Blood demon leveling

Chapter 13: Vampires

Chapter 13: Vampires

Mike's smile was rather eerie to look at from a third person's view, luckily there were no third or second person in the tiny prayer room else Mike would have shanked them already If he was not too busy admiring his status

"Still 100.000 exp That's quite a bit"

Mike looked at the floating words that read

Name: Mike

Age: 26

Level: 2

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood]

Experience: 0/ 100.000

'Well guess there's nothing but get to killing some stuff But first I have to deal with Julie"

Mike gave a sigh and waited for the crystal ball to reset which it did after a minute of not touching it before he walked back out of the small and cramped prayer room and back to the grand lobby of the temple where Julie still sat comfortably in her recliner chair, when she noticed Mike had returned she blushed slightly and began toying with her short silver hair with a happy smile on her face, she looked just like a young girl in love

"So Did you level up?"

Mike gave a nod, he didn't really need to conceal it so he just admitted it with a slight smile

"Yeah, I am now level 2"

"Congratulations Mike"


Mike stood and watched the crowd come and go while Julie sneaked glances at him looking like she was half admiring his face and half trying to find something to talk about, but soon something happened, first a scream was heard then some yelling over at one of the inspection points both Mike and Julie looked over when a desperate yell was heard

"My Child, don't hurt my child!"

"Mommy, I want my mother!"

Julie gave a cold smile and stood up from her chair before she gestured for Mike to follow her as she walked towards the commotion, Mike gave a sigh and decided not to risk pissing her off and followed after her over to the inspection point as another yell was heard

"Please let my child go! You are hurting him!"

"Mom please help me!"

In response to the desperate yells loud laughter was heard from most of the people around. Soon Julie managed to push her way through the crowd followed by Mike, when the person in charge of the inspection noticed her he gave a salute and spoke

"Miss Julie, we caught a pair of vampires"

Julie looked over and so did Mike, what he saw was not exactly what he expected the pair of so called vampires was what looked like a normal human woman in her 30's and a child about 5 years old, Mike gave a frown as Julie spoke

"Was it you that discovered them?"

"Yes Miss Julie, they looked like they came to the temple to pray but acted suspicious when they saw the inspection, then I caught them"

"Have you confirmed they are vampires?"

"Yes miss Julie"

"Okay Then let's get this over with"

Julie drew her sword and approached the daughter and child, or at least she tried to when Mike reached out and grabbed her arm and she looked back clearly annoyed at him

"What is it Mike?"

Mike struggled for a bit as he looked around at the people that were watching the mother and child with disgust and was about to speak up when a faint red light shone in his eyes and he suddenly showed a smile that made Julie shudder for some unknown reason, whether it was fear or excitement she didn't clearly know

"Those two, they have to die right?"

Julie gave a small nod as she stared at him blankly, it was almost as if he had asked if the sky was blue, Mike's smile widened slightly

"Then do you mind if I do it? I just level up and are in need of experience"

Julie gave a smile and shock off his hand before she leaned in and spoke in a quiet voice only the two of them could hear

"Then show me what you got Mike"

Mike gave a nod and pulled out the knife as he spun it in his hand like a toy with a slightly eerie smile on his face as a red light once again flashed in the depths of his eyes, then he kicked off the ground and two quick slashes sounded out before it was followed by a thud and a slightly lighter thud, Mike spun the knife around much to the amusement and cheers of the crowd before he before he sheathed it again and asked Julie

"So what do you think?"

"...You're technique could use a little work, you cut deeper than necessary on their necks when you severed their arteries"

Mike gave a nod and explained himself

"Yeah well it works to scare further enemies if there's a lot of blood splatter"

Julie gave a nod and looked as if she had been enlightened

"Well that's trueThen what about---"

As Julie and Mike walked back to the middle of the temple hall the blood from the two corpses steamed out on the tiles in front of the temple for a few minutes before they were picked up and thrown onto a carriage that passed through collecting garbage from the streets of Morkove, meanwhile a figure that had watched the entire scene with red eyes turned around and walked into an ally

Mike gave a sigh as he finally returned to his room and laid down on his bed and looked into the ceiling as he thought on the time he was dragged around by Julie, first they spent time in the temple overseeing the inspections, then she took him out to a cafe where she forced him to taste all her favorite foods before she dragged him back to the temple. It was only at night he was finally released by her and managed to return to the inn

'Well she's still kind of a bitch But I don't want to kill her so badly anymore..? I wonder why..?'

Mike gave a sigh and blew out the candle on the night stand he had just lit before he closed his eyes and regulated his breathing, soon he fell asleep

A few hours after Mike had fallen asleep a figure sneaked into the courtyard of the Inn and agility climbed into Mike's room from the slightly open window, the figure stood and watched Mike sleep for a bit before it raised a knife that glinted in the moonlight as he mumbled

"This is revenge for my wife and child!"

The knife swung down before a clang was heard as the assailants knife collided with something in the dark room, he widened his eyes and quickly decided to retreat as he jumped back out of the window but as he was mid air the moonlight was reflected by the sacrificial knife that flew through the air and buried itself in the back of the man that still was mid air before he loudly fell down into some pottery that stood in the yard of the Inn.

This woke up Mike that quickly got out of bed and looked out of the window and saw the corpse of a man down on the courtyard and quickly put two and two together before he jumped out of the window and landed beside the corpse as the first floor of the Inn lit up and a person quickly stumbled out into the yard and saw Mike and the corpse and yelled


Mike gave a sigh before he crossed his arms and waited for more people to show up, as people sleeping on the first floor of the Inn opened their windows to see what the fuss was about Mike spoke loud enough for people to hear

"This man invaded my room with a knife in the middle of the night! I simply killed him when he failed to take my life and tired to flee!"

Mike bent down and pulled out the knife of the corpse as he noticed something off about the dead man and yelled

"Bring some light!"

The man that had yelled murder walked over with a lit candle and shone it on the corpse before he gave a gasp and yelled


The people watching gave a gasp as Mike gave a slight smile and spoke to the man that had arrived first

"I believe this clears me of suspicion?"

"It certainly does! I am the owner of the Inn, while my wife handles the day to day work of the Inn I have to personally thank you for killing this vampire that invaded my Inn!"

The other people watching began to clap while Mike gave a slight smile and spoke

"Not at all, I am sorry for disturbing everyone's sleep"

The Inn owner showed a grateful expression and gesture for Mike to follow him back inside, meanwhile the corpse of the vampire was left in the courtyard with tiny tears in the corners of his eyes...

As Mike went to sleep again the knife lit up with a red light for a moment before a circle formed on the blade for a moment before it disappeared again


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