. He needed that power, he had to tap into his "dark" power.

Dag was unarmed.

The tomahawk was on the ground, nearby, while the sword had been thrown away, didn't know where.

Myr began to walk towards him.

"You know, boy....I don't understand....what the high Xis....see special in you..." said Myr, chuckling.

On his throat, there was still the scar of Dag's sword.

The dark arm that had sprung from his shoulder was inhuman. It was a long barbed arm, hard and shiny, it looked made of obsidian. From the long claws of his hand, it emanated black smoke.

Myr approached, beginning to clench the fist that would hit Dag.

He loaded the blow.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by a sudden noise.

It was the sound of walls being shattered, one after the other, repeatedly.

"Um?!" said Myr, turning to the big door from which Dag had previously entered.

The door suddenly smashed, and a hammer made its way through the rubble, flying at great speed towards the shaman, who tried to parry the blow with his dark hand.

The hammer struck the palm of his hand, continuing to fly in the same direction, dragging Myr, who was lifted from the ground, until it hit the wall across the room and froze on it, leaving the shaman pinned to the wall.

Dag breathed a sigh of relief.

It was Magni's hammer.

From the same door, reduced now to shreds, came his master.

"Master Magni!" shouted Dag, happy to finally see a friendly face.

"What the fuck are you doing, son?!" exclaimed Magni, as he looked at Myr and his obsidian arm.

"It's a long story, Master. Didn't you have to come back in the morning?" asked Dag.

"Yes. But I was able to do my commitments earlier than expected" Magni said.

He pointed his open hand at Myr: the hammer detached from the wall and the enemy's arm, returning like a lightning bolt into the hands of his owner.

"Finally, I'm safe!" thought Dag, who a few moments earlier had feared the worst.

Magni's aura was fiery red.

"How dare you.....stop...the sacrifice of the....terrestrial...?!" said Myr, recovering from the blow.

"And who the fuck are you? And why do you speak like that?!" asked Magni, pointing to Myr with the hammer.


Myr dashed towards Magni, rising into the air and beginning to fly at great speed.

He charged a blow and tried to hit Magni with a direct punch.

Magni parried with the palm of his hand: behind him, the power of the blow caused a shockwave that destroyed part of the wall and wiped all objects off the floor.

Magni, with his fist still stuck by his hand, pulled a powerful headbutt on Myr's cranium, who suffered the blow and retreated, with his forehead bleeding.

"I've never seen anything like this... what are you?" asked Magni, in a quiet voice, as if the power of the shaman had not impressed him.

Myr uttered a powerful scream. The many voices that made up his own voice joined in unison.

Magni and Dag covered their ears with their hands. That inhuman sound was deafening.

Myr grabbed his human arm and with sadistic violence, tore it from his body, throwing it away.

Immediately, another obsidian arm came out of his wound, the same as the other.

"My power...grows! Hahahahaha!"

The shaman continued to scream maniacally, reeling from his growing power.

"You're going to explain lots of things to me, Dag" Magni said, taking a combat position.

Dag did the same: he clenched his fists towards Myr.

Call Of The Berserkr was still active.

Magni, with a dash, charged Myr and in less than a second found himself ahead of him.

With ease, he struck him with the hammer in the center of his chest.

Myr stood still.

He looked at Magni.

An inhuman smile appeared on his face, illuminated by the shining purple eyes.

He tried to grab Magni, who dodged the shot and counterattacked Myr, hitting him on a leg. Then on the other.

The shaman was still standing in his position.

"" said Magni, sighing with fatigue.

Myr fainted a shot, punching Magni with his other hand, making him fly away.

"Master!" shouted Dag, after witnessing the scene.

Soon after, Dag charged Myr, trying to hit him from the side.

With the back of his hand, Myr violently struck Dag, who fell to the ground with his mouth full of blood.

About a meter from him, on the ground, he saw the short sword in the rubble.

On the other side, Magni was with his back to the wall. His gaze turned downwards. He seemed to have been damaged.

With his face bleeding, Magni slowly continued to walk forward, toward Myr.

"Go away....this is a matter....between me and the.....earthling," Myr said, looking at Magni.

Right at that moment, taking advantage of Myr's distraction, Dag grabbed the sword from the ground and stuck it in Myr's back, below his neck.

The shaman felt the blow and uttered a groan of pain.

Dag turned the blade of the sword into Myr's flesh, which began to writhe in pain, falling on his knees.

With his big arms, he could not reach the position of Dag, who was in a blind spot.

Dag clasped his arm around the shaman's neck.

"Master, now!" he shouted at Magni, clutching Myr's neck with all the energy left.

Magni kept walking.

He raised the hammer high.

After a few seconds, the silence of dawn was interrupted by a powerful din: a lightning bolt broke through the ceiling and struck Magni's hammer, which faltered slightly on impact.


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