Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 204: CCIV. The Exhibition Match

Chapter 204: CCIV. The Exhibition Match

Within seconds, each warrior in the central courtyard of the Temple knelt.

"Long live Master Dag, the Exiled!" they all screamed in unison.

Dag stepped back, caught in a sudden emotion.

"What? It's not possible... do they really all agree with the decision of Egill and Dargeon? Taking Magni's place... I'm not sure I'm up to it... but I will honor my task!" he thought, taking his hand off the hammer and leaning his shoulders forward, out of respect for the warriors of his Clan, accepting their decision. 

"Well, that means that starting now, Dag, you're the Clan's new Master Of Offense, with all the benefits and obligations that come with it. You will never give up your duties and the only event that will lead to the conclusion of your role will be death. Do you accept the conditions?" asked Egill, looking seriously at his apprentice. 

"Master Magni sacrificed his life to save mine. I'd be ungrateful if I gave up and my life would lose its sense. May his hammer keep me and all of you safe, bringing peace to Skjold and, if necessary, war against those who will stand in our way. I thank you all for the trust you have given me, I will not disappoint your expectations. I accept!" Dag exclaimed, raising Magni's hammer to the crowd, tears of joy streaming down his face.

All the warriors rose to their feet and began to scream his name again, making that moment even more unforgettable.

Dag couldn't believe it was all true: becoming Master of his Clan was one of the ultimate goals of his life as a warrior and he didn't believe he would reach such a milestone at 18 years old, after only a few months away from Jernhest. 

"If I can... I'd like to add more!" said Gridd aloud, trying to bring order among the warriors, aided by Egill, curious to hear what the sister of the new Master Of Offense had to say. 

"I'm sure many of you know Dag's ability in combat. Myself, I was amazed at how strong he became in such a short time. The union of our Clans has a name, it's called 'Iron Alliance' and like any alliance, it needs a Warchief. It has been decided that every time a Clan joins the union, one of its members can fight to earn this title. Well, I'd like to inform you that Master Taya fought my brother... and she lost" Gridd continued, further emphasizing Dag's figure.

"Master Taya?!"

"She was my first Master when I was training at the Arena!" 

"Yes, mine too!" 

"Now I remember, it was part of Sons Of Freya!" 

A buzz snaked through the crowd and the warriors looked on in disbelief, considering that most of them knew Taya and remembered her incredible strength.

"In an equal-terms fight, Dag managed to defeat our strongest Shieldmaiden, earning the title of Warchief of the Iron Alliance!" replied Gridd, pointing to her brother with her hand, who was too excited to respond and merely smiled satisfied.

"Hahah! It looks like our little Dag won't be able to sleep peacefully for a while! Hahahaha!" chuckled Dargeon, surprised by Dag's double title in less than two days.

"Congratulations, 'colleague'. We're proud of you, we knew you weren't going to let us down" Egill said, winking at Dag, who kept smiling, unable to hold back the emotion, augmented by the applause of his teammates.

"So... If you're not too tired, why don't we have a friendly fight? The Sun is high in the sky and I think everyone wants to release the accumulated adrenaline! What do you say, Dag?" asked Dargeon, who was looking forward to testing the true powers of the new Master. 

"Of course! Why not?" he exclaimed, also looking at Reidar and Karl, seeking their approval. 

"Perfect! I like this energy-laden spirit! Warriors, clear some space in the center! Who wants to fight?" shouted Dargeon, calling his pupils to appeal.

A Berserkr came forward. 

He was a muscular man in his thirties, with a braided beard and short black hair.

"I would challenge Master Gridd if she accepts. I noticed she's got two swords behind her back. I also use a similar fighting technique and would like to test my skills with a worthy opponent!" exclaimed the man, pulling out two one-handed axes and pointing them at Gridd, who looked at him surprised.

"Did you hear, sister? You've already caught their eye! Be careful, I don't know that guy, but from the way he wields his weapons he looks very strong and..."

"Now you look like our mother! Hahaha! Just see!" exclaimed Gridd, interrupting Dag, too apprehensive for her taste and immediately pulling out her swords from behind her back, making them twirl deftly.

Dag crossed his arms, ready to watch the show.

"Master Gridd... it will be an honor to fight against the sister of our new Master, I will try not to go in heavy..." chuckled the warrior, defying Gridd, who continued to smile carelessly of the taunts.

"Yes, maybe you're right... please, be careful not to hurt me, I'm just a poor helpless woman!" she exclaimed, pretending to whine.

The warrior charged at her, faking a frontal attack and turning 180 degrees, trying to hit her on the other side.

Gridd lowered herself to her knees and using a single blade, deflected both axes of his opponent and unbalanced him, hitting him soon after with a kick on his calf, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Ooops!" she exclaimed, shrugging her shoulders and stirring up the crowd, who began to laugh, having fun. 

"Grr... take this!" the warrior yelled, rising nimbly from the ground and trying to hit her from above, joining his two weapons to increase the weight of the blow.

Gridd, who previously turned her back to her opponent, spun quickly and one of her blades got surrounded by a heavenly aura.

She lifted it up, parrying the blow again.

Upon impact with Gridd's sword, the two axes bounced off its blade, vibrating and repelling the warrior, who this time fell to his feet.


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