Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 196: CXCVI. The Accusations

Chapter 196: CXCVI. The Accusations

"Friend? Eheh... you just don't understand, do you?" said the woman, looking down.

"He was not my 'friend'. To have what you call 'emotional bonds' to another being of your own species is just a weakness" she continued, as her feet peeled off the ground, beginning to levitate.

Dag forcefully pulled his arm towards him, trying to bring the woman back to the ground, but her strength was unchallenged.

The liquid that enveloped her arm, when she got up several meters above the ground, returned to Dag and was re-absorbed by his skin, loosen its grip.

Her broken arm incredibly turned on itself and returned to the original position, regenerating the bones and injured muscles.

The Xis woman was there, stationary in mid-air, her arms outstretched, and a very thin purple aura surrounding her body.

Dag without saying anything, picked up his weapons from the ground.

"What our scientists have defined as 'spirit of survival and human self-preservation' is very strong within you, I can feel it. You are truly remarkable specimens, I will take this into account" exclaimed the woman, whose voice became even deeper. 

Meanwhile, Gridd also regained consciousness and rose from the ground slowly, stunned.

"Although you profess beings with higher intellect, you will never be able to understand the feelings that a human can feel, and your consciousness will always be impoverished, compared to our own. Since I've been here, on this planet, I've pondered for a long time what your true nature and your true purpose might be, but having grown up in a lie, I have never come to a definitive solution to my questions" Dag said, looking at Magni's hammer holding in his hand.

"The planet you're on was created by us. We created it similar to your first planet, the Earth. Skjold and the others perfectly emulate its climatic and geological conditions. We have done it for you, ungrateful inferior beings! Because of your fallacious anatomy, you are not able to resist without elementary chemical elements, such as oxygen. Your only task, from birth, is to obey your saviors, us Xis" the woman replied, looking at Dag and his companions with an air of superiority.

"I would have so many more things to ask, but what's the point? The questions will not change the reality of the facts, they will only serve to make my life even more complicated" Dag continued, while a considerable amount of dark liquid leaked out of his back and, splitting into two bundles, similar to two large arms, stood on the ground, beginning to lift Dag's body upwards.

Reidar, Karl, and Gridd watched the scene, gasping, looking at Dag, lifted from the liquid, reaching the height of the enemy, approaching the woman. 

Agnes, hiding safely with horses, could not believe her eyes.

The woman stopped talking when Dag positioned in front of her, more than 4 meters high.

His only purple eye was much brighter than usual and the only part of his body that had not absorbed the liquid, which branched up to his neck, was his face.

"Qar 'Iv vISov!" exclaimed Dag, looking impassively at the woman, who, in those words, blur her eyes. 

"What?! How do you know our ancient language?!" she asked, who for the first time seemed to be seriously concerned.

"Ancient language? Dag can speak the ancient language of those... alien things?" asked Karl, looking at Reidar, seeking for answers.

"I have no idea, Karl. Nothing that's happening here makes sense. We did everything we could, now we just have to hope and pray to the Gods for the life of our Captain" he replied, putting the Fainaught behind his back, believing that trying to help Dag against that being would be useless.

"naDev 'emDaq ghewmey DaneH'a,' mej Daghaj!" replied Dag, who seemed to have lost control of his body, as if possessed by something.

"What the fuck...?" whispered Gridd, trying to make an effort to understand something of that incomprehensible language. 

"Enough! I'm annoyed at your insolence! I'm sure we don't need your body alive to study your blood! You will die, and with you, all the nonsense you're saying!" yelled the woman, who in a few seconds, moved an arm backwards and created out of nowhere a dark blade, made of an unknown material, which seemed ethereal.

She grabbed the blade and forcibly pierced Dag, who didn't even try to dodge the blow.

"No, no, no! Dag!" yelled Gridd, who began to run towards him, but was stopped by Reidar, who held her wrapping his arms. 

"Let me go, fucker! That's my brother, and that's the most important thing I have!" she continued, punching Reidar in the face to free herself.

With the blade lodged in the center of his chest, Dag looked down at his sister as the woman continued to sink the weapon into her opponent's body, seeking further damage.

"Dag! Don't die, please! We still have so much to do together! Daaag!" she continued to scream, unchecked, not knowing how to help his brother.

"The most important thing?" said Dag in his hoarse voice, returning in himself for a second.

"Yes! All these years, I have continued to live thinking about you and the feats we would do together! Since you were a child I took care of you and I loved you from the first moment! I won't let you leave me like this, without any explanation! Your time hasn't come yet, Dag!" 

Gridd screamed loudly, kneeling on the ground and crying in despair.

"The most important thing..." Dag kept on saying, heedless of the blade that pierced his chest.

"Stop raving, human fool! Grrr!" growled the woman, rotating the dark blade to tear his flesh apart. 

Dag approached his weapons to the belt, causing them to attach to the magnet.

The liquid that held him off the ground pushed him towards the enemy, causing the blade to be completely stuck in his body, allowing him to approach the old woman, who did not understand what he was doing.


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