Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 179: CLXXIX. The announcement

Chapter 179: CLXXIX. The announcement

Taya stepped forward, stopping in front of the staircase, as silence fell among the crowd of people in front of her.

"Citizens of Hevnen, good morning, everyone! I am Taya, Master Of Defense of the Sons Of Freya" the Shieldmaiden said, introducing the speech.

The audience cheered her on: she was very popular with the citizens and many of them shouted her name, until she raised her arm, reporting the order.

"Today we are here to communicate something very important to you. Dag, step forward!" continued Taya, looking at Dag, who walked beside her as the crowd looked at him confusedly.

"This boy, despite his young age, is a future Master of the Hammers Of Thor, one of our allied Clans, who oversees the capital Jernhest and the region of Jordstl. His name is Dag, the Hero of Halm!" she said, raising her voice and resting her hand on Dag's shoulder, who was surprised to have been called by that name since he had never spoken to anyone about it.

Before moving on, Taya approached him, whispering in his ear: "Karl told me about your most recent adventure, he told me what happened to Halm".

Dag sighed: once again his companion had not been able to keep his mouth shut, perhaps because he had been intimidated by the imposing figure of Taya, who was still his current Master.

The people in front of them changed their expression and continued to look at Dag with a startled air.

"For centuries our Clan has been watching over you and the other inhabitants of the Sjonir region, guaranteeing peace and order. Today is a great day because Dag made us a proposal that we could not refuse. From this moment on, it's not just us who will protect you against the enemy Clans and the hordes of bandits who roam our lands... you will also count on the help of his Clan, the Hammers Of Thor!" shouted Taya, fomenting the crowd, who after those words began to clap and scream, without having understood the true meaning of the speech.

Dag cleared his voice, ready to intervene.

"We want to hear his voice!"

"He's so young!" 

"Does this mean that another Clan will settle in our city?" 

Thanks to his developed hearing, Dag was able to listen clearly to the voices that ran among the people. 

Before Taya could continue, he took another step forward, taking the floor.

"People of Hevnen! I thank Master Taya for presenting me and painting me as a hero. But I don't think I am. I am just a young man, who, like many of you, wants the good of his land. That's why I chose to become a warrior and I had an idea" Dag said aloud, brave, as he was able to see his companions among the crowd, who were listening to him.

"The Clan of which I am a member is very similar to yours and shares with it the principles and ideals. Some time ago, a question started circulating in my head, keeping me awake at night. What would happen to Okstorm if the Clans that protect its regions and its peoples came together? What if they joined forces?"

In the crowd, people began to rumor again, dismayed by that statement.

"I know. Many of you will think it's stupid to confide your affairs to strangers... but I don't agree. You know, during my travels, I happened to meet warriors from other Clans, never knowing how to behave. So let's get to the point: today is a wonderful day and do you know why? Not only because the Sun shines in the sky and illuminates this magnificent city and its beautiful citizens... but also because an alliance was finally born" continued Dag, who had finally managed to catch the attention of the crowd, which hung from his lips.

"Friends, come on, I'm not the protagonist!" he said, encouraging Gridd and Jens to stand next to him, trying to make the modest, even though he actually felt the weight of that speech on his shoulders.

When all four lined up just a few meters from the crowd of thousands, Dag continued: "What Master Jens has in his hand is not just a scroll... it's a new beginning for all of us. For a life without fear, without concern of moving to other lands! A new life awaits you, in which you will be free to know and explore and the only limit will be your thirst for curiosity, your imagination! People of Hevnen... Today I have the honor of introducing you... The Iron Alliance!" shouted Dag, raising his arms to the sky, in a sign of victory and making the other Masters do the same, looking up at the audience.

After a few moments of silence, the crowd roared: people began to scream and squirm, galvanized by Dag's speech, which had managed to make inroads into their minds, knowing that after those words, the citizens would feel much freer.

As Dag's gaze turned to those people, Gridd looked proud at him, and her gaze crossed with that of Taya, who did not believe her eyes.


"Long live Dag!" 

"Long live the Allied Clans!" 

"Long live the Iron Alliance!"

The crowd continued to scream, bringing the mood skyrocketing.

Dag looked at Reidar and Karl among the people: his two companions smiled enthusiastically, happy to be comrades of the warrior who was about to rewrite Okstorm's history.

"Sorry if I interrupted your speech, Master Taya" Dag said, taking advantage of the crowd's roar.

"Sorry? Hahaha! Dag, look at them! I couldn't have found better words!" replied Taya, with a slight smile on her face.

As the two talked, Gridd hugged his brother from behind. 

"You have the makings of a leader, Dag... who would have thought it! Hahaha!" she chuckled, congratulating Dag, who was still gassed.

Taya raised her arms again, trying to bring back silence among the people, who slowly stopped talking.

"The Iron Alliance will be a peaceful alliance, founded on justice and mutual help between Clans. For now, we and the Hammers Of Thor are its first members, but soon other Clans will also be involved, broadening the views of this young warrior's project. But like any alliance, it needs a leader! Do you agree?" asked Taya, proving that, although the atmosphere was joyful, she had managed not to lose sight of her ambition. 


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