Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 213: CCXIII. The Generosity

Chapter 213: CCXIII. The Generosity

After getting up and making sure Claire was asleep again, he approached the small table across the room, with a duck pen and an inkwell.

Under the table, he collected an old parchment, dating back to his early studies in the Temple, turned it around and began writing on it.

"Claire, I will never forget your words, remember that..." 

After about 2 minutes, he finished writing the message for Claire and being careful not to make too much noise, rolled up that piece of parchment, and tucked it into one of the girl's boots.

Disregarding the food and water to take on the road, he sneaked out of the room, tiptoeing, as if he was a thief.

He closed the door very slowly, squinting and without making the slightest noise.

After walking hastily down the dormitory corridor, the Sun's rays finally lit up his face when he arrived in the courtyard, where all his companions were waiting for him near the barn.

Gridd, Reidar, and Karl looked at him with a chuckle.

"Hey, brother! What happened? Did you have any problems last night? Hahah!" laughed Gridd, resting her arm on Dag's shoulder, who was still stunned by the abrupt awakening.

"No, no, I'm fine. Last night I went to sleep a little later, after talking to my old friend you also met. Rather... Karl, where's Agnes? I thought she was coming with us" Dag said, deftly changing the subject of the speech.

"I thought leaving her alone in Jernhest with my parents wasn't ideal. I mean, they don't even know her, and my dad's a big talker. And then, the deviation, even if minimal, would slow us down. I want to meet my sister as soon as possible, Dag, as you do" said Karl, that with that words, brought Dag back with his feet on the ground.

"It seems a good idea to me. Okay, if you're all ready, we can leave" he said, trying to make up for lost time and leave that place before Claire woke up.

After riding their horses, the Iron Alliance team of explorers left the Temple, descending along the steep trail from Mount Torden to the valley.

As he rode, Dag turned back, looking pleased at his companions, glad that even a strong warrior like his sister Gridd had joined the team.

It was still hard for him to think that until recently, he was just a lonely, aimless warrior.

"You can't wait to get there, am I right, Captain?" asked Reidar, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain after about an hour.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to getting there, for a variety of reasons, that you already know" he smiled.

"I can understand it by the way you spur Aslan to walk. You look anxious!" replied the archer.

"If we can travel with a single break, by tomorrow we will be in Skjegg. In that regard, what do you know about that place? I've never been there" Dag continued, addressing Reidar and Gridd.

"Skjegg is also called the 'shrine-city'. It is built within a deep valley, surrounded by mountains on each side. Right on the heights of these mountains, the Crows Of Odin Clan warriors watch over it, enjoying a very good strategic position, being able to see enemies even at great distances" Gridd said, entering the conversation and anticipating the response of Reidar, who was no longer the only expert in geography.

"The only way to get into the city are two large tunnels carved into the rock and perpetually guarded by Clan members. These features make Skjegg one of Okstorm's safest cities" he exclaimed, trying to add more information to those provided by Gridd, to please his Captain.

Dag nodded, listening intently.

Riding along the sunny paths of Jordstl, the four warriors crossed several merchant carriages, which roamed the region.

Dag stopped one of them, buying food and a bottle of mead, while his companions looked at him curiously.

"What? If they accept our proposal, we will have to celebrate! And there is no celebration without mead, better not to show up empty-handed!" he replied, smiling at the trader, as he handed him 1 gold coin.

"Sir, these are much more money than necessary! Get something more, maybe more dried meat, a few more pieces of bread..." said the man, of short stature and equipped with two huge mustaches with upturned tips.

Dag took another gold coin and handed it over to the man: "the Iron Alliance, remember this name" he said, smiling.

The merchant bowed his head, showing infinite gratitude, and when they greeted each other, he continued to look at the two gold coins in his hands, biting one to verify their authenticity.

"Did you just pay 2 gold coins for a few pieces of dried meat and some bread? Oh right, there's also the bottle of mead..." Gridd asked, with a disappointed face.

"Yes. For me, two gold coins are not much money, but for that man, It's a different matter. I felt right to help him, today is such a beautiful day!" said Dag, happy to head to Skjegg, with a perennial smile drawn on his face.

Gridd looked at Reidar, who shrugged his shoulders, giggling.

They continued to walk the same path to 'Runar', the region dominated by the Crows Of Odin, enjoying the view of Jernhest in the distance.

It was a huge city, which continued to extend beyond its walls, enclosing only 30% of its buildings, including the Arena, the King's Palace, and the entire commercial district.

King Einar's residence was certainly the tallest building and its tip seemed to touch the sky, while the Arena, not far from it, stretched wider than height.

"What, are you nostalgic, brother?" asked Gridd, noting that Dag was enchanted to look at the capital.

"Yes, maybe a little. In the early days it was difficult to adapt to the Arena and Jernhest'd size, if only I think about how long it took to get from the city center to our farm, I get breathless! But I kind of miss fighting just to train, without risking my life constantly! Hahaha!" replied Dag, prompting laughter even among his companions, who agreed with those words, considering their last adventures.


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