Blackstone Code

Chapter 129:

Chapter 129:

People from the lower echelons of society would often speculate about what the upper class was like. Was it like what was portrayed in some movies and TV shows, where everyone was refined, speaking with a posh northern accent. Would they really wear wigs even in the scorching summer, clad in thick tailcoats, sitting under parasols in the blazing sun, delicately holding teacups with two fingers while raising three others, lightly touching the beverage with their lips, and then sweating profusely while saying, "delicious"?

In reality, it was quite different. No one would dress formally and meticulously in the scorching summer heat. Even in formal settings, there would be ample air conditioning to ensure comfort, so even if people dressed in slightly heavy attire, it would not noticeably affect their appearance.

Furthermore, summer was a time for embracing and confidently flaunting one's figure, particularly among fashion-forward young women.

The birth of summer attire wasn't for those who couldn't afford it, though the clothes worn by those who couldn't afford summer attire didn't differ much from the real "summer attire" from a certain perspective.

As for the life of the upper class... Katherine hadn't seen anything deeper, but based on her feelings, she hit the nail on the head.

The elites of the upper class often spent their days chatting with different people at different times, and promptly enjoying meals with others at meal times. But the content of these conversations, their attitudes, and their steadfast choices would determine the work, lives, and future of hundreds, thousands of workers, and their families.

Seemingly simple lives were actually not simple at all, but Lin Qi didn't intend to explain this to the girl now. After she finished her new studies, she would have a better understanding of this world.

"Nice car. I thought you'd buy the kind we saw together..." As Lin Qi and Katherine arrived at the parking lot, the driver opened the door for them. Katherine couldn't resist letting out a whistle, accompanied by a sigh of regret.

They had attended car shows together before, which wasn't a bad thing, so Lin Qi didn't intend to deny it. Everyone dreamt of one day being able to control their destiny and buy what they wanted, and they were no exception.

Back then, they fancied a more old-fashioned and mediocre car. Most importantly, that car cost just over ten thousand after discounts, and the price of a used car was even lower.

They didn't actually like the car; they just liked its beautifully low price.

The driver was provided by the community service company, just like the maid in Lin Qi's house. The more high-end the community service company, the more services it provided. When necessary, they could even organize parties for residents.

Providing a driver was the most basic service. If it weren't for long-term employment, Lin Qi wouldn't even need to pay the driver any extra fees.

Lin Qi held the car door for Katherine, smiling, "It's as good-looking as me. I couldn't ignore another me, so I chose it."

The girl chuckled to herself, noting his familiar self-admiration from their school days, only now Lin Qi seemed to carry an extra air of maturity and pressure that left her slightly breathless. This was also why she kept on talking.

If she couldn't lighten the mood, she felt like she wouldn't even dare to breathe next to Lin Qi, suffocating herself.

This feeling actually stemmed from a sense of disparity, which was also why Lin Qi made Katherine feel unfamiliar. When someone did something that others perceived as something they could never achieve in their lifetime, people would not only feel shocked but also feel that they didn't know this person well enough.

Even though they'd been together many days and nights.

After getting into the car, Lin Qi chose a restaurant suitable for young people to dine in. Since becoming "respectable people," Lin Qi had gained a detailed understanding of some important social places in Sabin City.

Some dignified and serious places were not suitable for all types of socializing, which was crucial.

While waiting for the food, Lin Qi and the girl talked about their past pursuits and where they wanted to go next. "Do you have any specific targets in mind, or are you still considering Sabin City University?"

Sabin City University was one of the local universities. In earlier years, in order to improve the education level of federal citizens, the Baylor Federal Education Committee encouraged local governments to raise funds to establish public universities to improve the federal education system. Sabin City also established its own public university.

Although it was a public university, the tuition fees were still very high. Even with "education insurance," many families still found it difficult to raise funds for university education. Coupled with the distribution of scholarships, there were still many people who couldn't afford to go to universities.

Like Katherine and Lin Qi.

Sabin City University used to be the dream of both of them, not because this public university was particularly good, but because the tuition fees here were the cheapest, and scholarships were the easiest to obtain. At least compared to the tuition fees of private universities, it was much cheaper, making it a closer dream for them.

"Do you have any good options?" Katherine returned the question to Lin Qi, who furrowed his brows, pondering for a moment.

There was only one semi-public university and one private college in Sabin City. One was Sabin City College, and the semi-public one was Sabin City University. The latter was completed jointly by the city hall and private fundraising, but its reputation locally wasn't that good.

According to rumors, the establishment of Sabin City University was deliberately aimed at defrauding subsidies from the Federal Education Committee by some people. It was also intended to add some cultural education atmosphere to this small city in some way.

Later, due to some other reasons, the Federal Education Committee downgraded Sabin City University, so now the university had become a place to buy certificates. As long as one spent some money, they could get a university degree, attracting some nouveaux riches from other places to "study," becoming a "feature" in the education circle of Sabin City.

As for private colleges... it wasn't a good place, especially for Katherine.

"Public university is the best choice. I prefer the State University, where the environment is better and the academic atmosphere is good," Lin Qi expressed his opinion.

Many people believed that private universities, especially in terms of faculty strength, were far superior to public universities, especially some well-known private universities.

Not only did they have various student organizations and secret societies entangled in conspiracy theories in the lower society for hundreds of years, they also had ample funds to allow students to research any topic they were interested in.

However, only two types of people could be relatively comfortable in private universities. The first were genuine geniuses, bookworms, who would steer the school academically and were the main recipients of full scholarships every year.

Even teachers and professors had to respect their opinions and views in academics, no one would want to humiliate them.

Yes, humiliation; it was a common occurrence in private universities and a major characteristic of the second type of people.

The second type mainly came from influential families, whose parents were either CEOs of conglomerates, city council members, or state representatives, or even congressmen or important, influential politicians, or big capitalists.

They never worried about their excessive behavior causing any repercussions; instead, many people would flatter them, allowing them to freely indulge in their whims, even at the expense of others' dignity.

Many student organizations like fraternities and sororities were founded by these people, with the purpose of having lower-class students serve them in various ways, while also satisfying their desires to humiliate, oppress, and dominate others.

Indeed, private universities had many good resources. If one could join a relatively secretive society, they could immediately become a social elite. But those places were never meant for ordinary people.

Even if Lin Qi could get Katherine into one, she would eventually become just an ordinary member of the masses, spending her entire university life in a cycle of dating, pregnancy, breakups, and abortions.

So for ordinary people, or those without social influence, public universities were actually the most suitable places for them. At least here, there was a semblance of equality and fairness, unlike in private schools where they were isolated, humiliated, and dominated.

People always only saw the most beautiful side of things, never the rotten debris in the soil that nurtured these flowers.

After lunch, Lin Qi and Katherine briefly stopped by her house. Lin Qi didn't get out of the car; a girl not returning home for the night would surely worry her family. Fortunately, they hadn't called the police, or it would've been trouble.

The girl briefly explained what had happened, and the couple even came out to send Lin Qi off, but they didn't dare to get too close, just watching from afar, their faces wearing pleasing smiles, waving continuously at the awe-inspiring car.

When Katherine got back into the car, she didn't show any negative emotions, much like before. In reality, ordinary people, especially those at the bottom of society, were overly sentimental. Life was already tough enough, so why make it harder?

For the rest of the afternoon, Lin Qi took the girl to visit all the universities in Sabin City. For the sake of money, some people talked to them about the most authentic aspects of the university, which also made Katherine understand that Lin Qi's previous suggestion for her to choose a public school was not malicious.

When a teaching assistant from the private college talked about bullying within the college and showed the burn marks on his arms, the girl shuddered. After that, she completely lost hope for attending the private college.

She realized she wouldn't become a flower in the private college, only the nourishment for flowers.

The next day, Lin Qi and the girl went to Kurland City State University. The environment there was obviously much better than Sabin City University, and the girl liked the atmosphere there, quiet and peaceful.

After a friendly discussion with the university's administrators and Lin Qi's commissioning of a research task for the development of miniature wireless integrated circuits, Katherine received an admission letter from the state university. Not only did it emit the scent of fresh ink, but it also bore the recently signed, yet to dry, signature of the principal, along with a distinct aroma.

The aroma of money.



① Education Insurance: From the perspective of ordinary families, receiving a university admission letter is as unlucky as being hit by a car. So they can purchase this insurance when their child is in high school. Once they receive the acceptance letter, the insurance company will provide them with financial assistance based on the standards of local public universities.Please vote for this novel at /series/blackstone-code/There are advance chapters available nowAccess will be granted 24 hours after the donationTier 1: 7 Advance chapters Link


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