Blackstone Code

Chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

"The golden light shone by wealth will attract those lost in the fog of poverty."

"They might not acquire enough wealth to make them shine as well, but it can improve their lives a bit."

These words were spoken by Lin Qi. In just a few days, the entire Sabin knew about someone who could quickly turn loose change into substantial sums, and it was profitable.

A significant amount of loose change continuously rolled into whole sums in Lin Qi's pockets. It wasn't just the News Heads; even some newsstands and retail stores were doing the same.

A three percent profit without any effort, without any riskthis gain might seem like only three cents to many. But as the principal sum grew, it could become a substantial figure. Whether it was a hundred bucks or a thousand bucksjust give the money to Lin Qi, and then one could get back more. It was that simple.

According to the Baylor Federal laws regarding wages and work hours, in Sabin, an ordinary worker's monthly wage was around two to three hundred bucks. For more hazardous jobs, the pay might be slightly higher, but those were relatively scarce. That was about the standard pay.

Ten bucks already equaled a day's work for a laborer. Yet, with Lin Qi, there was no need for any laborjust hand over the money and then one would receive this sum.

While some people didn't see the appeal, many others found it enticing.

A considerable amount of loose change began to accumulate and systematically appeared in Mr. Fox's laundry shop. Then, a week later, as Lin Qi pushed his cart into Mr. Fox's controlled laundry store, two individuals in black woolen coats, formal attire, waistcoats, and white shirts appeared before him.

This made him realize why Mr. Fox had mentioned he didn't look like a federal government official. It was because he lacked the telltale outfit and the arrogance that these individuals had, the kind that screamed their exact identities.

"Lin Qi?" The person blocking the cart casually called out Lin Qi's name as per their routine, then unbuttoned their coat to reveal a wallet hanging from their inner pocket.

Half of the wallet was tucked inside the coat, preventing it from falling out, while the other half with their identification dangled outside. The people from the Federal Investigation Bureau did this too, finding it rather dashing.

Why they held such a foolish notion probably had something to do with some popular movies from the past couple of years. Actors looked cool doing it, but bringing these things into reality only seemed foolish.

"I'm from the Federal Tax Bureau and need your cooperation" There was no room for negotiation; the tone was not just firm but edged.

Lin Qi smiled and asked, "Should I raise my hands?"

Truthfully, from the beginning, he knew he'd have to deal with these people, not just this once but continuously. He just hadn't expected to be targeted so soon.

That was the gamewealth's golden allure didn't just attract those longing for a bit of its radiance. It also attracted some fault-finding 'bad guys'.

His words seemed to mock the two investigators. Generally, people often associated raised hands with firearms. It was evident these two investigators weren't qualified to carry weapons. In the system of the Baylor Federal Tax Bureau, investigators were the lowest-ranking employees, far below the 'detectives' and 'agents' above them, although many wonder why the tax bureau would even need 'agents'.

The guy behind Lin Qi grabbed his wrist and collar, pushing him against the wall, delivering a taste of force. Passersby on the street instantly distanced themselves, avoiding involvement.

Some left, some stayed to watch the show.

The investigator who had been speaking to Lin Qi once again showed his badge, dispersing the crowd. He pushed Lin Qi's cart, taking him and the cart into an adjacent alley with his colleague.

A slightly disheveled Lin Qi rubbed his cheekbone. When his face was pressed against the wall, it had smarted a bit, likely leaving a bruise, but he wasn't too bothered.

One investigator rummaged through his cart, opening the box and tossing some old clothes onto the ground, as if searching for something.

The other inquired, "You've been close to Mr. Fox lately. Are you working for him?" He pulled out a small notebook and a pen, seemingly ready to jot down something at any moment.

The local Federal Tax Bureau had long been eyeing individuals like Mr. Fox. However, this "eyeing" didn't necessarily mean they had to bring people like him to justice. Where there's light, there's always darkness. This is not the characteristic of darkness but of light itself.

If it weren't for Lin Qi, perhaps this slightly peculiar but socially acceptable balance could have been maintained for a while longer. That is, until a new local tax bureau director took office, or the current one needed some achievements, and then they'd come after Mr. Fox.

But the problem was, with Lin Qi's entry, the unusual actions of Mr. Fox and Lin Qi were accelerating certain things beyond control.

Capturing a tax evader with a large sum involved would be a significant achievement in the Federal Tax system, paving the way for promotions. Yet, letting Mr. Fox slip away The current local Tax Bureau director wouldn't receive praise; instead, there'd be suspicion of some backdoor dealings.

Coupled with potential personnel changes within the Sabin City Federal Tax Bureau, some individuals became restless.

At the first sign of this, the local Federal Tax Bureau immediately took action. After confirming Lin Qi's identity and recent activities, they roughly pieced together the situation between him and Mr. Fox.

To these experienced investigators, Lin Qi was just a lucky kid who stumbled upon a money-making opportunity. If Lin Qi became their breakthrough, it was highly likely they could cooperate to directly bring down Mr. Fox's group.

But their first task was to understand what exactly Mr. Fox and Lin Qi were up to. Was it what they suspected? Hence, the "raid" took place.

Facing these menacing investigators, Lin Qi maintained his smile. A smile bridged distances and relaxed people, concealing other people's vigilance. "May I know your name?"

The investigator facing him chuckled and suddenly stepped forward, punching Lin Qi in the stomach. It instantly caused a turmoil inside him, triggering a nauseating sensation.

"You don't need to know my name, just answer the questions, understand?" The investigator grabbed Lin Qi's hair, making him bend over, facing upward, "I'm asking you again, what transactions do you have with Fox? How does his money enter the bank"

Lin Qi's facial muscles twitched, slowly straightening up. The smile reappeared on his face. He mimicked a gun with his right hand against his chin, gazing at the investigator. "Do you have a gun? Let me have a taste of a bullet.."

His words left the investigator momentarily flustered. Then came embarrassment, but when he met Lin Qi's gaze, it was like a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, completely extinguishing his fire.

Bright, clear eyes held an expectation, accompanied by the tone and a hint of unsettling madness in his voice, causing the investigator's heart to skip a beat.

He could distinctly feel itthis person was insane!

Instinctively, he swallowed, averted his gaze, but then turned back, staring at Lin Qi, pushing him away fiercely, seemingly menacingly shouting, "Answer the questions!"

In reality, he was feeling a bit scared now, but he used this demeanor to mask his fear, keeping a distance from Lin Qi. He didn't want to expose his true feelings to a young man who had only recently left school.Please do not delete thisHow to find a list of chaptersPlease find the chapter label next to your favorite translator's name, and click the label.


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