Bloodline Evolution System: Reign of the Dragon Snake

Chapter 417 You can only do what I allow you to do

Chapter 417 You can only do what I allow you to do

"Foolish idiot. Do you think it is so simple to break a barrier that the immortal gods couldn't break? Aren't dragons supposed to be wise? What are you?"

"Something that hatched out of a rotten egg?" Tang Yue giggled, her tone not matching the situation they were currently in.


"FOOLISH SNAKE! How dare you disrespect me? Why don't you come out of the barrier and then tell me all of this!"


The dragon roared angrily, its voice cracking and furious. Its eyes were reddened and it looked as if it had truly gone crazy.

"COME OUT! COME OUT! COME OUT!" It shouted in agony! It wanted to tear apart the snake in front of it. "How dare a weakling like you stand in front of me!"

"Tee hee… Idiot. Can't you see? I am not standing, I am floating." Tang Yue hissed in amusement.

Seeing this rather childish exchange of just words and nothing else, everyone opened and closed their mouths speechlessly.

"Your highness…" Eleana gulped. No one could understand what was happening.

On one hand, Tang Yue giggled and laughed as if she had no care in the world.

On the other hand, the dragon was burning with a fury of thousand suns, ready to blast apart everything in its part.

What was going on here?

After all, it was weird to see two powerful beings simply exchanging taunts.

As everyone dumbfoundedly stared at the scene in front of them, the next instant, the long coiled snake unexpectedly slithered out of the barrier.




She was worried that Tang Yue was being prideful.

Selena and Jin Nuhen also shouted in unison, all of them worried about Tang Yue.

Their bodies trembled, and their knees weakened thinking about what was waiting for her outside the barrier.

"She… She just stepped out of the barrier!"


"Master…" Eleana clutched her head in fear and panic, hurriedly trying to use fate magic, but it was no use.

She would never be able to predict something that was about to happen right at the moment. "No! I have to help Master."

Eleana and the few snakes all had similar thinking as they were about to step out of the barrier as well to run towards Tang Yue and help the Empress as much as they could.

They did not care if they died. They were ready to sacrifice themselves if needed. They were willing to do anything for their Empress.

But as soon as they moved, immediately, a loud voice thundered, stopping everyone from moving any further and freezing them on the spot.


Tang Yue flickered her long forked tongue in and out, licking her fingers as if she was about to hunt for her next meal.


The dragon roared. It could not stand it any longer. It had seen the foolish snake walk out and that was all that it needed.

It was not going to miss this golden chance.


It threw its head back and let out thundering noises that made the entire island quake.

In its mouth gathered a small dense ball of coiling energy and in the next second, the dragon's body shot forward like an arrow.

Its heart burned in fury and it wanted to slam Tang Yue on the very barrier she used to taunt it and torment it. It wanted to bury her in the same spot.

The entire island trembled once again. The dragon's speed and power were terrifying. Everything was happening too fast.

The others could not even see anything. All they saw was a might earth-shattering roar and the next second a blur flying through the sky.

Everyone's heart instantly sank. This was the end? Their whole world was crumbling. Nothing was visible. Suddenly both the dragon and Tang Yue were missing.

What happened? What happened?

Everyone panicked when a loud crash sounded somewhere in the distance the next instant.

And not long after that… another terrifying roar sounded. This was clearly the dragon, but it sounded like it was in pain?

Everyone clutched their hearts, wishing and hoping for the best, but they couldn't see what was happening in the distance.

Surely, if it was the dragon who had the upper hand, they all should have died by now? The entire palace should have been destroyed and converted into dust and rubble?

They were still standing, and the palace was still there. Did that mean they had a chance?

Was their empress fighting on equal terms with the dragon?

Tears streamed down Eleana's eyes as she silently tried to decipher the fate that awaited all of them.

With every millisecond that passed, her heart flipped and flopped because of the variety of sounds coming from the distance.

"Please be okay… your highness"


On the other side of the island…


A giant massive being was slammed repeatedly against the ground making tremors spread all over the island. The entire place quaking and breaking apart.

If this continued the whole island might just collapse and submerge into the vast never-ending ocean.

However, surprisingly, the perpetrator of this mishap was not the dragon.

In fact, the majestic powerful dragon looked like a bouquet of wilted flowers and Tang Yue was sweeping the floor with it.

She flung the beast onto the face of a giant mountain making the enormous structure crack into two.

Not letting the beast even take a breath after that to feel the pain coursing through its body fully, she leaped directly atop the beast and slammed it deep into the ground forming a massive, gigantic crater.

Cracks extended from the impact all the way to the other end of the island. The entire landscape changed with a single move.


Tang Yue squatted down, lifted its pitiful head, and sneered in disdain. "You are in my domain. You can only do what I allow you to do."


The dragon shivered in fear. How could a domain possibly be so strong?

Unless… it looked around the site of the battle and saw wisps of elemental magic.

It hadn't noticed these before or rather it did not have the chance to notice them, but now that Tang Yue mentioned them, it was glaringly obvious.

Her domain contained more than three elemental wisps. No, her domain contained more than five elemental wisps. No…

It shivered as it realized that what it was seeing was impossible. Just how many elements did she master? How did she manage to synchronize everything?

It looked at the slender mesmerizing woman gazing at it in shock and awe.

At this time, the only thought ringing in its brain was… I should have never crossed paths with this monster.

"Your highness" The dragon opened its mouth to see if there was a chance for salvation, but Tang Yue merely grinned.

"NOPE!" She sent in another punch smashing the dragon's face on the ground, creating another crater within this crater.

A black fire burned around the dragon and the last of its life slipped away.


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