Blackstone Code

Chapter 99:

Chapter 99:

A person's table manners could reveal certain aspects of their character.

For instance, the Mayor before Lin Qi now; his manipulation of the cutlery was very concise, swift, and forceful. In just two or three motions, he sliced a piece of beef off the steak, dipped it in sauce, stuffed it into his mouth, and quickly swallowed it.

In reality, some people had more refined pursuits; they would make more cuts, elongating the entire process.

Because there was a saying that if a knife cut too quickly and roughly, it could cause the muscle fibers of the food to displace and change, affecting the texture.

These individuals may be more sensitive, pursuing more idealistic things. Whereas, individuals like the Mayor represented pragmatism, where efficiency, value, and results were what they pursued.

While observing discreetly, Lin Qi noticed the Mayor setting down his cutlery. He picked up his napkin to dab at his lips, took a sip of wine, and then said, "Continuing from our previous conversation, what do you think we should do to change the current situation?"

They had discussed isolationism and broader international changes before. Lin Qi's mature perspective easily made one overlook his age of just twenty. Coupled with his attire, he appeared to be around twenty-four or twenty-five.

Yet, even so, in the realm of politics, he was still a young man. Many politicians at the age of twenty-four or twenty-five were still interning for certain individuals. They didn't even understand domestic situations, let alone international ones.

The more he conversed with Lin Qi, the more curious the Mayor became about what interesting remarks he might make next. He was looking forward to it.

Lin Qi also timely set down his cutlery, dabbed at his lips with sauce, and after a moment of contemplation, began to respond, "I believe if our Progressive Party can secure power in the next term, firstly, we should participate more in the construction of the international community, leveraging our strengths. While the Baylor Federation may not be the most advanced country in technology, it is definitely at the forefront. Many countries need our assistance."

The Mayor nodded without expressing agreement or disagreement. "But have you considered one thing? Why should they accept us? Why should the international community accept us?" This was a question that some radicals in the Baylor Federation were currently pondering.

Previously, due to the Conservative Party's policies, the Baylor Federation had closed its doors. Now, suddenly reopening them and wanting to participate prominently in international activities, why should others let them play and even let them be a leader?

The top echelons of the Progressive Party had also discussed many countermeasures. They had a series of plans already, whether they could be implemented, and whether they would succeed, remained to be seen. But overall, having specific methods made people feel reassured.

The Mayor also knew this. He raised this question just to see if Lin Qi's thoughts aligned with those of the top echelons of the Progressive Party.

A hint of a smile played on Lin Qi's lips. "Responsibility, Mr. Mayor. If we take on more international responsibilities and let more countries recognize that the Baylor Federation is a country willing to bear more international responsibilities, then we can have more influence."

The Mayor nodded without expressing agreement or disagreement. He pondered Lin Qi's words and the underlying implications, then asked with an even broader smile, "So, where do you think we should start taking on these responsibilities?"

"From humanitarian international aid."

This was destined to be a very meaningful lunch. Firstly, the Mayor and Lin Qi highly unified their positions and opinions on certain aspects, laying the groundwork for the Mayor's future political achievements.

Secondly, what Lin Qi discussed during the meal about the relationship between the Baylor Federation and the international community provided the Mayor with significant inspiration. He would compile this information and present it to the top echelons of the Progressive Party for discussion, to see if it had value and could be utilized by the party.

If it could be used, it would also be his political achievement. Whether it was his recruitment of talent for the Progressive Party or his selfless contribution of this content, he had made valuable contributions to the entire Progressive Party.

If it couldn't be used, it wouldn't be a mistake either. As long as he didn't publicly express opinions unfavorable to the Progressive Party, no one would consider speaking as a fault.

In any case, with this lunch, some things were about to change soon. Meanwhile, Lin Qi also gained another identity a member of the Progressive Party.

On the way back, Ferrall drove while glancing at Lin Qi sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, his expression somewhat odd.

When they left, the Mayor specially instructed him to drive Lin Qi back. Such treatment was rarely seen even once a year, only bigwigs or important guests could enjoy it. He hadn't expected Lin Qi to receive such treatment at such a young age.

Following this came some jealousy, but it quickly dissipated. As long as he maintained a suitable friendship with Lin Qi, when the Mayor ascended, he would have the opportunity to be nominated and participate in internal party elections to become a mayoral candidate for Sabin City.

Once he embarked on this path, he would inevitably need some wealthy backers behind him. A candidate without money would always be just a candidate.

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and asked, "Are there any challenges or difficulties that need to be addressed for your next auction event?" He said, not forgetting to tactfully add a reminder. "For example, venue issues?"

Although the vacant land in the warehouse area was large enough, the environment was somewhat lacking. If this matter wasn't linked to the Mayor, even holding it in a restroom wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

But once this matter was associated with the Mayor's support, holding it in the warehouse area would be somewhat inappropriate.

Lin Qi nodded and continued, "There are, and I have some new ideas. I want to use the Sabin City Gymnasium, but there might be some difficulties with the procedures."

A place specifically prepared for a certain purpose, the Sabin City Gymnasium was not funded through normal fiscal appropriations. The state government believed that Sabin City did not need a good gymnasium because there were no professional sports teams locally.

Without professional sports teams, there was no need for a professional gymnasium. However, the municipal government obviously had other ideas. With funding from some capitalists and the public, the gymnasium was eventually built.

Years ago, some local businessmen had formed a rugby team, but it fell through for various reasons. The gymnasium had become a place for ordinary people to relax and unwind, in a semi-neglected state, with the grass not having been replaced for over a year.

But even so, if one wanted to repurpose the gymnasium, even if it was just for half a day, there would be a lot of resistance, and it was impossible for an individual to obtain approval.

After hearing this, Ferrall thought for a moment. "That place is indeed a good location, but you need to... silence some people, pay them off."

Lin Qi nodded. "As you know, money is not a problem for me."

Ferrall smiled cunningly. "Then, it will not be a problem."

If the business event itself sparked astonishment regarding the transaction volume throughout Sabin City and even the entire state, then Lin Qi's profit-sharing with the salesmen became the second catalyst.

From some evening newspapers, it was revealed that someone had received a bonus of eight thousand bucks. In this economically depressed era, this news exploded like a bomb in society.Please vote for this novel at /series/blackstone-code/There are advance chapters available nowAccess will be granted 24 hours after the donationTier 1: 5 Advance chapters Link


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