Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 173: CLXXIII. Jens

Chapter 173: CLXXIII. Jens

Both companions threw themselves on their beds, sighing in exhaustion.

"Thank you, Reidar" Dag said, breaking the silence as his comrade was about to fall asleep.

"For what, Captain?" asked Reidar, turning his head towards him.

"My ability to speak is not very high, I can see that. This isn't the first time you've helped me through a conversation. I never expected to be able to bond myself so quickly to a complete stranger, because that's what you were for me, until recently" Dag continued, looking at the dark ceiling of the room.

"It's the ideals that bind us, Captain. I have never met anyone so determined, despite his young age. Ever since you chose me among the three options Master Egill gave to you, you've given me an important chance. You gave me something to fight for, to believe in. So I'm the one thanking you, Dag. I feel like I'm in a privileged position with you and my Clan, I'm not going to let you down, you'll see" Reidar, delighted with his friendship with his team Captain, replied firmly.

"I'm happy about it. Good night" said Dag, pleased with Reidar's response, which until then had proved flawless.

"Oh, one last favor, Reidar... tomorrow, when you'll wake up at dawn, try not to wake me up. I'd like to sleep a few more hours if it's possible. Try to get back here to Fort Skjonnet in the afternoon, okay?"

"Of course, Captain. No problem, I'll be as quiet as a ghost! Good night" the archer replied, before falling asleep like a rock.

Dag's body was tired after the trip, but his mind was incredibly active and he could not get to sleep immediately.

He reflected on the infinite possibilities he would have if the two Clans had linked up and if, in the future, other Clans had joined the alliance.

Even if it was only the beginning, his plans were starting to take shape.

With a smile on his face, he fell asleep.


The next morning, when a ray of sunshine from the window next to the bed stroked his face and eyes, he awoke, even more buzzed than the previous day. 

Reidar wasn't in his bed, and with him, all his stuff was gone. 

After getting dressed and wearing his belt with weapons, Dag left the room.

As soon as he opened the door, he was astonished to notice that so many people were moving around the palace, as no noise could be heard from inside his room, due to the thick masonry walls.

Dozens of warriors were busy carrying out their daily life tasks: some of them carried weapons and armor, some others simply chatted cheerfully with their companions.

The door to Karl and Agnes' room was still closed and Dag was not surprised.

He began to walk downstairs, looking for Gridd.

She was standing before the table where they had sat that night, with a short, plump man by her side.

Both were commenting on an unrolled scroll on the table, which appeared to be a map.

Dag walked up to her field of vision, while some of the Clan's warriors noticed his presence, wondering why an armed stranger wandered around the fortress.

A boy approached him, ready to ask him who he was when Gridd said aloud: "Dag! You're awake!" 

The same boy changed direction, happy to have avoided a bad figure in front of his Masters.

"Good morning, Gridd. Good morning" Dag said, approaching the table and greeting both her sister and the man next to her.

"Look what a handsome boy! He also looks like a very strong warrior, Gridd! I'm sorry I haven't met him before!" exclaimed the chubby man.

Dag looked at Gridd with a questioning face, waiting for her to introduce him to his 'colleague'. 

"Oh, sorry! I was focused on looking at the map! Dag, this is Jens, the Master Of Healing of Sons Of Freya!" she exclaimed, enthusiastically.

"So nice to meet you, Jens" Dag said, in a calm tone, shaking his hand.

"Your sister was telling me the reason why you came here to Hevnen, boy" Jens continued.

Although there was not even a thread of beard on his face, judging by the wrinkles near his eyes, he must have been a grown man, perhaps in his fifties.

"Well, I'm glad. Unfortunately yesterday my team and I arrived late here in Skjonnet, I would have liked to talk to you in person" Dag replied, trying to be friendly.

"Gridd probably mentioned that... for me there nothing is more important than sleep. You couldn't wake me up even by firing a cannon!" chuckled Jens.

"Yes, I did. Although in my version, I compared you to a hippopotamus! Hahaha!" replied Gridd.

She and Jens had a very confidential tone, they seemed to be on good terms. This made Dag guess that perhaps he too would accept the proposal. 

"Anyway... Jens has been thrilled to hear your alliance offer and believes it's a good idea. In a few hours, after the daily training of the recruits, we and Taya will meet on the board to hear her opinion. She hasn't said a word since last night and I haven't seen her around this morning" Gridd continued.

"I am here, to clear any doubt. If you want me to join the board, I will intervene without any problem" Dag said, confident of himself and his plan.

"In this regard, Dag... Gridd and I were trying to take stock of the situation, come here" Jens said, inviting Dag to stand next to him to see the map with them.

Dag did so without hesitation and looked at the map resting on the table.

It was a map of Okstorm, but slightly different than the one on Stein's atlas.

"Then, as you already know, there are 9 Clans scattered on Skjold. Most of them are located in Okstorm, more precisely, 6 of them" Jens continued, pointing the map to Dag, who realized that unlike the one he had seen on the atlas, it took less account of the geography and gave more importance to the 'domains' of the various zones. 


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