Blessed by Night

Chapter 30: Plot

Chapter 30: Plot

Currently, Sei and Malachi were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

The day had been long and arduous to say the least, especially since Mal's name had once again flared up.

A few days had gone by since the news that Malachi was going to be entering his first dungeon released, causing everyone around him to go into a frenzy.

Was he scared?


Which weapon would he use?

Would he wear armor?

People wanted to know everything about anything that was related to his plans.

In truth? He did not have any.

That's why he was currently sitting on his couch with Sei while receiving a lap pillow and watching Moana.

Was there any better way to spend an evening before a big event?

"I wonder how the world would react if they knew the famous Malachi Saint still watches cartoons." Sei teased.

Mal looked at her as if she'd just made an unbelievable statement.

"Is there someone alive that doesn't enjoy cartoons?"

"Yes honey, lots of people."

Mal shook his head and returned his attention back to the singing tattooed man on screen. "Then those people are not living, they are already dead inside."

"Fufufu, maybe."

The pair carried on like that for a while with Malachi occasionally bursting into song and Sei shyly joining him.

As it got later and later, Malachi began to wonder why Aubrey still wasn't home.

She'd gone out with Aisha earlier in the day and it was now almost 11 o'clock and she wasn't home.

She was with one of the strongest beings alive so Malachi was sure she was fine but he still wanted to know what was going on.

As soon as he pulled out his phone however, he received a message from his missing sister.

Aubrey : Gonna stay at Aisha's tonight. You and Sei have the place to yourselves!! ;)

"Oh my…"

Sei was reading the message along with Malachi and when she saw the suggestive nature of Aubrey's text, she couldn't help but blush.

Malachi sent an emoji of rolling eyes as a reply and put his phone away. "Don't pay her any mind."


Sei nodded but her mind was swimming.

She knew Malachi was a healthy young man who must've had desires of his own, yet he never rushed her into doing anything.

'I-If we did… what would it be like?'

It had been so long for her she barely remembered what that level of intimacy was like.

And honestly she was a bit insecure and didn't believe she was quite ready.

The movie soon ended and Malachi prepared to take Sei home.

He opened the door for her and the pair was immediately floored when they saw a duffel bag with a note on top of it.

Sei recognized the handwriting as Serana's and opened it up and read aloud.

"Dear mom, don't come home tonight. I have packed all of your necessities plus a change of clothes and a little something special for Malachi. P.S I am hoping for a…"

Sei did not continue reading the letter but judging by where it was going, Malachi could guess what was said next.

'This… feels like a planned assault.' Malachi could smell something fishy about this whole situation.

But if he was honest, he was slightly grateful.

"Do you… want to stay the night?" Malachi asked.

"I-I could never impose!.."

Malachi did not even allow her to continue and instead placed a tender kiss on her lips.

"You're my girlfriend so my place is yours. You could never impose."

He pulled her back inside while using telekinesis to take the bag inside and close the door.

Sei was so swept up in Malachi's natural rhythm she barely even registered what was going on.

The next thing she knew, she was in his bedroom and he was asking her if she wanted to shower first.

"W-wait Mal! I-I don't think I'm ready!"

"Hm? So you want me to shower first then?"

"N-no I mean I don't think I'm ready to have sex!!"

Sei did not realize that she'd yelled that a lot louder than she meant to and the blush in her face just became even bigger.

"I understand." He looked at her and smiled warmly. "You don't have to worry about any of that right now, I'm not some horny teenager who can't control himself."

If Mal was honest, he was nervous too.

He'd never had sex before and he was a blessed now too.

The stories of blessed injuring their partners when they couldn't control themselves properly were too many to count.

"You… you really don't mind?" She asked hesitantly.

"Nah just ignore the girls, we'll take our time." Malachi waived away her concerns.

A warm feeling and a sense of relief flooded her heart that stayed with her long after she got into the shower.

The smile did not leave her face until she got out and prepared to get into her night clothes only to see what her daughter had packed for her.

An extremely thin black lace teddy with matching stockings and leggings.

'W-where did she even get this?!'

She cannot wear something like this!

It wouldn't even look good on her!

'Or would it?..'

She quickly shook her head furiously to free herself from her delusions.

Timidly, Sei wrapped herself in a towel before peeking her head out the bathroom door.

Malachi was laying on the bed scrolling through his phone absentmindedly when she called for him.

"Honey… do you..have a shirt I can borrow?"

The visual of his girlfriend acting so cute with water dripping down her body was almost too much to bear and ended up giving him a small nosebleed.

"U-uh yea, just give me a second."

He was so distracted by her alluring figure hidden beneath the towel that he didn't even think to question why she'd need a shirt of his in the first place.


The two had finally climbed into bed and it was awkward to say the least.

Malachi was staring up at the ceiling with his arms and legs tucked in neatly.

He didn't want to risk making Sei uncomfortable so his solution was to lay like a dead person.

Sei didn't fare any better and her heart was beating so loud she was sure Malachi could hear it.

'I-it's fine right? We're just sleeping!'

She gathered up all of her courage and reached out and took Malachi's hand.

With that, the pair relaxed and became a little more comfortable with each other.

They spent an hour laying in bed joking and giggling about how silly they were being.

After a while Sei noticed Mal had yet to take his glasses off and asked him about it to which he promptly responded that he was waiting for her to fall asleep.

Sei was confused since it wasn't like she hadn't seen his eyes before.

She didn't want him to think she'd ever be scared of him so in a rare moment of boldness, she rolled over on top of him and reached to take his sunglasses off.

Mal would've tried to stop her had he not been focusing all his attention on making sure his body did not have a certain reaction.

When Sei removed his glasses and saw the intense predatory orange, she was stunned momentarily but she was not frightened.

She snuggled up under him and did not pay his surprised expression any mind.

"Now we can fall asleep together."

"Yea… goodnight Sei."

The woman did not respond and instead fell asleep with a smile on her face.

- The next morning

The site of today's gate expedition was an abandoned mall on the outskirts of the city.

While the time to enter was scheduled for 11, a crowd had already formed around the area at 8 and police had to enforce crowd control.

With the time for the raid approaching, the crowd began to murmur about just when the blessed taking part where going to arrive.

The mining crew and the camera man for today had already showed up a few minutes ago.

Now everyone was anticipating the arrival of the man they'd all come to see.

Suddenly, a lavish black truck pulled up and the man who stepped out was someone who no one expected to see.


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