Blood Titan System

Chapter 76 Waves, Threats

Erian's ears instantly perked up. "It wouldn't be the same waves right."

While he didn't pay much attention to his studies in school, he was still very familiar with the three typical waves and their properties. And now that had arrived in this world, the same waves might actually turn out to be the most important aspect of being a Titan.

"You should stop staring at me, I could gorge out your eyes." The envoy warned with a beautiful smile that sent a chill down the spine of the students.

As though she was only joking, she continued her speech. "To sense the three waves, you have to meditate deeply while focusing only on your nuclear pulse.

Actually, sensing the waves is quite easy, but identifying which wave is which is the hard part. If you used gamma wave instead of alpha wave in a technique, your body will explode from the error in frequency and nothing will be able to save you."

"Alpha particles have the minimum penetration power and but the highest damage power. With the right frequency and condition, they can cause serious damage to the opponent."

"For example a hammer. While a hammer can't penetrate the skin, it could cause considerable damage."

"Beta particles though have a higher penetration power when compared to alpha particles, their damage is much lower than an alpha particle.

For example an axe. It has a penetrative power higher than a hammer but its area of damage is particularly lower than beta particles."

"While gamma particles are quite different They are the most penetrating but least damaging and very difficult to defend against with their speed. Just like a bullet they are hard to guard against."

"With these characteristics, you can differentiate the three waves from each other. Memorize them and put them to mind. As for those of you who already knew this, you should also know that learning to use these waves will speed up your body transitioning process."

As Erian listened to the information about these waves, he couldn't help but feel that it was really similar to their properties on earth! Erian was starting to get excited because if they are the same, it would be really simple for him to sense the waves and maybe even control them as he wished. With his knowledge about the wave maybe, just maybe he could manipulate the waves and acquire X-ray vision or even infrared sight!

"Now to the rules of the academy."

His excitement started to dwindle as he listened to the Envoy's next words.

"Always wear your badge as it contains a few mechanisms that could potentially save you."

"Naturally, War-god academy is never strict with its student. You are allowed to battle one another or even kill each other, that is one way to rapidly raise blood points. But bare in mind to steer clear of your senior way. While senior year aren't allowed to kill a junior, the punishment for that is only 10,000 blood points and maybe a few days in Purgatory, that is how much you are worth."

This elicited whispers of discontentment from the students. It wasn't fair that the seniors could kill whoever they wished just as they wanted.

"Quiet! Life is anything but fair. You have been granted about a month's grace to recover and increase your strength without disturbance from the senior, I advise you to use it wisely. "

"Concerning the rate of exchange from Bronx to blood point, the rate is 1-100..."

The orientation took about six hours but the students weren't bored in the slightest, especially the male students who continued to stare at the half-exposed voluptuous chest of the envoy.

The female Envoy's voice came to an end, along with the lecture. Her head tilted to the side, gazing at the students before her. "I thought I told you not to stare."

In the blink of an eye, a massive ethereal and crippling wave of energy erupted from her, paralysing all of the 400-plus students in attendance. They couldn't move a single muscle nor talk of blinking their eyes!

The entire hall had gone to an involuntary silence once more and the sound of heels clicking on the ground echoed as the envoy came down from the podium. "This is why I love teaching new students."

Her lips curled up into a sinister smile and her tongue elongated to lick her pinkish succulent lips making her seem more like a succubus than human.

"They don't usually listen which means I have no choice but to punish them." She had arrived at before a young man whose gaze is filled with fire burning as the stared shamelessly at the breast of the Envoy it was as though he couldn't wait for the chance to jump at her.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" Her fingers touched her lips as she bent until her head was the same height as the seated student. Her index finger then stroked gently at the face of the young man, which elicited a hurried, lustful gasp from the young man.

She gently stroked the young man's cheek until her index finger was on the young man's skull. Lightly flicked her index finger on the young man's skull like a normal teacher reprimanding her student, she removed her hands.

In that instant, the young man's body jerked sideways and his body convulsed greatly as dark grey blood began flowing out from his nose, ears and mouth like a dam.

The other students were immediately stunned as they had no idea what was happening. In the next second though, the young man's eyes had turned bloodshot with veins popping over his skin as he collapsed to the ground like a log of wood, dead.

Instantly, the other students began to panic, wishing to remove their gaze from the envoy but the invincible pressure weighing down on them didn't allow for them to move a single inch.

Erian was also shocked and was also starting to panic! While he didn't brazenly stare at the Envoy with lust, he had dumbly stared at her from the beginning after all this was one of the most beautiful lady he had encountered in his life time, he got used to it after a while.

He had long since known not to stare at things he wouldn't be able to acquire moreover, after the earning she had given, he had stopped gawking entirely but who knew if this lady had seen him and remembered? Was she going to kill him?


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