Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Chapter 124 Back To Tartarus Shade

Ikaris was tempted to transfer the resulting Blood Energy into the corresponding Storage Ring, then drink some more human blood, repeating the routine until it was full, but Magnus talked him out of it.

"You've already drunk a lot of blood today." The Vampire stated flatly. "Your Soul Strength and Self-Control Spark prevent you from experiencing any psychological symptoms, but if you continue your body will be exposed to withdrawal symptoms. You will then be required to drink as many gallons of blood if not more to relieve them each time they occur. For your own good, I suggest you keep your intake to a minimum for the next few days, even if it means staying hungry a little longer than necessary to get your body used to spacing out its meals.

"You will need two Sparks for this: Blood Fasting and Stamina/Blood Energy Conversion."

This was what they had discussed earlier. The former was a must-have for all Vampires, reducing Blood Energy consumption to a minimum when it wasn't needed and slowing the gauge's fall as it neared zero.

Without any Spark, he could also train his body to develop similar adaptations, but it would take years of discipline to get tangible results. Malia, who had been practicing this lifestyle since childhood, could not go without blood for longer than three or four days.

The second Spark, if she reached a high level could literally allow him to go without blood. For normal Vampires, this spell was not as revolutionary as it seemed. Blood Energy and Stamina were directly intertwined in Vampires. When the former was high, so was the latter and vice versa.

For this to work, they needed other related Sparks, one to speed up Stamina regeneration or another to improve the potency of the blood consumed. There were many methods, but the goal was always the same: To go without blood longer and improve survivability.

But in Ikaris' specific case his conditions were much better. He had four Bloodlines and his stats were much higher than those of a Vampire of his level. His Constitution and Vitality were much higher than expected for a new Vampire, allowing him to maintain a decent Stamina even when his Blood Energy was low. If he used a Stamina Conversion spell before suffering the 90% malus he could easily replenish his Blood Energy reserves.

'That adds two more auxiliary Sparks to the long list of Sparks I'm supposed to acquire.' Ikaris lampooned inwardly as he left the cellar with Malia, leaving a group of bloodless and anemic prisoners behind.

"Hehe, you complain but at least for you the task is within reach." Magnus sneered. "Many Novice and Apprentice Sorcerers would kill you if they could hear you speak."

Ikaris smiled. "Good thing they can't hear me then I guess."

Upon seeing the teenager walking next to her smirking for no reason, Malia pouted with jealousy as she figured he must be talking with Magnus. She would love to have an old Vampire mentor to talk to!

Ikaris then visited Plume to entrust her with the village in his absence, Liam having already been briefed earlier. Before leaving, he took care of the daily summoning, then after welcoming the new refugees he finally returned with Malia to the Transportation Portal.

Ellie, Nardor, Danchun, Kellam and Taguchi were already waiting for him there.

Ellie was wearing one of Malia's sundresses, a turmeric yellow sleeveless dress with a floral pattern that had no neckline and hung down to her mid-thigh. She was wearing the plain sandals provided in the Welcome Pack, but that didn't take anything away from her pretty, soft legs. She had put some effort into her hair, her slightly wavy blonde hair cascading behind her shoulders. As for the makeup, he didn't know what she had used but she had managed to darken and thicken her lashes, highlighting her blue-gray eyes as if using mascara. Right now, she was quite cute. Even hot.

In comparison, Malia had made no extra effort beyond dressing up. The concept of makeup or glamour was foreign to her but she didn't need it. Now that she was no longer malnourished, having received her fill of human blood, her flawless skin and blood red lips were as good as the best make-up.

Danchun was an exotic beauty indeed, with curves in the right place but on the smaller size. However, like Kellam, Taguchi and Ikaris himself she was wearing the basic tunic and sandals provided in the Welcome Pack (Ikaris having destroyed his own clothes last night).

Ling, their only qualified seamstress, had done her best to make some alterations, but the project had been quickly abandoned when Last Saint had passed the 50 inhabitant mark. It should not be forgotten that the Welcome Pack only contained 50 uniforms...

The addition of the Hellhound Pack had not been enough to solve the issue, as sewing was not really their forte. This was another reason why Ikaris had to return to Tartarus Shade.

He couldn't appear before the other Lords in his current clothes... A shopping trip was in order.

"Are you ready?" Ikaris chuckled as he greeted his fellow travelers.

"We are..." Taguchi replied tensely, his gaze drifting back to the Portal from time to time. Obviously he was apprehensive about his first crossing.

The Japanese shut-in had changed radically in appearance in a few days. The fresh air and the transformation into a Werewolf had done him a world of good. He was still introverted and "weird", but he was starting to open up.

The others nodded quietly, feeling more excitement. Today they would be journeying away from Last Saint Village for the first time!

Ikaris checked the time on his System.

"8.15am. That leaves us two hours before the Academies open. Plenty of time to take care of our registration and... everything else." He informed the others in a calm voice.

Taguchi had added the time feature first to his own System Spell and Ikaris had decided to do the same. The Japanese had also included a Mapping feature, which automatically filled in the map of explored areas when he activated the sub-skill. Ikaris had used a similar method when copying the map of the Warring Lands at the time of choosing his territory and he was also planning to add this feature to his System.

Gradually, it was evolving into the versatile Gaming System found in many RPG video games. Maybe one day, he could earn XP by defeating his enemies.

An Experience Spark... Ludicrous idea but somehow Ikaris had a feeling it was achievable.

'I'll let Taguchi test the feasibility of this idea first...' He mentally settled on that while giving the former otaku an odd look. The latter shivered uncontrollably but he put it down to his apprehension of the Portal.

"Let's go." Ikaris finally announced with a clap of his hands, bringing them out of their musings.

He and the Portal were blood-bound, so he activated it with a thought. A gold coin silently disappeared from his purse and he could only sigh in awe over the existence of such a wondrous magic. Mentally reckoning the number of people, he lost another 6 coins.

The vortex akin to the surface of a tranquil sea filled the metal frame of the Transportation Portal, widening the eyes of the audience to the brim.

"All right, who wants to go first? Ikaris offered graciously.

Malia and Ellie were familiar with it, so they went inside straight away. Only four more to go.

Danchun frowned, but having been through similar portals in her old world she paused only for a short second, then calmly disappeared inside. Nardor, too, came from a magical world, and although he had never been through such a portal, he was not at all afraid. He stepped through just after the female Cultivator.

Soon, only Kellam, Taguchi and himself were left. Kellam also came from a world where magic and technology existed together, so Ikaris expected him to be serene, but from his jittery eyes, sweaty forehead and stiff posture he realized right away that he had miscalculated.


The Dwilde swallowed, then in a voice more hoarse and dry than intended he said,

"Not really, my Lord. I'm just a tad impressed."

Before giving Ikaris an excuse to poke fun at him, he took a deep breath and rushed inside. Taguchi was last, but his jitters had evaporated as he saw the others go before him. Seeing his Lord's impatient expression, he threw his hesitation out the window and walked bravely toward the wormhole.

Ikaris brought up the rear and a few seconds later he stepped out into a vast expanse of evenly mowed green grass. Everywhere around him, hundreds of individual Transportation Portals littered this large "garden", forming an elaborate, artificial forest that had nothing natural about it.

As he arrived, the first thing he noticed was that they were not alone. In addition to the security guards of House Morgunis diligently guarding these Portals, many of them were in operation, with a steady stream of people streaming out of them and crowding the place.

The Academies' first day of classes was not only an important day for him, but for all the Lords living in the Warring Lands.


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