Bloodline Evolution System: Reign of the Dragon Snake

Chapter 391: Keep your enemies close Part3

Chapter 391: Keep your enemies close Part3

Xavier took one last breath and let out a deep sigh before running the blade over his throat and slashing himself.

Blood splattered everywhere and he fell down on the ground gurgling some more blood from his mouth.

His eyes closed and a couple of minutes passed, as he felt his consciousness fade away. 

However the next instant, he suddenly found himself in the thick of the fog again, having nowhere else to go.

“No! No! NO” Xavier shouted, shaking his head. He was so frustrated that he couldn’t end his misery even after trying to kill himself.

It took him a while to settle down, but soon the feeling of loneliness started to once again overwhelm him. 

However, before things began to completely roll downhill, there was a fleeting moment of clarity and Xavier caught hold of it with everything he had.

“Fucking illusions.” He shouted loudly, clearing whatever confusion that was still swirling within him.

“What the hell? Did I just kill myself?? Damn it. Damn it. No one can ever know about this.” Xavier wiped the tears that were threatening to fall out of his face and turned around to really look at the surroundings.

He immediately cast a two inch thick mana barrier and mumbled something to drive away all the fog from within the bubble, filling it with raw flames instead.

It might be overkill but Xavier could tell that this particular illusionary boundary was extremely powerful if it could affect all three of them, especially Xander.

So he didn’t stop with one and created two other barriers before finally relaxing a bit. It felt as if a foggy veil was lifted from his brain.

“Damn! Just who the hell was able to cast such a powerful spell?” Xavier pondered. It had been a while since he had experienced such a strong mental attack.

But then again, unlike back in Eldoria, they were surely not at the top of the food chain here.

After clearing his mind completely and steadying himself, Xavier then quickly hurried over to look for Charlotte and Xander.

Now that he was no longer muddle headed, the visibility issue didn’t matter as much and he was able to clearly set up signs. 

He navigated through the white mess and searched all four corners for the other two elves.

Before long, he ran into Charlotte who was sitting on the ground, completely miserable and tattered. She was hugging a pig’s dead and decaying corpse, close to her chest and crying over it.

Xavier shook his head helplessly and then walked over to cast a mana barrier around the woman as well, driving away all the fog. 

He then zapped her with a powerful lightning bolt, forcefully snapping her back into reality.

Huh? Huh? Charlotte blinked and instantly realized what had happened. Her face changed and her lips trembled as relief washed over her.

“It was not real…” She mumbled in a daze. She then turned to look at Xavier and nodded with a bitter smile on her face. “Thanks.”

Faced with her genuine gratitude, Xavier was taken aback for a second. He ruffled his head and awkwardly mumbled. “It was nothing.”

The two of them then continued to comb through the foggy forests for Xander. However, unlike Charlotte, he was not that easily found.

The two of them wandered around for a while before deciding to look for him from an elevation and climbing higher onto the mountains.

“Hey. Wait. I hear something.” Charlotte paused and tugged at Xavier’s robe to stop him.

“You heard something?” Xavier looked around but he still couldn’t see anything.

Charlotte signaled for him to follow her and the two of them quickly ran along the winding paths of the mountain, climbing higher and higher.

Just at the edge of the region where the fog ended or rather thinned down slightly, a human being was lying on the ground, severely wounded.

And next to him, Xander was battling what looked like a drake beast. The beast had two huge horns and lightning was sizzling from it.

It also opened its mouth, sending out about five to six balls of pulsing strong lightning energy balls, blasting the rocks that the attack landed on.

“There he is!” Xavier exclaimed and quickly joined the fight giving his brother some support.

Charlotte on the other hand tended to the man who was severely injured. 

She could see that Xander was fighting in a manner that also prevented attacks from landing on the human being, so she quickly took out some healing potions and helped him recover.

“Cough… Cough… There are better grade potions in my ring. Bring my hand here.” The man mumbled in pain, his eyes darting towards the bloody severed hand nearby.

Charlotte nodded and pulled over the hand and took out the spatial rings from the fingers. She then placed them on his other hand and the man quickly took out several potions, helping himself.

Just after consuming one, he looked much better, his injuries closing up and color returning to his face.

In the meantime, Xander and Xavier had already handled the drake. The beast had put up a good fight but it was quickly outnumbered and overwhelmed facing both the elves at the same time. 

“Can you move? We need to get out of here. I can sense at least a dozen more beasts circling at the top.”

“Cough… I am alright. I can move now.” The human being stumbled, but he stood up, with Charlotte and Xavier holding him on either side.

The group then quickly moved away from the open skies and further into the mountains, taking cover under the thick forests.

“Wait. Wait. Give me a minute here.”

The three elves stopped and waited for the human being, who was now sitting on the forest ground and reattaching his severed arm applying some bandages and healing potions.

“Such strong regenerative powers!” Xavier muttered.

“Aha Ha Ha. Yes, indeed. Our guild’s potion master is very talented. I am Lucas by the way. Thanks a lot for lending me a hand back there.”


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