Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script

Chapter 74: Teal bracelet

   Since autumn, the weather in Zhou is still warm.

   When the weather is good, Su Su fumbled for activities in Lenggong. There was nothing in Lenggong, and there was less and less power in her blood.

   Gouyu became her eyes, showing her the way and preventing her from tripping and falling.

   Qing Shihua devastated her body, making her thinner and thinner.

   Now the Pink White House looks a bit empty on her body, and her waist is extremely slender.

   There are many willow trees in the palace. In his free time, Susu walks out of the courtyard of the cold palace and breaks a few branches. When he comes back, he sharpens the array of willow branches.

   To create the true essence, she has to infuse Yin Qi into the flower of the world.

   I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. Whenever she goes to break a willow tree in the evening, she always meets a broken-mouth palace person talking about the recently spoiled Madam Zhaohua.

   "Your Majesty is very kind to Madam Zhaohua, I heard that in the past few days, the rewards sent to Madam Palace are endless."

   "Have you heard that Madam Zhaohua was ill, and your Majesty took care of her personally."

   "A few days ago, Xiao Shunzi made a mistake. Your Majesty was furious. Madam interceded, and your Majesty stopped being angry at once."

   "Even the treasures sent by your Majesty are used to please Mrs. Zhaohua!"

   Their laughter passed through the cold palace separated by a wall and penetrated into Susu's dark world.

   Susu heard that they also mentioned themselves--

   "Then what do you mean by your majesty to Leng Gong?"

   "She, I heard that in the past in Xia Guo, your majesty hated her deeply, and now he keeps her in order to torture her."

   "But she almost became a queen before."

   Someone sneered and said: "She is blind now. If your majesty really likes her, why don't you give her what kind of treasure? It's too late for me to say that your majesty hates her."

   Susu held the willow branch, not knowing what he was thinking.

   The autumn wind blew her plain dress, she supported the palace wall and walked back slowly. Willow branches can draw yin qi, she crossed her legs to draw the yin qi of Lenggong into the Qingshihua in her left eye.

   Yin Qi entered into her body, making her shiver and her skin pale.

   Day after day, Su Su gradually got used to it. Yin Qi entered Qing Shi Hua, her eyes no longer bleed frequently.

   She knows, she's almost relieved.

   One night, she was sitting by the well washing her dress.

   Gouyu suddenly said: "He is here."

   Susu paused and continued to wash. Tantai Jin came silently, he didn't let anyone follow him, and he didn't carry a glazed lamp, he looked at her from a distance.

   The emperor Xuan Yi coldly watched the thin girl wash her clothes and walked past him holding the tub.

   It was quiet and dark in the cold palace, she seemed to be used to it, and she walked past the well with familiarity without help.

   She has a quiet look, and her black and white eyes are not at all invisible.

   The girl didn't seem to find herself, she was about to walk into the house when she saw her, Tan Tai Jin subconsciously followed a few steps.

   After realizing what he was doing, he stopped, turned and left.

   Gouyu said: "He left."

   If it hadn't been for Gouyu, Su Su would never have known that he had been there.

   Six Soul Extinguishers were nailed in his heart, completely turning him into a cold and bitter person. If there is a time when there is still a slight loss of control, it is about once every two months that Su Sujie spring silkworm attacks.

   He always sneered and forced her to beg for her.

   When they were on a blind date, he occasionally lost control and couldn't help but look at her blankly. However, only for a short while, Tantai Jin would recover his poison.

   When he came, Su Su did not know what to do.

   If she had expected him before the immortal flower, she was now completely deserted and there was no grass.

   She counted the days and waited for the cloudy days.


   In November, there will be a palace banquet in the palace soon, and Ye Bingshang's body has almost recovered.

   Immortal blossoms into the body, her wounds are flawless.

   Xiaohui helped her dress up, looked at the delicate woman in the mirror, and couldn't help but admire: "Madam is getting more and more beautiful. Who would have thought that Eternal Life has cured even Madam’s ills."

   Ye Bingshang now looks red with red lips and white teeth. She stroked her face, revealing a gentle smile.

   Xiaohui said joyfully: "Your Majesty has been busy paying off the remnants of the eight princes. Soon Zhou will be completely peaceful. Does the madam know that there will be a banquet in the palace for a few days, and that day is actually a special day."

   "What special day?"

   Xiaohui leaned close to Ye Bingchang's ear and said a few words in a low voice. Ye Bingchang's face instantly became reddish, and he gave Xiaohui a strange look.

Xiaohui said, "The slave and maidservant are right. Everyone says that asking for a child is the most effective this day. Everyone in Zhou believes this. Madam is now in good shape. As long as you keep your majesty by then, you will be able to give birth to a little prince next year. ."

   Ye Bingshang said: "Just because you girl has a broken mouth, I didn't think about it well. I should have married you long ago!"

   Before the palace banquet started, Xiaohui dressed Ye Bingshang, and Ye Bingshang went to look for Tantai Jin.

   They did not go there by coincidence, Tan Tai Jin had not yet gone to the party, but he was under the plum tree, talking to a person.

   Ye Bingchang looked at it, and it seemed that he was an adult who was in charge of hunting down one of the eight princes. Tantai-Jin has always used Nengchen, and this adult is promoted very quickly.

   He has a very young and handsome face. About half a month ago, Ye Bingshang met this adult, who looked like Qi.

   At that time, Master Qi was full of spirits, but now the man in official uniform has lifeless eyes.

  Taijin looked at Qi Mo coldly: "Did you think about it? Are you really going to resign?"

   Qi Mo bowed his head: "The minister squandered the love of His Majesty Gu."

   He took off his hat, his lips were not bloody.

  Tai-Jin saw that he couldn't keep anyone, and said lightly: "Go away."

   Qi Mo got up and left. When passing by Ye Bingchang, there was no response, like a walking dead.

   Tantai Jin stood up and feasted at the palace, Ye Bingshang saw that he didn't speak, so he had to silently follow behind him.

   Amidst the sound of the silk and bamboo orchestra, the young man in Xuanyi Zhiyi watched the singing and dancing on the field with indifferent eyes.

   Ye Bingshang called him twice, but Tantai Jin did not respond.

   She knew that Tan Tai Jin's mind was not here. Is it that Master Qi? She thought to herself, what did Qi Mo say?

   She has a bad feeling in her heart. Today, she dressed up carefully. When she went out, Xiaohui said that she was better than Huajiao, and she had carefully selected the fragrance on her clothes.

   Ye Bingchang came to Zhou for half a year. Although everyone in the palace said she was favored, she knew the facts better than anyone else. She was afraid that Tantai Jin could not be kept tonight, and the little tyrant's mind was sharp and fierce. When she was not sure, she would not dare to play tricks on him.

  Taijin didn't know what Ye Bingshang was thinking. He really rarely had such a time when he was not thinking about it.

   Qi Mo's resignation made him frowned.

  He has his own rules, Qi Mo has participated in too many plans for him, and now he wants to withdraw and retreat, he has to leave half his life if he does not die.

   However, Qi Mo resigned resolutely, letting go of the chance.

   No, it should be said that I resigned from office.

   Tan Tai Jin knew very well about Qimo. After all, he had to be a single person, and he had to know everything before he could trust him.

   One year ago, the two countries fought between Xia and Zhou. Qi Mo was still a small captain and made a lot of feats and made outstanding achievements on the battlefield.

   In the Battle of Cangzhou, Qi Mo led his troops to ransack his home, killed a family member, and finally hid the fifth young lady of that family secretly.

   Qi Mo liked her at a glance, the girl was also a fierce temperament, and always wanted to kill Qi Mo and avenge her family.

   There is no war in the girl's eyes, only this Shura-like man killed her family and robbed herself.

   What angered her most was that Qi Mo had a family background before meeting her.

   Ms. Shen Wu tried several times to kill Qi Mo, but he finally saw through. She was just a weak girl, and was finally forced to be a concubine by Qi Mona.

   Qi Mo is vigorous and resolute, Miss Shen Wu disobeyed him several times, deliberately disturbing the house, he loves her, but inevitably gets angry.

   The old lady Qi didn't like this vixen who was so fascinated by her son, so while Qi Mo was not there, she and Qi Mo's aunt-wife had a discussion with Miss Shen Wu.

   Qi Mo repeatedly bumped into Miss Shen Wu's body, and simply watched coldly. When the days were long, he found that the thorns on Miss Shen Wu's body were gone, and he lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to him, and his face became more pleasant.

   Qi Mo was very happy for this for a while, and he even more spoiled the girl Shen Wu, staying in her room all night, and giving what he wanted.

   This year, he gave birth to a son for Qi Mo.

Everything looked beautiful. Until last night, Qi Mo was ordered to encircle and suppress the rebels of the Eighth Prince. Girl Shen Wu set ablaze and burned herself and her young son to death, as well as Qi Mo's mother and daughter who were trapped in the old house. Wife.

   Qi Mo's relatives died clean, and the girl Shen Wu made him feel what it means to be ruined.

   Qi Mo's heart is ashamed, and he decides to resign.

  Tai-Jin saw that he had no business in his eyes, a courtier with a good method. Even if he didn't make a move, Qi Mo couldn't survive this winter.

   The sound of silk and bamboo was difficult to hear, and the soul-killing nail on the heart began to ache.

   He stroked the position of his heart, Qi Mo's little concubine's affairs made him a little uneasy inexplicably.

   He stood up suddenly, wanting to see the girl who made him hate.

   Ye Bingchang couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty! The palace banquet has not yet been..."

   He didn't look back a step, and said lightly: "You will go home after the banquet is over. There is nothing wrong."

   Ye Bingchang watched Emperor Xuanyi leave, his nails falling into his palms.

  Tai-Jin all the way to Lenggong, the sound of silk and bamboo has long gone. He knew that less than fifteen, he shouldn't be here, he had already said that he would never have any feelings for her again.

   He raised his hand and put it down again.

  Taijin is the prince of Zhou, and he naturally knows what day it is today. The emperor guards his loved one and prays for heirs today.

   He shouldn't be here, he looked cold, turned around and returned to his palace.

   Qi Mo will end up like this, because he himself is useless.

  In the Palace of Chengqian, the soul-devouring banner was spinning in the air. Tantai Jin looked at it for a long time and said: "Old Taoist, I remember you said before that there is a magic weapon that can restrain a person and make her never leave."

  The black mist rolled, and in the sound of Jie Jie's laughter, the old man came out respectfully.

   "Exactly, but this is an evil thing. If your majesty uses it, it will damage your majesty's body."

   "Bring it."

Lao Dao immediately took out two golden bracelets: "Your Majesty, don't worry, although this is an evil thing, it is also a rare body protector. It is not broken and can protect the owner's safety. She is dead and can be found by the poor. To the soul."

   Tai Jin looked at the two bracelets, and did not hesitate to clasp one on his wrist.

   The bracelet automatically fits his wrist.

   A trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and Tantai Jin wiped it away blankly.

   He curled his lips and put on a mocking look.


   Before Su Su fell asleep, the door was opened.

   Winter is about to begin. Although Zhou is not as cold as Xia, it’s hard to keep warm with the tattered thin quilts in Lenggong.

   She sat up from the bed and asked the person: "What are you doing?"

   Both of them know it well, it's less than fifteen today.

   The young man was silent, pulling up her wrist, and said coldly: "I heard about one thing today, Qi Mo's concubine killed his whole family."

   Susu said: "So you are afraid that I will kill you too."

   After a pause, she added: "And Ye Bingshang?"

   Su Su couldn't see his expression, but the man's breath around her made her very uncomfortable. She wanted to withdraw his wrist, but he didn't let go.

   He sounded in a cool voice: "That's right."

  A cold thing was pushed up on her wrist, licking her pale skin like a snake.

   "What is this?" Su Su said resistingly.

  Taijin said: "Of course it is something that makes you difficult, give up, once you put it on, you can't take it off."

Gouyu said, "He lied to you. This is a taupe bracelet, a pair of evil magical artifacts. He also has one in his hand, which is a pair with yours. With this, you can't leave him for seven days, if it's true. If you leave, you will die, and he will die too."

   After thinking about it, Gou Yu added: "At the same time, it can also protect you from harm."

Su Su's cold little hand was held in the palm of Tan Tai Jin. She was silent for a long time, the resistance on her face dissipated, and a shallow pleasure came in her heart: "The soul is in the body, he can't die. Under the thunder of the sky, the ring is trapped. I can't stop me, since Tantai Jin likes to control, let him see with his own eyes how the teal bracelet breaks."

   He thought that everything in the world was under his control, and he would know how powerless it is to do many things in this world.


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