Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 171: CLXXI. The Life-Changing Story

Chapter 171: CLXXI. The Life-Changing Story

"I would like us all to join forces, to bring peace on this planet. Growing up, I realized that it's useless that we Vikings continue to fight wars between us, Clan vs Clan. There is a much stronger enemy to fight..." said Dag, looking into his sister's eyes, who looked down, pondering.

Taya remained silent, without losing focus.

"Who are you talking about? A stronger enemy? You mean enemy Clans?" asked Gridd, naively.

"No, Gridd. It actually started with something you told me when I just arrived here on Skjold. It's about the Xis, they're the enemy. Or maybe I should call them Frostsinners..." he continued, in a tone of a somber voice. 

"The Xis? Do you mean the alien race that rules the Earth and all the other planets? Are you crazy by any chance? And then... Frostsinners... what the hell are you talking about?" asked Gridd, who couldn't believe what she had heard.

"There's some detail of my story that I haven't told you. One is about Brann and another is about me" Dag said.

When Taya heard that name, she couldn't hold back: "Boy, everything you're saying seems surreal to me. Now, what does Brann have to do with all this? Gridd also told me about him, when she settled here, in the Clan. I don't understand why you're both haunted by his figure".

Gridd stopped talking, his gaze lost in the void. 

A worried expression appeared on her face, fearing that Dag had discovered something she didn't know about Brann.

Dag held out his arm towards her, holding out his hand.

Gridd grabbed it, proving that she had a sincere fear of knowing what he was going to say. 

"It all started one day that Egill made me travel in his memory... it was a specific memory. I found myself in the middle of a battle..." 

Dag also told the whole story of Brann and the truth about him, disproving Gridd's beliefs, that had almost revered him until that moment, relying on the words of his mother.

As Dag continued, Gridd's expression kept on deteriorating, until she burst into tears, unable to hold back the pain of the truth.

"Why are you telling me this... why are you doing this to me, Dag..." 

"Gridd. You're the first person who confided a secret to me. Ever since I was born, I've never met a good person like you. I loved you from the first moment. When I found out the truth about your real father, I thought you should know. You know, ever since you first told me about him, I was fascinated by his image, so much so that I followed his example. I wanted to be like him at all costs and I knew that something bound us: the Earth. Both he and I were born in the same place" Dag continued, shaking Gridd's hand, which continued to cry like a fountain.

He then took the bronze eye pendant, the n 8 emblem, which he had managed to conquer by defeating Kenneth and put it on the table.

"Is that what I think?" asked Taya, who immediately grabbed it, looking at it intently.

"It's the n 8 emblem. As I said, I tried to follow in the footsteps of Brann, who owned the n 6, before losing it unnecessarily, also sacrificing the lives of many warriors of the two Clans, both mine and yours" he replied, nodding his head to confirm Taya's hypothesis, which diverted his eyes from the emblem and pointed them at her former pupil.

Gridd wiped her tears, leaving Dag's hand and trying to return to her composure.

She took a deep breath and cleared her voice: "Even if I don't want to do it, I believe you. You wouldn't have any real reason to lie about something you know is so important to me. If you're in charge of a team like yours, that's been able to walk all this way just to come here, it means that your values are strong and you've done everything you've told us for real. Tomorrow morning, with a fresh and rested mind, I demand to know every detail of what you have seen in your Master's memories, I deserve to know everything about Brann, once and for all!"

"I knew you'd understand everything. I'm proud of you, sister" Dag said, who held back tears of joy as that moment was extremely touching for both of them.

"If you allow us, we will stay here at night. Otherwise, we will be happy to sleep in one of the taverns of the city center" he said, trying to dampen the tension.

"Of course you can stay. Your story is definitely the most shocking thing that's happened to me in recent years, Dag" Taya replied, as Gridd spread her nostrils, trying not to cry again.

One hand touched Dag's shoulder. 

"Captain. You know the story isn't over" Reidar said, unable to hold back.

"I think Gridd and Taya are tired of hearing me speak at this hour... and the last part of the story is perhaps the hardest to digest. They would think we're crazy" Dag replied softly, trying unnecessarily not to be heard by his interlocutors.

"If we're still sitting here, there's a reason. And if your desire is really to bring our Clans together, there must be no secrets between us. I am tired... I'm tired of secrets, fuck!" snorted Gridd, who had heard every word Dag and Reidar had said in confidence.

Dag got up from the table, stretching his bones, after sitting for more than two hours and pulling the Giantbane out of his belt, resting it on the table in front of the two Shieldmaidens.

He continued to walk around the room, stopping in front of the fireplace, turning his back on everyone.

It only took a few seconds for Gridd to realize it was Brann's weapon.

Although its size and geometries had changed, the deer head was still there, as were the two shiny rubies.


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