Blood demon leveling

Chapter 25: Morkove once again

Chapter 25: Morkove once again

Mike's eyes snapped open before he looked to his side with slight resentment, Serina was snoring. Loudly.

'Well time to get up I guess'

Mike looked towards the window and saw that it was somewhat light outside so he got dressed and left the snoring Serina behind on the broken bed, Mike quickly found his way to the kitchen and got some food from the maids which he promptly ate before he walked back to his room and found Serina was awake staring at him with her ears up while she wagged her tail


Serina gave a bark as her tail wagged, Mike walked over and sat down against her again as Serina laid her head on Mike's lap, Mike petted her on the head feeling her fluffy ears which seemed to make her go into some sort of daze. Time passed and eventually there was a knock on the door, Mike raised his head and called out

"Come in"

"Mike have you seen Serina..? Oh, I guess this makes sense"

Lana walked in while giving a sigh as she looked at the broken bed and then at Serina that looked back at her with her big black eyes before Lana gave another sigh

"Oh well What's your plan for today Mike?"

Mike gave a smile

"Actually I was thinking that it was time that I got on my way There's someone I have to see"

Lana gave a nod before she looked around the room and asked

"Where did Rebcca go?"

"I sent her to , we had a uninvited visitor"

"I see oh well Well then let's get you outfitted for the journey"

Some time passed before a red blurr was seen on the streets of Gvenor, it bobbed and weaved in between the busy morning traffic leaving behind a gust of wind where ever it passed, Mike that was riding on Serina's back had a rare genuine smile on his face as he kept his body low on the saddle that was specially made for Serina, soon they reached the gates were Serina slowed down at Mike's command, after they passed the gate Serina once again speed up on the dirt road heading west towards the distant city of Morkove

Four days passed on the road, on the way Mike and Serina picked off lone travelers killing them for experience and feeding their blood to the knife before Serina happily ate their dried corpses and just like that a journey that had taken Mike a month was completed in just four days, although when Mike had been hunted he had walked where the wind took him so the speed comparnce wasn't really fair, nevertheless Serina's top speed was about that of a motorbike from Mike's past life, of course she couldn't keep up that top speed for long but she was still very fast.

Mike looked at the approaching walls of Morkove and gradually slowed Serina down to a tort as they neared the walls, the people that were lining up to enter the city looked at Serina with horor and quickly gave up their spots in the queue as to not have her breathing down their necks, thus it was soon Mike's turn to be inspected, the guard looked at Serina then at Mike and then back at Serina that was letting out a low growl before he gave a nervous laugh and spoke

"A-Are you carrying any contraband?"

Mike gave a smile and spoke

"My bags are there"

Mike pointed to the saddlebags on Serina before he looked back at the guard

"Feel free to inspect them"

The guard gave a 'this was not in the job description' look before he gave a sigh and spoke

"You may pass"

Mike gave a nod and walked past the gates with Serina before he took out a piece of jerky and fed it to Serina as he patted her on the head and spoke

"Good job Serina"

Serina gave a happy bark, dried meat was her favorite, just after raw meat of course. Mike walked down the streets of Morkove next to Serina, the busy morning traffic split like the red sea around Mike and more specifically Serina as the people on the streets looked on with fear evident on their faces, soon Mike arrived at the temple and after telling Serina to wait Mike took a deep breath and walked into the temple, inside the temple Mike walked up to the counter and spoke to the receptionist

"I'm here to see Julie"

The receptionist looked at Mike oddly and asked

"And you are?"

"I'm Mike, a friend"

"Then you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

Mike got a bad feeling from the receptionist's words

"Julie is"

Mike walked out of the temple with a dark face, he practically oozed bloodlust, Serina took after Mike and also began showing a slightly aggressive body language while she growled showing her teeth, Mike jumped up onto her back and soon Serina ran through the busy streets of Morkove again until they reached the adventurer's guild where Mike walked in followed by Serina this time walked into the guild, the guild turned silent when he showed up (mostly because of Serina). Mike walked up to the counter with Serina at his side and spoke in a low voice to the receptionist

"I need to update my adventures card"

"C-Certainly, Please show me your card"

Mike threw his card onto the counter and waited impatiently as the receptionist updated the card

"W-What level are you now?"



"I said level 3"

This answer flustered the receptionist even more and she quickly gave a bow

"Please wait here while I get the guild master"


Mike looked around and soon found an empty place to sit and sat down while Serina laid down next to him watching his back, soon a bald middle aged man walked over along with the receptionist from before

"So you're the one... "

The bald middle aged man looked Mike over a for a few moments before he gave a nod and looked over at the receptionist and spoke

"He's level 3"


The receptionist quickly walked over to update Mike's card while the bald middle aged man stood and watched Mike which made him in a even worse mood


"I have a question for you young man, do you mind?"

"I don't"

"What family do you come from?"

Mike gave a snort while his mind quickly worked before he spoke

"If I was part of a family I would have been level 3 a long time ago"

The bald middle aged man gave a nod before he sat down across from Mike

"Here's a piece of advice: join a family soon"

"Sure, sure"

Then the receptionist returned with Mike's card and respectfully handed it over (while being wary of Serina of course) Mike took the card and gave a nod to the bald middle aged man before he stood up and walked over to the request board and picked a request off the board that read

-Westen yearly monster extermination-

The time for the yearly monster extermination have come, all level welcome, payment depending on level

This was the reason Mike was in a bad mood, just three days ago Julie had left the city to go exterminate monsters as part of the extermination thus ruining their (hopefully romantic) reunion, after he picked the request he walked over to the bald middle aged man and put the piece of paper down on the table in front of him and spoke

"I want in"

The bald middle aged man looked at the request and gave a smile

"Sure, let's sort the formal stuff real quick then"

Mike once again raced out of the city, this time instead of stopping at the gate for inspection Serina jumped onto a nearby roof before she jumped onto the wall and then down from the wall, Mike felt a few moments of weightlessness before they landed and Serina began accelerating as she ran west

A day passed once again, Serina ran down the winding dirt road with Mike on her back, soon they spotted a convoy up ahead and lowered their speed, they were quickly spotted by the convoy and just as Mike was about to call out to them a crossbow bolt was fired from the back of a wagon towards Serina, Mike showed off his lightning fast reflexes and in an instance he drew the knife and defected the bolt then he reached into his leather armor and threw a throwing knife back towards the wagon that hit the crossbow man in the shoulder making him give a pain filled scream, soon Mike and Serina caught up with the convoy and Mike called out

"Is this the westen yearly monster extermination convoy from Morkove?"

A few seconds later one of the coachmen yelled back

"Yeah, who are you?"

Mike gave a smile and made Serina walk up to the wagon with the couchman that answered his question

"I am here to join you guys, here's a letter from the guild master in Morkove"

Mike handed the letter over and watched as the coachman read it while getting visibly more and more shocked before eventually he gave a smile and spoke

"In that case we're happy to have you Mike"


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