Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 12 - My Choice

It is inhumane to be totally good as it is to be totally evil. All are just tones of grey


Tristan once again faced two options; kill the group of humans clad in armor for the damned goblin or let the humans do whatever they want with the goblin.

Seeing that Tristan was silent, unresponsive to his order, Cursaac shouted again, "What are you doing? Why are you still standing around? KILL THEM ALL!"

At the moment, all the bizarre things that had happened to Tristan would surely overwhelm a normal human, causing them to be at a loss. But for him, he just needed to focus on his priorities.

Tristan lowered his head and stared at the goblin with piercing eyes, "How do I know that my sister is still alive?!"

Upon hearing Tristan's inquisition, Cursaac grabbed his almost nonexistent hair and shouted, "ARGGHH!!! Those chips must be broken for you to keep questioning me!"

After a while, the goblin finally relented, "Fine! I was too busy with you, okay? Naturally, I have no time to care about the others who were picked. They are still in the captive room where you were earlier!"

Exhaling a hard breath, Cursaac continued, "Now, kill those humans if you want to see your sister again."

Tristan threw his gaze towards the group of armor-cladded humans. Looking at their fearsome firearms and weaponry, much to his complete surprise, Tristan didn't even feel a tiny bit of fear. In fact, he somehow felt that he had no qualms about killing these people, especially after what they did to him, hurting and attacking until he almost stepped into the underworld.

However, Tristan would not let the goblin take advantage of him that easily, not when he was currently in the dominant position and had the bargaining power.

Tristan scanned his surroundings as his eyes checked all around the dome. There were probably only around a dozen or two orcs left remaining, and a few number of goblins. Of course, it was possible that there were still some orcs somewhere inside the facility, but Tristan was doubtful that there were still orcs on standby guarding the harmless humans when their leader was threatened.

Tristan fell silent as he calculated the risks and rewards of the two options. Moments later, he finally came to a decision. Between helping Cursaac kill the humans or letting the humans kill the damned goblin, Tristan wisely chose the third option, one that he made himself.

Tristan stretched his hand towards the white haired goblin. Cursaac couldn't even react as Tristan choked him in the neck. After that, Tristan tugged the suffocating goblin from the mechanical flying platform he was on, separating the two of them.

"You will take me to see them first. After I make sure my sister is safe, I will then help you. That is how we will do this!"

Shocked expression filled Cursaac's face before fury replaced it, "Aargggh!!! How dare you human! Your sister will die with one word from me! Release me this instant!"

When he heard that, Tristan pulled the goblin closer to his face, causing their eyes to stare at each other directly, "As long as my sister is safe, I will definitely protect you from those people. Do you agree?"

The goblin began gasping for air as Tristan didn't go easy with his hand, "Eeergghh… How can I trust you?!"

"I am a man of my word, unlike you!"

Right after he said that, Tristan eyed his next target; the massive door where he was taken before, which would lead to the room where all the captives were at. Making up his mind, Tristan quickly dashed towards the door, with the goblin still in his hand.

However, before Tristan could come near the door, the female space acolytes, the one who could use magic, stopped in front of him and blocked the way.

"You can not pass! Stop right now or I...!" exclaimed the space acolytes. Hence, he quickly snarled at the woman, "Move away!"

Realizing Tristan would not stop his dash, the mage swiftly cast her spells. Multiple bolts of lightning swiftly materialized out of thin air, before they zoomed towards Tristan.

[Thunder Bolt]

Unfortunately for the mage, Tristan was able to deflect the spell using the claymore in his hand. Thanks to his advancement, Tristan was able to swing the massive sword with only one hand easily.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you, woman." said Tristan as he swung his sword towards the mage. Coupled with his newfound power, the blade created piercing sounds as it travelled through the air.



A loud sound was heard as the sword landed on the mage. However, it appeared that the slash was hitting some kind of energy barrier, as Tristan could see the woman was unharmed. Nevertheless. The barrier was still shattered by the slash, causing the woman's face to quickly turn pale.

Tristan could clearly hear the group leader, that man who was armed with a hammer, was rushing towards him from the back. The man seemed to shout something about not killing the woman. However, Tristan did not want to waste any more time with these people; not until he was sure his sister was safe.

Tristan swiftly swung his sword towards the retreating woman one more time. This time, he decided to send a low sweeping slash. In an instant, the woman fell to the ground as both of her legs were cut off.

The woman screamed in agony, but Tristan didn't even pay attention to her anymore. He proceeded to dash forward, passing her as he continued his way to the massive door.

The wound the woman received should be able to hold the other men down for a while; Tristan thought.

And clearly, Tristan was right. The other surviving members and the leader decided to treat the woman's wounds, instead of chasing him. However, it didn't mean the problem was gone. The two dozen or so orcs decided to chase Tristan when they saw their leader was being taken hostage.

Tristan immediately sped up as he rushed towards the dark corridors. After running past countless rooms, Tristan finally found the familiar steel door. He leaped into the air before spinning and delivering a powerful kick to the steel door.


There, behind the now deformed steel door, Tristan saw a group of terrified humans. Among them, Tristan spotted his sister.



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