Bloodline Evolution System: Reign of the Dragon Snake

Chapter 356: All Hail The Great Empress! Part1

Chapter 356: All Hail The Great Empress! Part1

“Hey, monkey! Why don’t you jump on it and deal the final blow!” Tang Yue smiled bitterly and ordered the titan ape to end the fight.

The ape nodded its head and slightly squatted, then jumping up with the strength it had gathered in its thick thighs, it landed directly on the frog.


A loud splattering sound echoed accompanied by a shrill shriek.

The frog which already looked lifeless, now squealed in pain one last time before it died completely, with its eyes popped out.

Ding. Your slave has killed 1 Poisonous Bull Frog.

Ding. 10000 Experience Points have been rewarded.

“Waaah! This is an unexpected benefit!” Tang Yue hissed. 

She didn’t think that she would be reaping benefits from the ape’s hard work, but such was life. It was seldom fair.

Tang Yue grinned and quickly walked over to the frog’s corpse plastered on the ground, squished beyond recognition, like a flat balloon.

Near the meat patty, a puddle of liquid ooze had also gathered, a part of it green, a part of it red, and a part of it black in color.

“Hmmm… This is probably some leftover blood and toxins.” 

Tang Yue squatted on the hilly ground and scooped up some of the puddled liquid with her finger.

She then licked it, anticipating the familiar notifications.

Ding. Poison Resistance has been upgraded

Ding. Poison Resistance has been upgraded

Ding. Poison Resistance has been upgraded

“Perfect!” Tang Yue hissed, her long-forked tongue flickering in and out. 

She then quickly collected and gobbled up all the liquid poison that she could.

These improved her venom and she needed to buff her strength as much as possible with every step she took.

So she decided to spend some time and at least drink as much as poison as she could.

This did not take long and she shoved the beast’s fleshy body into her ring after she was done.

This was not the ape’s territory, so she did not want to risk too much by openly hanging around as well.

The threat of the knot of frogs was still very real.

So Tang Yue finished the clean-up personally as fast as she could.

She then walked over back to the chasm to see if she could catch a second frog by the same method.

“Come on. Come on. Froggies! Come to mommy and give me some experience points!”

Tang Yue eagerly walked back and forth along the edges of the chasm with great expectations.

A few seconds passed and then a couple of minutes passed, but nothing had shown up yet.

The snake then started getting restless.

“Hey Monkey, where are the frogs?” She asked the ape in frustration.

The golden titan ape looked back at her in confusion as if it had no idea about what she was asking.

“Damned monkey, listen. You said there were weak beasts here, right? Where are they?” 

Tang Yue crossed her arms in front of her chest and asked again.

This time the ape quickly nodded as if it understood what she was asking and pointed its huge finger below towards the chasm.

“Aish!” Tang Yue sighed. “If only you could speak!!!” 

She shook her head and tried to get more information from the ape by patiently asking the beast various yes or no questions.

“Do we have to go down the chasm to fight with these weak beasts?”

The ape shook its head, nodding positively.

“How deep is this chasm? Can Little Blue climb down safely?”

This time it instantly replied no!

“I guess that makes sense. Little Blue is a bit weak to survive this kind of fall.”

Tang Yue then thought of something and quickly asked another question to clarify this important doubt.

“These weak beasts you are referring to, are these the frogs?”

And to her surprise, the ape once again nodded negatively.

“You are not talking about the frogs? Then what the hell kind of beasts are down in this darkness?” She was extremely confused.

Tang Yue pondered for a while before resorting to asking her not so generous Master. 

“Old man, do you know what beasts are there in the depths of this chasm?”

[Nope. Little snake, I already told you that I can’t help you here.]

“Arghh! Fine. Fine.”

Tang Yue tried using the ‘One with the Earth’ spell again, but weirdly she couldn’t sense anything.

In the end, she decided to head down the chasm personally and find out for herself what exactly was living down in the darkness.

“Little Blue and Eleana, you two stay here on the top. Let me go down and take a look.”

“Yes, Master.” The harpy nodded.

Awoo! Little Blue as well responded.

“Plum, you come with me and listen Monkey, you better guard these two with your life.” She commanded.

Tang Yue also cast the enslave spell once again on the golden titan ape just to be safe.

She then quickly dismissed Little Plum, the elemental retreating back into her soul and morphed into her serpentine form.

She even cast an invisibility spell to be on the safer side.

“Huff! Let’s go.” Tang Yue drew in a big breath of fresh air and then slithered down slowly and carefully into the chasm, by climbing down one of the edges.

As she headed deeper and deeper inside, only a deafening silence surrounded her, and soon even the sunlight was no longer visible.

There was only coarse grey colored rock in front of her, for the entire length and depth of the chasm.

She also didn’t find any other beasts, not even the frogs which she was expecting.

“Hmmm… Something feels fishy here.” She paused her movements and hissed in the darkness.

She looked up and down, only to find endless darkness.

“Maybe this is just a waste of my time?” Tang Yue wondered, but she was already halfway through the chasm, so she reluctantly decided that she might as well head down to the very bottom and verify things once and for all.

Tang Yue kept silently slithering farther and farther down, but still, nothing changed at all.

There was only silence and darkness all around her.

“Ok, that’s it, I am done. If I can’t get to them, then maybe I will draw them to me.”

She had an idea and she quickly took out Little Plum.

The elemental came out in its blob form, floating next to Tang Yue. 

It was confused because Tang Yue had also undone her stealth spell. 

“Masta, we are not trying to be under the radar anymore?” It asked her.

“No” She answered. 

Tang Yue was now clearly visible, more so because of Little Plum acting as a beacon in the absolute darkness that surrounded them.

Being invisible did not work so she decided to the opposite.

“Come at me if you dare!” Tang Yue hissed loudly, shouting at the top of her lungs.

Little Plum as well glittered brightly, putting a big spotlight on the long blue-skinned snake.

The two slithered up and down energetically waiting for something to move, something to respond, but…

Apart from the ruckus they were making, once again, only silence and darkness prevailed everywhere.

“Argh! Ok. Enough time has been wasted. We are done here. Let’s head back up and move to the next hunting zone.” 

Tang Yue sighed and started slithering back upwards.

She had only barely crawled up a few feet when suddenly a loud hissing noise sounded behind her out of nowhere.

“What the hell?” Tang Yue instantly stopped her movements and turned back in confusion.

“Little Plum get down there and shine some light for me.” She hissed.

But the little elemental did not even have to move much when its fire illuminated a long serpent on the other wall of the chasm.

This snake was also blue-skinned, but its body had weird symbolic black colored patterns on it.

And more importantly, its emerald green eyes were locked onto Tang Yue!

It had clearly slithered up in an effort to come closer to her.

Tang Yue instantly became alert and she morphed into her human form.

The chasm did not have many nooks and protrusions to support a human figure so she quickly cast an earthen spell to make a protruding support for herself.

She then summoned her soul sword, wielding it in a defensive manner in case the weird snake tried any tricks on her.

However, seeing her movements, the snake unexpectedly pulled its head back and hissed.

“Your highness, wait. Wait. I come in peace.” It bobbed its head up and down.

“Ah! You can speak?” Tang Yue was surprised.

“Yes, your highness. I am a snake spirit beast as well.”

Ah… Tang Yue was dumbstruck. 

She had expected a lot of things when she slithered down the chasm but she didn’t expect this.

Then it slowly dawned on her… 

When the ape had brought her over here for hunting ‘weak’ beasts, it had very obviously called these snake spirit beasts as weak beasts! 

She did not know whether to laugh or cry at this blatant insult!


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